
has anyone had a date with a girl orwhere to fine one
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Great topic!

I could have SWORN that I started a topic about this a few years ago but I cannot find it right now.

I don't believe that there are truly people who truly have two working sets of genitals even though you'll see pictures on the website and there will be people who swear that they've seen this personally.

If you look up "intersexuality", you'll see a bunch of information concerning the term.

But you would like to find one, yes? So would I! The point that I'm trying to make is that I don't think that you're going to find a sex worker that has a vagina AND a penis. They might have some characteristics of both sexes but I still don't believe that intersexuality is what we think that it is.

Does that make sense? Eccie's search function isn't working and I'm too lazy to find that hermaphrodite topic from years ago.

I'm REALLY hoping that others chime in because I find this topic fascinating.


P.S. For those of you who like to read, the book "Middlesex" is very interesting. It's a novel from the early 2000's but the topic is interesting and I believe that the book won the Pulitzer Prize. Those who are interested in this topic might find this novel interesting. Not a fast read, though.