Princess of poker OR Princess of PLAGIARISM? Texas... I'll let YOU decide...:(

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
To the wonderful men and lovely ladies of ECCIE...

I come to you... with a sincere heart... and what I hope... is a pleasing nature...

Sadly... for the first time... I find myself... filled with a RAGE... so intense... that it threatens to overwhelm me...

To be honest... it is RARE for a submissive... like myself... who has dedicated her life... to being that absolute BEST that she can be... to COMPREHEND... that there are those among us... who are so LAZY... and downright FIENDISH... that they would actively search out... the ads of other PROVIDERS... So, that they could COPY and USE them... for their own PERSONAL GAIN...

However... today, that was done to me....

The Oxford Dictionary defines PLAGIARISM as this:

"v. take (the work or an idea of someone else) and pass it off as one's own."

Yesterday morning... I arose early... as is my habit... The FIRST TASK... on my morning agenda...was for me... to CREATE a NEW AD... for both the WEEK-END Line Up... AND also one.... for the current WEEKLY AD...

Yes, I know... I was a BIT BEHIND... on my weekly ad... Lol... Sometimes, I have to choose between my PLAY DATES... or SITTING DOWN and COMPOSING at my computer... PLAYING vs. WRITING... NAUGHTY vs. NICE... Lol... Some days... it is a TOUGH decision...

From a very early age...I began writing and crafting stories... for my family and friends... in essence... I have always been a writer... it is as natural to inhaling a refreshing breath of oxygen... I have always taken GREAT pride... in my writing skills... But, that pride... has been well earned... because I have been working hard at it... for many... many years...

I discovered last year... that one of the most delightful things... about being an escort...was that I was able to create...and develop an ad... JUST FOR ME!! I found that I LOVED the mental challenge... of trying to find a way... to not only separate MYSELF from the crowd... but also... trying to find... just the right prose... so, that my ads... were infused... with what I HOPED... was a tiny reflection...and insight really...into who I am... as a person... and also... as a professional....

So, around 9:00am on THURSDAY MORNING... I POSTED both of my ads.... Imagine my SURPRISE... and yes... SHOCK!! To receive a pm... from one of my men... who just happens to be an ATTORNEY...letting me know... that the PRINCESS OF POKER HAD COPIED MY ENTIRE WEEKLY AD TO USE AS HER OWN WEEK-END LINE UP AD!! (Her ad was posted today around 10:44am)

Actually, I guess you could say... that it was rather poetic. For you see...I had just gone to see him... earlier in the week... to consult with him... on how to legally protect both my professional name... AND ALL OF MY WRITING...

I take what I do very seriously... and I did not want anyone... to be able to steal... what I had worked so hard to create.... INCLUDING all of my current writing... plus any of my future endeavors... that I planned on producing... I will not only be marketing my FIRST erotic novel.... but ALL of my future novels... under the NOM DE PLUME "SLAVE GUINEVERE"...


For those of you... who decide to go and view both MY ORIGINAL AD "TEASE ME... TOUCH ME... TAME ME" in the WEEKLY Provider ad section... AND HER PLAGIARIZED AD "In SA this weekend ONLY!!! DON'T MISS OUT!!!!" in the WEEKEND LINEUP.... YOU will notice... that she opted... NOT TO USE MY PHOTOS... As you will see...the young lady in question... looks QUITE a bit DIFFERENT than myself... I think that this was a VERY WISE decision... Some things... you see...just can't be DUPLICATED...

To all of the providers who read this... I would be careful... not to be too creative.... if she is TOURING your area... Because, any ORIGINAL and CREATIVE ideas... I am sure... she will once again... try to steal and use them... for her own personal gain...

Last but not least... I am not perfect... nor do I want to be... In my honest opinion... perfect people... are just a tad bit boring and ordinary...
However, I can say with absolute truth... that every morning I get up with a goal... and a plan...and that is to become... the very best courtesan... that I can be...

When I see another lady... that is in better shape than I... it motivates me... to work out even HARDER... and I mentally thank her... for albeit unknowingly...she has pushed me to become even BETTER... than I was the day before...

When I am encountering physical challenges... or I am not able to master a certain skill... I research... I read... and I watch porn... all in an attempt... to push myself... to the next level...

Becoming GREAT does not happen overnight... it requires dedication and hard work... and I have never been one... to walk away from a challenge...If you asked me today...if I thought that I was GREAT... then I would have to say NO... I am not there yet... but one day... I hope to be...

And when I reach that point... where I feel that I have earned... and that I deserve to be considered... as one of the great courtesans of our time... then I will allow myself... to feel some my hard work... and dedication... but that time... is not now...

Until then... I am a student... of the erotic... and seductive arts... and all of my accomplishments... and all of my failures... are ALL MINE... I WILL take responsibility for ALL of my OWN MISTAKES... and I will smile with pleasure... on the times... that I SUCCEED..

