Alexis Madison and My Stupidity

newyorkboy's Avatar
Well this is a story of greed and stupidity, both on my part and Alexis Madison’s. I started seeing Alexis about July 2014. She is a skilled provider who provides excellent service. Let’s get that out there upfront. My problem started when I broke the cardinal rule; I got personally involved. I have done this before, and helped other ladies and developed some wonderful friendships over the years, but this one has turned ugly.

She took her kids on a road trip to Texas just before school started. I started getting these emergency texts from her that she ran out of money; could I help her. Anyone that knows me knows I’m a sucker where kids are involved, so I wired her some funds; twice to get her down there, and then when she ran out on the way back. I can’t remember the exact amount, but I estimate about 6 bills total.

After she got back, we got together several times. Then, her car “broke down”. Now I was not around her then, but there was that crap with her and Nalia Nixon about a car. She tells me she can just “let this car go”. Kind of makes me wonder now how that worked. I never saw it again. Repossessed? I have no specific knowledge overall of the incident, but something does not pass the smell test.

Well, now it’s “will you look at cars with me”, then “could you co-sign with me and I’ll pay for it”. BAM! This is where the little head won over! Sure, no problem! “Well I’m looking at a second hand car”. OK, let’s go see it. A 2012 Audi! This is in August, 2014. The paperwork is run, and of course her credit is crap so I’m the primary buyer/signer. “OK, can you make the payments until after Christmas so I can get the kids Christmas presents?”. “Sure thing sweetheart!”. January comes; no payment but an excuse. February comes, no payment but an excuse. This is February, 2016 and guess what; I’ve made EVERY payment! To boot, she had damaged the car (broken windshield that I know of so far), no licensed it since August 2015, and probably is not carrying insurance on it. Over the last year and a half, I have also sporadically helped her with her rent, phone and utility payments. NOTHING in return.

I have talked with a few providers and hobbyists who have either heard of other incidents or had similar (if not nearly as expensive) dealings with Alexis. I’m not naming them here for their privacy reasons, but thank you for your honesty and advice.

At this point, I want the car back. She refuses, stating “It’s mine!”. Not sure what reality she is living in, but it’s not this one. Hired a repro guy. The moron knocked on her door, she told him to fuck off. So now I’m preparing to go the full legal monte. Calling the County Attorney this morning to see what steps need to be taken, but I envision it will require hiring an attorney. If she sees this and trashes the car, it will be just one more item to add to the final price tag.

SO guys and gals be careful out there. I’m not saying not to help someone but make sure things are written down if it is something that requires repayment. Was I stupid? Hell yes; I kick myself each day. Will I help someone again. Yes, I will; that’s how I roll but I will be a little smarter this time. Hopefully this helps some of you avoid my mistakes.

huskerman23's Avatar
Alexis Madison is never your girlfriend or interested in you whole time with you because she has a husband who works in the army in Texas. She can't move to Texas because she takes care of her sick father here in Omaha.

Do you ever think you will meet your future girlfriend/wife through backpage or eccie. If yes, you need professional help. This is not Pretty Woman life fanstasy! This is reality world!

Hang in there, NYB!
newyorkboy's Avatar
Alexis Madison is never your girlfriend or interested in you whole time with you because she has a husband who works in the army in Texas. She can't move to Texas because she takes care of her sick father here in Omaha.

Do you ever think you will meet your future girlfriend/wife through backpage or eccie. If yes, you need professional help. This is not Pretty Woman life fanstasy! This is reality world! Originally Posted by huskerman23
Huskerman, Huskerman. Right on the first part, wrong on the army/husband and father. But totally right in the last part which was never my goal. One thing my job instructing has taught me; get all the facts before I try to teach it.
easymoe's Avatar
Sounds like you would have been better off just buying the car, put your name on the title, and just have her make payments, then transfer the title to her when it's paid off. Then you could report it stolen if stopped paying and/or stopped talking to you.

I feel for you man. I can see wanting to do this and help out. I've helped providers out with rent and car repairs here and there but I don't think I'd co-sign for someone unless they were family or a significant other.
burkalini's Avatar
Alexis Madison is never your girlfriend or interested in you whole time with you because she has a husband who works in the army in Texas. She can't move to Texas because she takes care of her sick father here in Omaha.

