Fellow beauties

This is just a reminder that I am a photographer should you need new pics for the new you. And as always, stay safe, happy and beautiful ♥️
That's awesome Rochelle. I'm a photographer too and I would be happy to work with anyone as well. Maybe we can meet one day and talk photography if anyone is up for it.
SugarBlondell's Avatar
I am needing new picture, if you ever get to Hot Springs.
Let me know~
I’ll shoot you a text. I’m there often babe!!
What happened to Rochell? her account is disabled, tryst is gone so is her P411 acount.
frodo's Avatar
  • frodo
  • 12-06-2024, 05:52 PM
Her Twitter’s also gone
oraltendencies's Avatar
Any word on Rochelle?
biomed1's Avatar
Any word on Rochelle? Originally Posted by oraltendencies
The Lady has left the Eccie Playground and the Hobby.
Account Disabled
TimeToPlayDr's Avatar
I wondered what happened with her. I hope all is well with her and wish her the best - she is an amazing woman!
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Maybe she was romantically swept off her feet.
TimeToPlayDr's Avatar
I hope so!