Newbie TR 4 days in Angeles

Well, after about 20 hours on planes and a 2 1/2 hour drive from Manila ( my free ticket didn't include an option for Clark), I arrived at Pacific Breeze and was shown to my Jacuzzi room. It took a little while to figure out the lighting controls, then unpack and shower so I hit Fields about 1:30 AM and wandered several bars that had been mentioned either here or on Asian Escapades, checking out the talent and options. Hot water in the shower wasn't, but they fixed it this morning. Wi-fi spotty outside the lobby and restaurant but Kokomos' free Wi-fi is a block away and connects.

Stopped for a massage at Queens, 500 P non-refundable, and then the upsell started so I just got the 1/2 hour non-sensual but CMT quality massage and tipped 20 P.

It was getting near 4 AM when I decided to barfine Nicole, with a lovely spinner body and a great smile. Back at the hotel she proved barely GFE and not particularly involved until afterward. Then she started with the litany, her dad just died, her mother is in the hospital in Manila and she doesn't have bus fare, am I going to help her out. She is not staying overnight, but promises that she'll be back tomorrow by noon. 100 P taxi money on top of the 2600 P BF at Angelwitch. Not an auspicious start.

Drizzle yesterday, intermittent rain today, a storm in the Southern Philippines is screwing up the dry season. Decent breakfast at Kokomos, read the paper and watched people hustle through the rain. Bought a sim for my Nicaraguan cheapo phone (40 P) and 100 P worth of minutes and texts. Trike to SM, really large mall with more fast food shops than anything else, did have a local lemonade and headed back to the hotel to change shoes.

Took an old wallet made in Thailand to a leather worker who promised 5 copies by Sunday, then continued to stroll. Stopped in Pony Tails and collected an attractive 32 year old who enjoyed an O and then enthusiastically rode me to mine after the coed shower and DFK. About a 20 minute weak massage included and asked what the barfine was. "Up to you" so I offered 1,000 and she said fine. Got her digits for Sunday. (Later learned that I should have paid the BF to the mamas an, and added 500 P when I stopped by a couple of days after)

Continued walking from Fields to Perimeter, stopping for club sodas here and there. ( I don't drink on hobbying trips, or usually, hobby on drinking bouts) Stopped in at Honey Ko's, where I got a 20 minute 4 handed CMT massage of my neck, scalp, back and shoulders for 2 lady drinks (total $ 6). Met an Aussie at Ice Bar who asked me if I like Chinese food and recommended Fortune Palace on MacArthur. Triked over and had some of the best Chinese food in recent memory.

Since this whole adventure is politically incorrect I had my first cup of shark fin soup with crab meat ($ 15, or less than half of what it probably would have cost in the states) along with the best chicken feet in fermented black bean sauce and shrimp, spinach and shark's fin pot stickers that were ethereal.

No photos yet, but I haven't been here 24 hours yet. More to come (Galaxy turns out to take lousy photos, or I do, so none here, and missed the balloon festival visuals, too)