Do you ever think you will meet your future girlfriend/wife through backpage or eccie. If yes, you need professional help. This is not Pretty Woman life fanstasy! This is reality world! Originally Posted by huskerman23
Sometimes a prick just can't help being a prick. Let's rake the guy over the coals. I just can't stand someone who hits a guy while he's down. I'm sure he knows it was an error in judgement. Life teaches us not some wanna be asshole on Eccie.
Sounds like you would have been better off just buying the car, put your name on the title, and just have her make payments, then transfer the title to her when it's paid off. Then you could report it stolen if stopped paying and/or stopped talking to you.

I've helped providers out with rent and car repairs here and there but I'd never co-sign for someone unless they were family or a significant other. Originally Posted by easymo
+100000000000 easymo.. you are right about that. Couldve saved yourself a big headache doing that way...
But i know shes done it to atleast 1 other person ( not to this magnitude of course but he is also a great guy that likes to help if hes able too and he didn't deserve it either) but bottom line is.... shes a scam artist. Dont trust her... dont worry NYB karmas a bitch n whats done in the dark always comes to light. Everything will work out in the end.
Alexis Madison is never your girlfriend or interested in you whole time with you because she has a husband who works in the army in Texas. She can't move to Texas because she takes care of her sick father here in Omaha. Originally Posted by huskerman23
Huskerman if you believe that crap then i have some oceanfront property in Arizona you just HAVE TO BUY..
THINK ABOUT IT.. if she has a husband in the army in texas then her HUSBAND should be leasing her a car .. not some random client. The truth is she took advantage of him pure and simple. Shes a pathelogical liar and a thief. Theres never a good excuse to screw over someone going out of their way to help u out...m NEVER EVER EVER.
newyorkboy's Avatar
Thanks all! This was not written to look for sympathy, but to warn others to look before they leap. I usually do, but obviously did not fulfill my due diligence this time. Just glad my uncle, who truly was a NY loan shark, did not live to see me in this situation! LOL
Thanks all! This was not written to look for sympathy, but to warn others to look before they leap. I usually do, but obviously did not fulfill my due diligence this time. Just glad my uncle, who truly was a NY loan shark, did not live to see me in this situation! LOL Originally Posted by newyorkboy
I bet he'd have some interesting ideas on how exactly to solve the situation.
I once loaned a guy $800 bucks so he didn't go to jail. I was in college, working full time and had saved to go on spring break. He promised to pay me back in 2 weeks when he got paid which was 2 days before I left for vacation. He called and told me he left it on the table at his place. When I got there he had $180 bucks in there an note that said he was sorry and would pay me back next month. I ended up putting most of my vacation on credit cards and besides one night two years later where he paid for all my drinks at the bar I never recovered a dime from him. I stopped loaning people money after that.
NYB - don't feel bad. A lot of us have done things like this if you've hobbying long enough. I have had 7 providers pull similar things with me and, being a kind-hearted person (I think) tried my best to help. Some promised make up time, a couple providers had promised to leave the hobby but didn't. One has reconnected and is trying to repay her end of the bargain. One traveling provider that has returned to Omaha four times since I helped her last year still does not think she stole from me and won't admit that she needs to repay. I can't say that it won't happen again, because it probably will, but I'm trying to recognize the characteristics of providers that won't repay. There are also some providers that do live up to their end of the bargain, so it is kind of hit-and-miss - more miss than hit.

newyorkboy's Avatar
I bet he'd have some interesting ideas on how exactly to solve the situation. Originally Posted by jcollins19881988
Let's just say he was a Goodfella.....
I think we all know better if we stop and think with the big head.

The problem is a kind heart, and a little head thinking they will get some.

It seems too many times helping them ends up enabling more bad behavior.
newyorkboy's Avatar
I think we all know better if we stop and think with the big head.

The problem is a kind heart, and a little head thinking they will get some.

It seems too many times helping them ends up enabling more bad behavior. Originally Posted by farmstud60
And keep in mind, I am not anti helping providers that can be trusted. It's like dealing with any human being; sometimes we misjudge people and pay for it. I have been privilaged to help some outstanding people in the past, and will do it again. I've been the recipient of help at times too. It's about paying it forward. I just made a bad choice this time.