Reading while sitting on a vibrator...

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Love her love this
Wow! That was great! Very creative and sexy. If my English classes were like that in school I would have changed my major. I looked at a couple of other vids from that series and I thought this one was pretty hot.
Thanks for presenting these! Very different! Very creative! Very interesting! Very amusing! Very sexy in a ...? Don't even know... Kind of way! I'm thinking duplicating the idea of reading similar stories with someone your with would be intriguing! This is a really different approach to having fun ! I could imagine the good-hearted, but relatively clean fun, doing this would be at a party to see the reaction of the lady trying to be composed while reading a hot story and having a "moment of extreme pleasure" going on at the same time! Could turn it into a contest.
I am impressed! The entire series is interesting. Even the last one... Thanks x-rated for bringing these to our attention...
spice-is-nice's Avatar
Too much fun!!! Thanks for sharing. . .
LangdonAlger's Avatar
These are kind of amazing. That moment when she loses it and the damn book doesn't matter anymore? That's the good stuff.

Puts thoughts and ideas in my head.