I wandered around the Fields bars, drinking club soda and checking out the "talent", relatively few girls smiled at me, which I usually consider a promising first indication. Went back to the hotel and napped until 9 PM. Walked out to perimeter and visited LIA, Mirrors, Sakai, Comedy Club (gay bar), Sugar, Roadies, Girls Generation, which are clustered together. Forgot that this collection of bars mostly closes at 11, and failed to barfine two cuties who said that they either were on "mens" or too tired and wanted to go home. Went back to Lost in Asia and tried to BF a smiling cutie but she said short time only. She talked to mamasan and asked for a girl who was GFE and willing to go for long time. Mamasan got on the phone and turned up a very shy Ju__, who reluctantly agreed to overnight. (Inbox for details if you are a veteran of this forum, but she’s not for everybody, RBGFE but YMMV and shy)
Trike to the hotel and up to the room. She said she was shy, and undressed slowly, with lfk. Into the shower, still not very warm, but soaped each other up and had fun. Started to fill jacuzzi, which took a full 45 minutes. Played with each other's nipples, and dfk, then, "what you want?" with a smile. Daty to O, then enthusiastic BBBJ and energetic CG to completion. She was excited to have cum, and we cuddled and kissed until the jacuzzi was full. Added bubble bath and played gently, teasing until the water cooled, then rinsed each other off with the hand shower and dried one another and back to bed for a little more BBBJ. And so to sleep (literary allusion)
Woke the next morning at 5 AM, and gently woke her up. This was the third day of the 18th international Clark Hot Air Balloon Festival, and the gates opened before 5 AM with flights beginning at 6:30 after three air force sky divers flew a giant Philippine flag from 4000 feet. We must have walked around 4 or 5 miles watching the 25 balloons prepped and then take off, hundreds of food booths etc., over a hundred thousand in attendance on the first dry day. A great take in, and she had never seen a hot air balloon or an ultra-light plane, so a great time.
Lunch at Bunny Burger and back to the hotel for some R&R. Very enthusiastic companion this time. She went off to pay the 2nd night's barfine and do some laundry while I checked out a couple of bars, found a leather shop and ordered some custom made wallets and dropped off laundry myself.
She came back about an hour late, apologized and I suggested that instead of making an old man walk the whole of SM mall we should get mani-pedis on Fields. She found a small salon where they were agreeable and amused that the fat old man wanted a mani-pedi, and we both got done ( no polish for me ) at the rate of $ 3 each ( plus 1.50 tip). Went to Valhalla bar and chatted with the mamasan. Ju__ wanted to play pool, 35 cents a game, and I lost the first two, then she said that if I won she would pay for the third game. I managed to squeak past her, sinking the 8 ball with two of her stripes on the table, but wouldn't let her pay since she was only carrying 40 pesos.
Off to Black Angus for dinner because the review praised the lamb riblets, only to find that they weren't on the menu any more. Had an excellent pig's knuckle braised and then fried, crunchy skin and gelatinous meat with spicy soy sauce and garlic rice. She had Philippine breakfast and said that i had paid too much. Prices close to US, but a good meal.
Back to the hotel, showered and played briefly. I said I was ready to sleep, and would leave the door unlocked for her to return later and wake me up to play late night. She returned about 2, a little drunk and is sleeping as I write.
Woke up at 6:30 and strolled 2 blocks to Santos St., where a string of BJ bars sits adjacent to a local church.
Checked out Treasure Island, Honky Tonk and Niagra, not seeing much. Mostly cleaning up after the night and nothing very interesting sitting around. At Niagra mamasan asked, "Something to drink or something else?" I said, "Girls"? and she replied, "Upstairs". Led me to a small upstairs room where a 90 lb. cutie was sleeping. Mamasan, "Short time 700 P" I gave her the BF and she woke up ? (didn't get a name) who said, "Drank too much last night." She slowly undressed revealing a lovely spinner body and bald pussy. LK, BBBJ, CG, BBBJ to completion.
Walked to Fields and went into Voodoo, which is open 24/7. Club Soda and watched the scene. Eight AM doesn't bring out the best of clientele, but the guys were crowed and rowdy, and the 8 or so dancers were either standing around on the stage or soliciting lady drinks. Back to the hotel to see whether the balloons were visible from the roof (not) and here to report so far.

