Real quick and because now I am pissed because of the very callous and condescending nature of the comments that I am seeing and the fact that this thread has been taken way off track so lets get back to it!
It amazes me that anyone can treat another human being the way some individuals do. Anita's original comments were so spot on it was scary because I could not have said them as well!
I can't and won't ever speak poorly about a provider. Their reasons for doing what they are doing are their own and I have to respect that, and so should we all! If a donation is X and the hobbiest only gives x-y they are a thief and I would hope that the provider would post an alert in the powder room to let other providers know what that individual did. If you contract for the service you pay the rate agreed. There are no if's and's or but's about it! There is NO fucking excuse and to be as condescending and misogynistic as some individuals are? Holly SHIT find another fucking hobby!
I hadn't had a chance to read the thread for awhile and now that I have it saddens me that certain individuals feel that it is necessary to blow things up and take the thread off track.
Lets get it back on track and for any of the ladies reading this thread I apologize for the way that some individuals treat you or have treated you. And the gents reading the thread I sincerely hope that you treat each and every lady the way that she should be treated and that if you are dissatisfied with the services that you choose not to return!
Treat others the way you want to be treated! Write honest reviews that reflect your experience and they don't have to be nasty, contemptuous, or degrading because as has been said before by myself and others, that type of behavior, in a review or in other posts, is a reflection of your own delusions of self-importance, and it negatively impacts how you are perceived by both providers and hobbiests alike!
And for those that need it perhaps you really should consider another hobby. Knitting would be a great alternative for some members or perhaps they could take up juggling, yeah thats it! Maybe juggling chainsaws or better yet poisonous snake charming, or alligator wrestling, or swimming off the Great Barrier Reef with an open wound or cliff diving at low tide.
Certain individuals remind me of Francis ... their callous treatment of providers and other members is disturbing!
So folks lets keep this on track please?