But... my triumphs.... and my successes... will NEVER come at the EXPENSE of another person...

LIES... THEFT... and DECEITFULNESS... are for the weak... and the cowardly...

Texas... you decide...

Your dedicated slave,

Marcus78's Avatar
I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt Madame Guinevere. Nobody can speak to one's intentions outside of the actor themselves, but I can't imagine she would have meant to have offended you. I too have have come across people plagiarizing/reusing my work (it's the S.O.P. in my field I'm afraid!) and it can be a bit frustrating. However, the source of my sorrow was mostly for the poor schmuck who I am certain got screwed out of his hard-earned money since the plagiarizing/copying party undoubtedly charged them handsomely! Also, I wish it were me that got to screw them out of the money instead...LOL!

Hopefully the lady in question meant you no harm or malice, and will be aware moving forward. Don't let it get you down, and be happy the weekend is finally upon us!
That is pretty lame. Those of us fortunate enough to know you personally and intimately stand offended. SG cannot be duplicated in word - or deed.
Hi Slave G Well, you could take it either way. On the one hand, it is definitely wrong to take other people's work. But on the other, she obviously really likes your work. I would take that as a compliment and a good sign that both your current and future audience will like your work. Maybe you could message her and you guys can work something out where she could hire you to work on her ads. It might turn out to be a win win. Just an idea. If not, then yup, she should remove it from hers.
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt Madame Guinevere. Nobody can speak to one's intentions outside of the actor themselves, but I can't imagine she would have meant to have offended you. I too have have come across people plagiarizing/reusing my work (it's the S.O.P. in my field I'm afraid!) and it can be a bit frustrating. However, the source of my sorrow was mostly for the poor schmuck who I am certain got screwed out of his hard-earned money since the plagiarizing/copying party undoubtedly charged them handsomely! Also, I wish it were me that got to screw them out of the money instead...LOL!

Hopefully the lady in question meant you no harm or malice, and will be aware moving forward. Don't let it get you down, and be happy the weekend is finally upon us! Originally Posted by Marcus78
Sir Marcus...

I appreciate your kind words... but STEALING is STEALING... be it your own personal property... or something that you have created... This is a BLACK and WHITE issue... If you go look at the two ads... you will see what I am talking about...

For us as a SOCIETY... to just shrug our shoulders... and say... WHATEVER... don't let it bother you... I'm sure she didn't MEAN TO COPY/ CUT/ AND PASTE my ENTIRE AD TO her ADVERTISEMENT... is just ridiculous... and it is WRONG...

Like I said... I am not perfect... but what I have created... is all mine... and I've worked very hard to create an image for myself... There have been times... that I have taken the WRONG ROAD... and I have FORSAKEN those values... that meant the most to me... and I had to learn the HARD way... the difference between RIGHT and WRONG...

Stealing another person's work... and claiming it as your own... is a deplorable act...

Your aggrieved slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Hi Slave G Well, you could take it either way. On the one hand, it is definitely wrong to take other people's work. But on the other, she obviously really likes your work. I would take that as a compliment and a good sign that both your current and future audience will like your work. Maybe you could message her and you guys can work something out where she could hire you to work on her ads. It might turn out to be a win win. Just an idea. If not, then yup, she should remove it from hers. Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield
Hi Beautiful...

It is so good to see you among us again... I truly missed your SASSY self... and I am so glad... to see that you are doing so well...

It is RARE that I get ANGRY...

However, PLAGIARISM is wrong. End of story... I was never contacted... or consulted about the right... to use my words... to enhance her career.... if so, then this situation... would not have happened...

I only discovered that my work... was being used... because one of my men... knows my writing... and saw her ad... and was like WTF!?! If she didn't know that it was wrong... then she wouldn't have changed the TITLE...

DECEPTION... in and of itself... is a difficult topic to talk about...and I apologize that I had to be the one... to bring this up... However, if she will copy my work... then she will copy someone else... When does the theft stop?

We could also extrapolate this out to say... What is to say... that this same person...decides to say... WELL, if I can use someone else's words... than maybe, I could also get away... with using another woman's PHOTOS...

BAIT AND SWITCH... and you and I read about it... every single day...
Identity theft is a biggie nowadays...

It's a slippery slope... and many a life... has been ruined... by lazy people... who are afraid to put in the time and effort... to be successful...

Your sincere slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
That is pretty lame. Those of us fortunate enough to know you personally and intimately stand offended. SG cannot be duplicated in word - or deed. Originally Posted by PDid
Master PDid...

My Knight in Shining Armor... You are a treasure... and I appreciate your support!!

