Odds on Trump's Impeachment

themystic's Avatar
When you return from your World travels, do some searching.

Trump met with the Duda (of Poland) this morning and discussed NATO, military assistance, trade deals, and energy sales to Poland....and confirmed our friendship with the Polish people.

The U.S. media regulars asked about CNN wrestling and Russia election hacking! The biased Liberal media doesn't give a shit about the welfare of this country or its NEW ROLE in the World. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is an upgrade for the US position in the world?. Really? You dont get out much do you
themystic's Avatar
I think it might be fun. Half of us would be against the other half. All hell would break lose if Trump were to be impeached.

Guys with balls against the pajama boy gang. It would be a slaughter. Much fun to be had. Originally Posted by Muscleup
That really would be fun. Everytime I see a bunch of Alt right faggotts protest, they get thier ass kicked. Any punk can buy a gun. In fact anyone can buy a gun.Its funny how right wingers get thier asses whipped except at Donald Trump rallies. Then the look for 1 black, or woman. Your all a bunch of Pussies. Bring it on

Wow look how powerful I am behind a keyboard

Get a life
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  • 07-06-2017, 01:23 PM
Short answer: No.

A 500 pound person probably would whine about being "starved" if the person's diet was restricted to 1200 calories a day....and the Twinkies were cut from the diet. Originally Posted by LexusLover
No need to bring bambino into the conversation...1200 cals a day would have him whining like he just got banned!

It cuts billions in Medicaid and cuts taxes for the top 1%...

but you knew that and wanted to leave that distortion hanging.

So no the GOP plan is not cutting Medicare, it is cutting Medicaid.

Just wanted to clear that up.

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Come on garhkal, you've been online quite a bit but for some reason can't address my question.

Okay, I have a question for you. But first a little bit about myself.

I am a registered Republican and have been since I was first able to vote, which I believe was 1968. I have voted for every Republican candidate for POTUS from that time until 2008 when the economy crumbled while George Bush was in office (and I don't want to go into whether or not it was his fault) and the Republican party gave the American people a ticket of McCain/Palin. I was never fond of McCain, but Sarah Palin was an insult so I voted for the Democratic candidate for the first time in my life. The stock market soared during Obama's first term in office, which was of utmost important to me with impending retirement, so I voted for him again in 2012. And, despite my dislike for Hillary Clinton, I personally considered her a better option for this country than Donald Trump. But I certainly can accept why people would vote for Trump over Clinton

So, with that said, I would like to know why you make this statement about me personally:

"Their talking points are directly from the Democrat's propoganda. I hear the same bullshit no matter what Democrat I talk to. They clearly have no understanding of what they are proffering."

Exactly what "bullshit" are you referring to? And I'd appreciate it if you would reference specific posts I've made so I'm 100% certain where you have problems with my opinions.
goodolboy's Avatar
This is an upgrade for the US position in the world?. Really? You dont get out much do you Originally Posted by themystic
Actually, yes. Very much so.

"President Barack Obama has finished the second leg of his international confession tour. In less than 100 days, he has apologized on three continents for what he views as the sins of America and his predecessors." https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB124044156269345357
goodolboy's Avatar
I wonder why the DNC will not let the investigators looking into the Russian hacking actually look at the DNC server that they suspect Russia hacked? It seems like this server would be a major piece of evidence and should be turned over for examination.

"It is perhaps the key piece of forensic evidence in Russia’s suspected efforts to sway the November presidential election, but federal investigators have yet to get their hands on the hacked computer server that handled email from the Democratic National Committee."

Who fucked Hillary for us to get that ugly little mouthy cunt Chelsea? Lol.

Same person who fucked Rosyln Carter Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
This guy? lol.


goodolboy's Avatar
More interesting developments.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee, which has launched a bipartisan investigation into Lynch for possible obstruction of justice, recently learned of the existence of a document indicating Lynch assured the political director of Clinton’s campaign she wouldn’t let FBI agents “go too far” in probing the former secretary of state." http://nypost.com/2017/07/06/new-hol...hillary-probe/

" Renteria, who has been identified in the document as the senior Clinton campaign aide with whom Lynch privately communicated, has also been asked to testify."
themystic's Avatar
More interesting developments.