Checked on my sleeping beauty, then coffee and the paper by the pool at the hotel. (Pacific Breeze, not bad, but nothing compared to ABC, and for four nights about 50 dollars more when you count in the free car to and from Manila and the free honor bar and Wi-fi in the rooms at ABC. Wi-fi was spotty at PB, but Kokomos poolside a half a block away was strong and free. Service was fine, and the location perhaps a little better than ABC, but ABC has several cars running all the time and a network of regular stops where guests can board a scheduled pickup. That said the menus at ABC are considerably higher, but who eats at the hotel where he is staying?)
Got back to the room and she had showered away her hangover and was ready to play before breakfast, so we did. Then out to Jolibee, a first for me, where she had fried chicken and garlic rice for b'fast and I had eggs and loganiza, a sweet Philippine sausage. We walked across to SM mall and spent two hours window shopping. I did buy her a pair of sandals to replace the cheap ones whose strap broke on the way over, but neither of us shops at malls so it was mostly people watching and sarcastically commenting on prices, although she walked through the hall of cell phone providers twice wistfully.
Walked back to Perimeter and went on to check on my wallets ( Island time prevails here and if you want things to be done when promised it is best to remind the creator by dropping in- he hadn't started them but promised them for Sunday instead of the original Monday date )
Strolled back to the hotel and she left to pay another day's barfine and do laundry. Arrived an hour late but I'd been expecting that and was checking email on my new tablet. Got her into the bikini I'd bought her earlier on the walk to SM ($ 7.60, not $ 38 at SM) and loaned her a t-shirt to wear through the lobby to the pool. She is shy about clothing but affectionate in public and joyous in bed.
We played in the pool for an hour, improved her dog-paddle and almost taught her to float, along with a certain amount of LK and erotic pool play before drying off in the sun with beverages.
Back to the room, changed to street clothes and then asked the doorman for the best place in AC to eat Sisig, the signature dish of Angeles. ( google for the recipe but basically it is pigs ears, cheeks, belly, skin, onions, chicken liver and great seasonings, garlic, ginger, hot peppers, lime juice, served over rice, with accompanying skewers of chicken hearts, gizzards, thighs and pork belly cooked on a smoky charcoal grill which "perfumes" the restaurant.) Both doorman immediately agreed that the only place to go was "Queen of Sisig" which was some distance across town. Ju__ didn't know the restaurant but recognized the address and we caught a trike after asking him how much. He said, "150" the standard gringo price and I said, "100". He said 150 and I gently closed the door and said thank you. He said, "OK 100". It was far enough so I gave him 120, but the trikes around Fields are used to fleecing the tourists so I almost always negotiate, and almost always successfully.
Ju__ got out and looked at me, " Are you sure you will like this?" I said sure and she stepped up to order in Tagalog, with me advising on the choice of skewers. It turns out that the restaurant has been there since 1970 and Anthony Bourdain featured it on "No Reservations" I have no reservations at all in recommending it to any adventurous eater. Along with the Chinese lunch that was one of the best meals I've had in months!
Back to Fields in a run down trike whose elderly driver had his wife perched on the back of the motorcycle. I didn't even argue with his bid of 150, he wasn't in a position to regularly demand 100 pesos from fat men who wouldn't walk 3 blocks.
We went to Atlantis, one of the bigger bars, which promised pole dancing shows, and if fact I saw six girls on the pole at once when cruising the bars the first night, but the first show wasn't for almost two hours so we drank a leisurely beverage, nibbled a little popcorn and shot balloons at the dancers for 45 minutes.
Returned to Valhalla to shoot billiards and I beat Ju__ 3 out of 5 at 8 ball, to her dismay, before each of was trounced by a mamasan in a short skirt. Back to the hotel, showered and played. I went to sleep, she went out to check her internet and ended up returning about 3 AM after going karaoke with some friends. Back to sleep.
Woke up at 7:30, down to the pool for coffee and the morning paper. It is full of EDSA, the revolution that toppled Ferdinand Marcos twenty years ago over Ronnie Reagan's best efforts to save him, and it is fascinating to see the history from this perspective.
Found my friend smoking on the balcony after her shower and got familiar again this morning before going out to breakfast. Stopped at a Korean restaurant with a patio on Fields, but moved on after looking over the menu and the prices. Wound up at Hang Out, well reviewed in Asian Escapades, and had a lovely leisurely breakfast, she Philippine and me ham and excellent fresh eggs. Walked down Fields to Perimeter, changed money at the Western Union next to the 7-11, usually the best rate I found, and indoors so no one sees where you stash your cash. Shopped along the street markets, found her a dress, jean shorts and a hand bag for about 25 bucks. Back to the hotel, swam for half an hour and fucked for the last time before packing up her books, clothes, leftover Sisig for her friends at the bar and the remains of the assorted Hershey's miniatures I'd brought to share with the ladies.
Checked out, with 6 hours until the car to the airport, and am writing this in in internet cafe with AC for 55 cents per hour. More to come.