Now, I am afraid that your GRUMPY SLAVE has missed her nightly run... and if I don't want Sonya... to get out the STRAP-ON... then I need to hit the TREADMILL... LOL

Sigh... on second thought... I haven't seen her in a few days... Lol

Your frisky slave,

  • texcc
  • 03-29-2013, 08:25 PM
Hi Slave G Well, you could take it either way. On the one hand, it is definitely wrong to take other people's work. But on the other, she obviously really likes your work. I would take that as a compliment and a good sign that both your current and future audience will like your work. Maybe you could message her and you guys can work something out where she could hire you to work on her ads. It might turn out to be a win win. Just an idea. If not, then yup, she should remove it from hers. Originally Posted by Pepper_Springfield
A more kinder and gentler Pepper? WTF JK
Willen's Avatar

As someone not unfamiliar with the 'intellectual realm,' I can say that having your ideas/wording stolen is infuriating. Under copywrite laws it is also a crime.

Our world, the hobby world, is 'artifical' in that some might say that the subtext [commerical sex] makes it such that 'normal' laws don't apply. As a member of this world, not to mention someone who holds you (SG) in awe, I deny that the characterization of our world as a place of commerical sex is in any way accurate. Or that it makes any difference in this case.

That said, in this forum the real attitudes that apply are: what do those of us who know you think? What do those who do a bit of research on your issue, think?

Guys, do your research. I've played with SG several times. Each has been an epoch experience. I cast no aspursions on the other provider; other than to say to her, write (and earn) your own danm material.

My Beautiful Sexy Slave Guinevere,
My quote in my signature is my best advice to you. Everyone knows how wonderful and awesome you are. Let Karma deal with it and rest easy.

Hugs, licks, and kisses,

Marcus78's Avatar
Sir Marcus...

I appreciate your kind words... but STEALING is STEALING... be it your own personal property... or something that you have created... This is a BLACK and WHITE issue... If you go look at the two ads... you will see what I am talking about...

For us as a SOCIETY... to just shrug our shoulders... and say... WHATEVER... don't let it bother you... I'm sure she didn't MEAN TO COPY/ CUT/ AND PASTE my ENTIRE AD TO her ADVERTISEMENT... is just ridiculous... and it is WRONG...

Like I said... I am not perfect... but what I have created... is all mine... and I've worked very hard to create an image for myself... There have been times... that I have taken the WRONG ROAD... and I have FORSAKEN those values... that meant the most to me... and I had to learn the HARD way... the difference between RIGHT and WRONG...

Stealing another person's work... and claiming it as your own... is a deplorable act...

Your aggrieved slave,

My lady, I understand your frustration. You obviously possess great intellect and show tremendous care when posting on this site, and it illuminates brightly in all of your postings; advertisements included. I also understand the importance and value of giving people the benefit of the doubt. I am not trying to argue whether Princess of Poker copied your advertisement; I suspect she would admit as much and even establish her mens rea and that she acted with specific intent. However, in the eyes of the law and academia, plagiarism is an act of general intent.

In summary, as a crime of general intent, a person is guilty of plagiarism/copyright infringement once the words or idea is transcribed without accreditation regardless of whether or not the guilty realized the work was copyrighted/attributed to another source. I bring this up to illustrate my initial point of giving people the benefit of the doubt.

In the same advertisement in question, there are TWO copyright violations which I saw on the surface, assuming we're using the standard rule of academia to attribute when lifting three or more unique words. The first comes in the title, "Tease me, Touch me" which is used as the chorus of a song by the artist Case. (It's a crappy song, IMHO and not worth listening to! LOL) The second comes from your line, "Master where art thou?" Those words are attributed to one Danielle Herbert a singer, song-writer and actress out of Philadelphia.

I am positive you had zero intention to profit off the previously published words or steal their work, and maybe you received their prior permission, but I doubt it! The accused party who lifted your work most-certainly had specific intent to copy your advertisement. However, in the eyes of the law, your actions are equal. Both parties are guilty of copyright infringement/plagiarism since motives are moot and only actions count. In truth, we are ALL guilty of copying work and not attributing it to the source at some point. Barbara Grizutti said it best (and may have copied that too!), "There are no original ideas. There are only original people." Don't get upset and flustered. I sincerely doubt this person was trying to defraud, aggravate or impersonate you.
Your respectful suitor,
Wow! That is pretty bold.

I'm surprised that she didn't include the pics. That was a cut and paste job. All you have to do is look at the punctuation.

Slave Guinevere posted 3-28-2013 (0843 hrs)

PrincessOfPoker posted 3-29-2013 (1044 hrs)
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
My lady, I understand your frustration. You obviously possess great intellect and show tremendous care when posting on this site, and it illuminates brightly in all of your postings; advertisements included. I also understand the importance and value of giving people the benefit of the doubt. I am not trying to argue whether Princess of Poker copied your advertisement; I suspect she would admit as much and even establish her mens rea and that she acted with specific intent. However, in the eyes of the law and academia, plagiarism is an act of general intent.

