(PSA): National Human Trafficking

tia travels's Avatar
At one of the hotels I was at recently, on a car of soap, was a sticker. I don't know if 1 person put it there who may be part of the "hotline" or if the hotel had this on every soap they set out, but I thought it was a good idea to have it there.

The sticker/note read:

Are you being forced to do anything you do not want to do?
Have you been threatened if you try to leave?
Have you witnessed young girls being prostituted?
If so, PLEASE call:


National Human Trafficking Hotline

I'm posting it here because I'm sure some gents run into women they might have wondered about....and I'm sure maybe some girls might read this and it might give them incentive to get out of a bad situation (if they are able).
shorty's Avatar
That's a good idea! Also, it should serve notice for the ladies that has management eventhough they might not fall into that category of under 21.
stand up for those who cant stand themselves.... i thank you for this...
tia travels's Avatar
... on a car of soap, was a sticker....[/B] Originally Posted by tia travels

Ooops, it was brought to my attention I have a typo.
Hopefully ya'll (<----my best TX accent) know I meant BAR of soap and not car, right? LOL

Pink Floyd's Avatar
How does a girl get away from a pimp?
shorty's Avatar
How does a girl get away from a pimp? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
That is a very good question! Most times a girl doesn't have the money to leave and somewhere to go. The pimp has taken almost all of her money and has alienated her from her friends and family.
tia travels's Avatar
How does a girl get away from a pimp? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
I would hope she meets a client with a good heart who takes her in his car and gets her the hell out of dodge either to a police station and waits for her in the parking lot while she makes a report on the pimp and/or just takes her out of state or several cities away so she can get in touch with family again or start fresh.
How does a girl get away from a pimp? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi

It's extremely difficult. Many are deeply conditioned and terrified of these predators, and few pimps are ever arrested or convicted because girls won't testify, understandably. But that doesn't mean it can't and hasn't happened.
BarebackLover's Avatar
On a bar of soap? That's bad marketing as the dirty girls won't ever see that.
tia travels's Avatar
And some clients never ever see a bar of soap either.
Tia, you're an awesome person...!!

I've been working on a resource list these girls....hopefully, I'll finish soon.

In the mean time, here's a great resource for girls that need a helpin hand....

DallasRain's Avatar
I get the same message via a text on my cell at least every 6 monthes!

{Tia you crack me up}

This is a great post! It reminded me of a conversation I was having with a Chicagoan about the fact that President Lincoln may have freed the slaves, but human trafficking of women and & children still occurs in this country. I pointed out to the liberal yankee that ICE has billboards posted on certain highways in Texas about victims that are smuggled into the US from Mexico.

This conversation was an extension of the yankee's idea that if President Obama banned all guns in the US, then no one would ever be killed by a gun. Ok, the yankee is a MORON, but it lead to the discussion about human trafficking and that the fact that it still occurs underground in this country.

No one should ever be held against their will or be forced to do something they don't want to do. Many of these victims can get introduced to social service agencies that can help them if they just would talk to any law enforcement officer and ask for help.

My ex-sister-in-law was the Director for a battered woman's home. The shelter was set-up nice. (1) the victims (called clients) were taken to an office by the police officer. A shelter person would in-take the person and assess their needs. Another shelter person would then drive the victim to the actual shelter, which has no signage or actual mailing address. New arrivals were counseled on the rules such as meal times, never disclose the address/location to anyone, etc. There the staff would make the victims comfortable and provide information on the various options available to the vicitms to take the next steps. The shelter would provide daycare and transportatoin so that women could look for and go to work during the day. The shelter also had legal aid volunteers to assist with restraining orders, etc.

Since the shelter never had enough money, My ex SIL would volunteer me to perform handyman services, painting, electrical, plumbing, etc. However, as a rule for safe sanctuary. None of the client-residents were allowed to be near me while I worked and vice versa. The shelter's mission was give the victims a temporary place to feel safe so that they could participate in the process of figuring out what kind of help they needed to avoid becoming revictimized. Oh yeah, No Sex in the Shelter of any kind!

Not every social services agency will ask about or report a victim's immigration status. Help is always available if you just ask. Victims just have to take a chance and ask for help!

At one of the hotels I was at recently, on a car of soap, was a sticker. I don't know if 1 person put it there who may be part of the "hotline" or if the hotel had this on every soap they set out, but I thought it was a good idea to have it there.

The sticker/note read:

Are you being forced to do anything you do not want to do?
Have you been threatened if you try to leave?
Have you witnessed young girls being prostituted?
If so, PLEASE call:


National Human Trafficking Hotline

I'm posting it here because I'm sure some gents run into women they might have wondered about....and I'm sure maybe some girls might read this and it might give them incentive to get out of a bad situation (if they are able). Originally Posted by tia travels
How does a girl get away from a pimp? Originally Posted by FlectiNonFrangi
It's pretty easy now days.
Call 911 and say you are a sex slave and need help.
Want them to get there faster? Lie and say your pimp as a 12 year old working with you.

FYI for all my ladies who travel in packs: Keep in mind there are some foul and crazy females who will pull this same trick when there ass gets tired and wants to go home. A case like this happened in Texas where a 19yr old chick said her friend and her man "forced" her into prostitution. Now they are being charged with human trafficking.
Guest031213-03's Avatar
I saw something on tv about the bar of soap. I think some ladies that formerly was in the business thought the idea up to help young ladies get out of bad situations. I believe they were once with pimps and got away. I think i saw it on a pimps up hoes down dvd. I think they put them in hotels in areas that are known to have alot of girls working.
It even showed a lady that saw the soap and called the number and they helped her. They have literally hundreds of people to answer the hotline when they put them in areas with events going on. Like the super bowl for example. It was interesting to watch. I think it's a good idea.