Orgy Questions

I recently participated in a provider hosted orgy that consisted of 5 lovely providers and 5 males. I was very apprehensive at first but finally said what the hell and agreed. The setup was in a hotel suite, there was various adult refreshments and snacks. After several drinks and watching porn on the tube we started pairing up and making out. Soon all clothes were gone and naked people screwing, sucking, and licking everywhere. The event lasted for 3 hours and most of us males sampled most to the ladies in various acts. All inhabitions went out the door.

This was absolutely great and I want to repeat. Has anyone participated in such an event? What was your thoughts? Do the providers setup such events? If so what is the hobbiest interest?
I would be very interested in something like that.....
The Slut's Avatar
Who wouldn't ?

bamatide's Avatar
Maybe one day I will have the opportunity.
ZedX79's Avatar
They're fun. Had one at Club Cave.
Only in my dreams. Sounds great.
DallasRain's Avatar
been there,done that.....LUV IT!!!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
In the civi world with the right couple of couples....good hot sweat sex is always welCUMED. Much harder to get the right mix and count on all to show up in the hobby world. Just too many details......Spur of the moment makes it that much hotter...Swinger clubs with friends or small house parties with the right mix.....Then everyone is relaxed and just there to have dirty fun....
Cpalmson's Avatar
Was this an off the clock or on the clock affair? If on the clock, what was the "cover" charge? Also, if it was provider organized, were invites sent or how did they make it be known they were doing this? I would be interested in doing this, but I think it would be really difficult in the hobby world. It would almost have to be provider organized b/c they are going to want to control who the gentlemen are. I seriously doubt they want any "John" off the street. It might be best set up as a meet and greet of known hobbyists and providers with the understanding that the event will involve adult fun.
The event was provder organized with the males prescreened. The 3 hr event was $1200 for the males and how it was divied up I don't know. A subtle post by the organizer on another board initiated the event and us males responded. I happened to be one of the ones chosen to participate. It was originally 6 of each sex but one male chickened out as soon as we got to the room and one of the providers was really squirley and immediately after she was naked skipped to the bathroom and then left. We all think that she was tripping on something.

As for the rest of us it was an absolutely great time. A free for all so to speak. I think that this is an assett over a swing club. My understanding that depending upon the crowd the ladies are not necessarily hot or willing to participate. In this circumstance the males were cordial with each other but the ladies were "open" to all the men and very hot.

I would like to try again. Maybe in a month or two.
DallasRain's Avatar
I have only done it in the swinger world..........there is nothing HOTTEr than wakig up the next morning to nekkid bodies sleeping all over your floors! lol

makes for a fun breakfast!!