Huntvillle isn't for me. Or I am just that umlucy

Kittylove4u's Avatar
I hate huntvillle this is the sec time I been and I don't even know what to say but I will never come back. The wonderful 2 man o seen Roxy rippeded
Me off over 300

Never again.
Precious_b's Avatar
That's why they can't have nice things.
If they really want you, they can prepay (like all Hobbyist say not to do.)
Kittylove4u's Avatar
Excuse me
Kittylove4u's Avatar
Starlynn's Avatar
Sorry that happened to you… It does seem dead in Birmingham and Huntsville.
69UILTAZ's Avatar
Taz showed some Luv in Bham!
Kittylove4u's Avatar
Taz did show love good love too hit him up
Kittylove4u's Avatar
Yes Taz you are amazing I'm telling the girls they need to get the some before he is gone
Kittylove4u's Avatar
I know that why I came to the beach and it's cheap too
Precious_b's Avatar
Excuse me Originally Posted by Kittylove4u
My comment is not directed at you.

It is for any Hobbyist that promised they would see you if you came to town and than ghosted on you.

Guys don't deserve nice things if they pull such actions. Hence, they should prepay you if they want you to return.
Kittylove4u's Avatar
I agree with you I think communication is the key to our hobby.. sometimes everybody messes up and it's okay we just have to learn to admit them and move on the ghost girls are overbooking sometimes instead of saying hey I'm sorry I forgot they just don't answer and that makes it even harder on the ladies. Not knowing weather we are truly dedicated anymore. Trust me I know I have done it before especially when I was real new to the hobby.there are some none ghosters lol out there keep looking..we are right under your nose��
Did you say you were at the beach!?
Kittylove4u's Avatar
I was but I'm in Montgomery now
I truly feel for you Kitty. Ghosting is unacceptable.....on both sides of the equation. Every hobbies has be ghosted, guarantee you. Still doesn't make it right. As for the HSV/Madison area, it has a very high median income. Lots of engineer/geek types. Every city has it's personality just like every person. I've been with beautiful girls that I could hardly fuck due to lack of chemistry and homey looking girls that were as good as it gets. Go figure....