• UHpc
  • 02-26-2019, 05:31 PM
AFLAC!! AFLAC!! AFLAC!! AFLAC!! AFLAC!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

the big apple - al pachino scarface michelle al gore invent internet not camofluage military seal model spread leg see if it tight

try to steal seal first in last out next big thing " YMCA "
  • UHpc
  • 03-04-2019, 04:17 PM

i think that for planting only or did you taste meat and it taste really good and you enjoy it so much try it again

still see him warning people about these thing, and if it help Originally Posted by M_O_S_T

you must of posted to many truth, is this site run by BURNING PUBIC GOLDEN PRIVATE BUSH, that burn so bright home/business burn in a stealing business scam

ttt for cjohnny54 since his account was band
con L.E. rob by giving out ticket
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cjohnny definetely AFLAC-ing
  • UHB
  • 03-06-2019, 07:00 PM
you must of posted to many truth, is this site run by BURNING PUBIC GOLDEN PRIVATE BUSH, that burn so bright home/business burn in a stealing business scam

ttt for cjohnny54 since his account was band
con L.E. rob by giving out ticket Originally Posted by UHpc
saw him driving around again today look like he still don't have his money
he did get banned, this site was just a front like the which was programing code language

cjohnny definetely AFLAC-ing Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

you are not talking about the adopted one who mama is now with a oil barge person who was just another spy
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
saw him driving around again today look like he still don't have his money
he did get banned, this site was just a front like the which was programing code language

you are not talking about the adopted one who mama is now with a oil barge person who was just another spy Originally Posted by UHB

  • UHB
  • 03-20-2019, 08:16 PM
saw him driving around again today look like he still don't have his money
he did get banned, this site was just a front like the which was programing code language

aflac - oil burning in dear park?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar


quack quack quack
JCM800's Avatar
Did you find that money yet CJohn?

  • UHB
  • 04-06-2019, 12:42 PM
red neck politican and gov. employee has it in real estate

look like he still don't have is money ... he still driving around

i am still figureing out how a country produce so much

mama child trash con decendant
JCM800's Avatar
Tell Johnny that Honda Pilot is due for an oil change.

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
cjohnny... someone here is impersonating you. what u gonna do about that!???
Redhot1960's Avatar
It looks like johnny got a writing job at pjmedia, fuckers

Lenin's Back on Jagger and Healthcare

D0 not be alarmed, comrades, that I, V. I. Lenin, here again so soon from mausoleum after first time to address you. Once you back from what people's author Raymond Chandler call "Big Sleep," it become difficult to stop self-commenting affair of day.

And we have extreme serious counter-revolutionary problem, tovariches -- almost as bad Stalin rescind my New Economic Policy for idiot Five-Year Plan, doomed to failure before start. He was dumb as AOC.

But never mind. Real danger today come from skillionaire -- almost as rich Elton John -- libertarian (although he hide from public) graduate of London School Economic (feh!) Sir Mick Jagger! He have heart valve problem and go to New York for replacement with private doctor instead of waiting turn British National Health like good people's artist. It would only have been few month. Or years. What betrayal of working class!

Worse yet -- operation success... Okay, don't tell capitalist friend. Everyone supposed to wish well sick person. So just say, I wish well. But what do you expect Jagger? His lyric always hidden capitalist message -- like "Jumpin' Jack Flash is a gas gas gas" secret propaganda to use Americansky natural gas instead Russian pipeline to our dear East German comrade Angela. May she be buried with other revolutionary hero by Kremlin Wall!

Needless say, bolsheviki, I never like Rolling Stone. (If you listen carefully "Jumpin' Jack Flash" you hear Jagger actually sing "Jumpin' Jack Frak!") Much prefer Beatle, favorite song, I know for sure you guess, "Back in USSR." Many time I lay in tomb watching guards march back and forth, (not goose-step, please) I hum myself: "I'm back in the USSR/You don't know how lucky you are, boy/Back in the US/Back in the US/Back in the USSR."

Catchy, no? By way, in case you not know, I listen music with heart and stomach because brain not in tomb. My brain at Moscow Brain Institute in glass jar with brains Stalin, film director Eisenstein ("Ivan the Terrible," much too long), and poor poet Mayakovsky who commit suicide before worker paradise complete. Oh, well.

Anyway, back to serious matter healthcare. I read on internet -- yes, we have wi-fi mausoleum... but Robert Mueller have password, so must change -- some punditsky say I write socialized medicine best road of all to communist society. Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. My Collected Works 45 volumes, so hard to remember, even for me. But not bad idea. You control life and death -- you control it all.

In fact, I start doing way back beginning revolution. Best soldiers, best supporters get best doctor and clinic. Mensheviks, other counter-revolutionary swine and dog get treatment with smallpox victim or even leper. Stalin make systematic with nomenklatura -- name list for you, Yankee imperialist -- of right people who get best care and everything else (big desk with red phone connected direct Kremlin).

This method never stop as best medical care into 1980s went to scriptwriters. Scriptwriters? (Don't choke, tovarich!) Yes, true. Best clinic in Moscow -- quite famous because almost all terrible -- in special writers building to make sure scripts always on party line. Sort of like your Hollywood.

Anyway, since I dead, I tell you truth about healthcare. But please keep secret, comrades. No healthcare system work because not enough to go around. None. All, as you Americansky say, suck -- socialist, capitalist, you name. When your Obama say, "You can keep doctor. You can keep plan," I laugh in mausoleum at silly lie only imbecile CNN reporter believe.

But even bigger secret you must keep, because would tarnish name V. I. Lenin and no one buy book. If you have socialized medicine, best people, smartest, no longer doctor. Go run hedge fund. I not know about you, but when I really sick, not very interested in hedge fund.

So maybe socialized medicine not so good. It also cause big problem for Stalin who die under mysterious circumstance. Of course, they do same thing your Democrats -- blame Jews.

Okay, back to mausoleum, but first must answer promised question from last time. How does Lenin feel about same-sex marriage? Frankly, Lenin not interested in who marry who. Marry your horse, if you want. Just have good horse lawyer.

Next time, more on campaign 2020. Tell you how I met Bernie Sanders in sing-along Novosibirsk. Will answer question -- is Bernie good enough Communist to be president?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Lenin & Stalin's brain not with the body at masoleum but in a jar elsewhere????

that's creepy.... what'd they want their brains for?
  • UHB
  • 04-30-2019, 04:07 PM
Lenin & Stalin's brain not with the body at masoleum but in a jar elsewhere????

that's creepy.... what'd they want their brains for? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

not back to the future
I saw on cjohnny54 post, freeze time and people control
they flooded your city dumbass, lots of treasons too

btw, look like cjohnny54 still dont have his money
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
not back to the future
I saw on cjohnny54 post, freeze time and people control
they flooded your city dumbass, lots of treasons too

btw, look like cjohnny54 still dont have his money Originally Posted by UHB

and he never will.

talk about shattin