In summary, as a crime of general intent, a person is guilty of plagiarism/copyright infringement once the words or idea is transcribed without accreditation regardless of whether or not the guilty realized the work was copyrighted/attributed to another source. I bring this up to illustrate my initial point of giving people the benefit of the doubt.

In the same advertisement in question, there are TWO copyright violations which I saw on the surface, assuming we're using the standard rule of academia to attribute when lifting three or more unique words. The first comes in the title, "Tease me, Touch me" which is used as the chorus of a song by the artist Case. (It's a crappy song, IMHO and not worth listening to! LOL) The second comes from your line, "Master where art thou?" Those words are attributed to one Danielle Herbert a singer, song-writer and actress out of Philadelphia.

I am positive you had zero intention to profit off the previously published words or steal their work, and maybe you received their prior permission, but I doubt it! The accused party who lifted your work most-certainly had specific intent to copy your advertisement. However, in the eyes of the law, your actions are equal. Both parties are guilty of copyright infringement/plagiarism since motives are moot and only actions count. In truth, we are ALL guilty of copying work and not attributing it to the source at some point. Barbara Grizutti said it best (and may have copied that too!), "There are no original ideas. There are only original people." Don't get upset and flustered. I sincerely doubt this person was trying to defraud, aggravate or impersonate you.
Your respectful suitor,
Marcus Originally Posted by Marcus78
Sir Marcus...

I have NEVER needed to STEAL another's order to get ahead in my personal or professional life...and I believe that the consistency of my writing speaks for itself.

I have never heard the songs to which you refer...but given the fact that I read 4-5 books a week...I will agree that it is easy to regurgitate one thing that we have read or heard in the past...

However... My words were strung together in a definite cadence and pattern...that is unique to my writing style... I DID NOT COPY/ CUT AND PASTE another persons ads to use as my own...and I never will...

However, as a RESPONSIBLE writer... I would like to quote Voltaire:

"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

And last but not least...another wonderful quote from Voltaire:

"It is dangerous to be right in matters where established men are wrong."

Everyone has a choice... I have often said that I was born in the wrong time..the wrong era...I still believe...that you should at all as hard as you be the best that you can be. That LOYALTY should transcend all obstacles...and that when we do wrong...we don't make excuses for it...we accept our fault...we should try to offer reparation for our transgression...and then...if we are so enlightened...we should try to learn from the errors of our ways... Life is a journey...

I will bid you adieu...and I thank you for sharing your opinion.

Your conventional slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar

As someone not unfamiliar with the 'intellectual realm,' I can say that having your ideas/wording stolen is infuriating. Under copywrite laws it is also a crime.

Our world, the hobby world, is 'artifical' in that some might say that the subtext [commerical sex] makes it such that 'normal' laws don't apply. As a member of this world, not to mention someone who holds you (SG) in awe, I deny that the characterization of our world as a place of commerical sex is in any way accurate. Or that it makes any difference in this case.

That said, in this forum the real attitudes that apply are: what do those of us who know you think? What do those who do a bit of research on your issue, think?

Guys, do your research. I've played with SG several times. Each has been an epoch experience. I cast no aspursions on the other provider; other than to say to her, write (and earn) your own danm material.

Willen Originally Posted by Willen
Master Willen...

Thank you so much... for understanding my frustration and my anger...that my hard work has been DELIBERATELY stolen...and that I have every right to be mad...that another person...was too do her OWN work...and that I should NOT roll over...giggle and say "Oh WELL..."

If one of you boys...had written a review...and I've seen it happen...where you go t see the provider and she is SOMEONE DIFFERENT...or lets say a provider steals from you...lets say that her PHOTOS WERE VERY OLD... You would feel BETRAYED...and angry...

I know this...because I read what I can of the, that I can learn how to improve and get better...and the truth is...if I were a man...I would be just as angry... It's not just the money, or the misrepresentation...but it's the loss of your TIME...

Time is something that cannot ever be regained...and it has a price tag... My TIME and my financial reward from my own creation was stolen from me... not ask say that is ok...because the truth is...if we are going to allow one...then we have to allow the other...

There are quite a few providers like myself...who work very be the best we can for our's a 24 hour commitment...everything we much we work designed to not only provide us with an income to support our families...but for many of is outer desire to please and pamper our men...that gets us up every day...

I am as affable as they come...most of the my detriment...

But when she stole my writing...she stole a piece of me...that wasn't hers to take...

So please... Don't ask accept...and condone...what she has done.

Your disgruntled slave,

It just seems so lazy to copy someone else's ad. And it pretty much guarantees that the ad will not accurately reflect the person who snitched it.