And it’s nice to see my twitter friends also.
Originally Posted by GiamarieLynn
You nailed me. I've always loved your brain. LOL
I actually don't think price corresponds even to education though. Of course, being picky as hell, this may simply reflect my own selection biases. If there's a lady out there charging $250 with a PhD in astrophysics -- I'll find her; and she'll skew my dataset so that every provider I see at practically any price point is a genius or nearly so.
You may be right about social class; but I'm not especially class conscious so I wouldn't be able to assess that except in extreme cases.
Which reminds me of an anecdote I bet you'll appreciate. I'll call it "How I learned that I had better check out a lady's pictures in advance."
I never used to look at a lady's pictures before booking. There were a whole bunch of reasons, but being male and visually oriented, I figured it would remove a source of bias so I could make better decisions. I also often skip reading reviews because I have a lot of confidence in my own assessments. Not only that, I don't like to prejudice myself. I want a lady working with as much of a clean slate as possible.
About a year ago I booked an HDH. Super smart, funny, great character -- just what the doctor ordered. I never looked at her pics or reviews; but had merely read her "about me" page and booking details as well as some of her board posts.
Well, I get to her place and she opens the door, and I have to admit that for once I was utterly flabbergasted -- which is a rare thing. Interestingly, another provider friend had sort of told me in advance, but I had brushed it off as exaggeration. The girl was breathtakingly beautiful like you dream about. I'm thinking to myself "THIS is the genius girl? You've GOT to be shitting me!" But it was her alright. You could've knocked me over with a feather. I had expected pretty or even beautiful. But this girl transcended that.
Guys can often forget their own names when in the presence of seriously pretty women for the first time; but that generally doesn't affect me. And if I am sort of anticipating it, there's a little mental trick I can pull to completely counteract it. But I was caught completely by surprise. It must have been hilarious to observe me picking my jaw up off the floor.
Ever since, I look at pictures. Just so I'm not caught off guard. LOL