Well, my visit is about to end, with 25 hours to wheels down in SF, and I have had myself a good time. If the ticket hadn't been a freebie this might not count as such a bargain, and I broke the two day rule and was with far fewer ladies than in my 3 day Costa Rica trip a couple of years ago ( archived under San Jose or jrap0) I've spent a little under 1400 bucks in 4 nights, including hotel, transport, food, beverages and entertainment. I brought 24 condoms and used 10, so on the face of it 45 hours in the air is a high price to pay for the discount from Bay Area experiences. But...
Ju__ is a very attractive, playful 54 kilo 35 year old lady with a three year old son, a really small vertical ceasarean scar, Angelina Jolie lips, a great smile and wide brown eyes. I didn't fall in love but it would be hard not to like a lady who is affectionate, somewhat mature, willing and a good conversationalist. She is not very experienced, and may have learned a little bit from our sessions, but she is RBGFE. She is shy, and had to be coerced by the mamasan into agreeing to LT but happily agreed to extend a day at a time. I don't flatter myself that I've made a difference in her life,but do believe that each of us had a good time. She took off for about 4 hours each day but otherwise spent her time with me, doing whatever appealed to me or to both of us. Her knowledge of the language and culture enriched my experience and my experience as a traveler and monger exposed her to things she hadn't enjoyed before (the hot air balloon festival and the jacuzzi for instance).
On economics, I don't claim to understand the bar girl life, but learned a little about what it is like for one lady. She told me on the second night that she hadn't been barfined since before Xmas, and preferred to work for lady drinks and salary. She gets half the 1500 P barfine when she does go out. She is paid 200 pesos per day if she accumulates 25 points during a shift. Each lady drink is a point and a barfine is 10 points. She rarely makes 25 points per shift, but gets 50 pesos per lady drink out of 150 charged. If someone rings the bell for 4500 pesos the girls get 100 pesos each. She thinks this happens about once a month or so. ( an informal survey of Fields bars suggests that the average there is 15-20 times per year, from the names on the mirrors, so fewer on Perimeter makes lots of sense) Occasional tips fill out her earnings. This probably means that she is making about 12-15 dollars per day, working about 26-28 days per month. That is above the average shop girl wage ( I just had a one hour CMT foot massage for 7.50, and this in on Fields where prices are higher. Three of 5 masseuses were idle for the whole hour, and I doubt that the masseuse got half- I tipped her 20 %)
Because I barfined her for three days and tipped the equivalent of one day Ju__ is taking a week off to visit her sister and her son.
I got the companionship, affection and intimacy of a lovely and honest lady for about 250 dollars for three days, excluding the minimal cost of her food and beer. I count that a true bargain, and a win-win for both of us.
There is plenty of poverty here, and this is a relatively wealthy area. I didn't get out into the country side but didn't see the kind of favelas I'm used to in Latin America and Africa. This seems to be a proud and fairly hard working country, rapidly ascending into the second world after years of crippling dictatorship and oligarchy. On the other hand there are children sleeping on the sidewalks, dancers living in fairly squalid dorms, trike drivers sleeping their off hours in their machines and plenty of corruption in the news.
I have mixed feelings about returning PI, but no complaints about this trip, except the usual cavils about the food on United, which go back to the days when Herb Caen flew in first class.
Over and out!
shorty's Avatar
Very detailed report!!
Totempole's Avatar
Thx for the report, useful data. Like to return and avoid mistakes from 1st visit. Seems almost every girl has a sad story, but all had great attitudes. Hate the long flight, but memories are reward.