"The Senate Judiciary Committee, which has launched a bipartisan investigation into Lynch for possible obstruction of justice, recently learned of the existence of a document indicating Lynch assured the political director of Clinton’s campaign she wouldn’t let FBI agents “go too far” in probing the former secretary of state." http://nypost.com/2017/07/06/new-hol...hillary-probe/

" Renteria, who has been identified in the document as the senior Clinton campaign aide with whom Lynch privately communicated, has also been asked to testify." Originally Posted by goodolboy
Nothing to see. Keep moving

You really want news, the USA is no longer the Leader of the free world. Thanks DJT
goodolboy's Avatar
Nothing to see. Keep moving

You really want news, the USA is no longer the Leader of the free world. Thanks DJT Originally Posted by themystic
"The United States and Russia have reached agreement on a cease-fire in southwest Syria, three U.S. officials said Friday as President Donald Trump held his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin." http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d28...ef694667e74800

In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. Life resembles a dark fairy tale in which the villain – Trump – is an amalgam of all the worst tyrants in history, past and present, while the heroes –Trump’s critics – are akin to the resistance fighters of World War II.
themystic's Avatar
"The United States and Russia have reached agreement on a cease-fire in southwest Syria, three U.S. officials said Friday as President Donald Trump held his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin." http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d28...ef694667e74800

In the advanced stages of the disease, the afflicted lose touch with reality. Opinion is unmoored from fact. Life resembles a dark fairy tale in which the villain – Trump – is an amalgam of all the worst tyrants in history, past and present, while the heroes –Trump’s critics – are akin to the resistance fighters of World War II. Originally Posted by goodolboy
What about North East and South Syria. What does this mean. The war in Syria is over?
goodolboy's Avatar
What about North East and South Syria. What does this mean. The war in Syria is over? Originally Posted by themystic
I think it means they are trying to make some progress.

"The deal reflects a new level of involvement by the U.S. in Syria’s civil war. Mr. Trump had previously stepped up U.S. actions with airstrikes against chemical weapon stashes of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.Jordan and Israel also are part of the agreement, according to the report. The two U.S. allies both share a border with the southern part of Syria and have been concerned about violence from Syria’s civil war spilling over the border."
Trump doing the work that would have been 4th page news in the past is hardly newsworthy. But, at least he's not embarrassing us at the moment.
themystic's Avatar
I think it means they are trying to make some progress.

"The deal reflects a new level of involvement by the U.S. in Syria’s civil war. Mr. Trump had previously stepped up U.S. actions with airstrikes against chemical weapon stashes of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.Jordan and Israel also are part of the agreement, according to the report. The two U.S. allies both share a border with the southern part of Syria and have been concerned about violence from Syria’s civil war spilling over the border."
http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/...-syria-report/ Originally Posted by goodolboy

Ok. I can give that the benefit of the doubt. I think its page 2 news but that is a major improvement
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
That really would be fun. Everytime I see a bunch of Alt right faggotts protest, they get thier ass kicked. Any punk can buy a gun. In fact anyone can buy a gun.Its funny how right wingers get thier asses whipped except at Donald Trump rallies. Then the look for 1 black, or woman. Your all a bunch of Pussies. Bring it on

Wow look how powerful I am behind a keyboard

Get a life Originally Posted by themystic
Its true, anyone can buy a gun (thanks to all those liberal gun laws passed by democrats) but it takes training to use one correctly and efficiently. That is where the right wingers come into play. We're trained and the left is not. Look at street gangs which are probably the most trained left wingers out there. They blow dozens of bullets, if not hundreds, and only kill few people even in Chicago. If they were any good the body count would be so much higher. More criminals would die and innocent bystanders would live unharmed.

Can you name a real left winger who can really shoot?

Then again, the right wingers actually believe in the law so that is why they take casualties at Trump rallies and not the idiots of the left.