The Murder Of Tyre Nichols………

I’m sure everybody has now seen the videos of 5 Police Officers arresting Tyre Nichols. Nichols is dead.
From what we see on the videos, he was beat to death.

What would possess 5 trained police officers to use this kind of force in subduing a suspect. Is it lack of training? Lack of supervision? Is it a cultural thing? Certainly not a race issue, as all parties involved are Black.

It would be easy to say…..”why didn’t Nichols just comply”.? I don’t know the answer to that.

There will be a trial. All 5 officers are charged with 2d degree murder.There will be a defense case presented.

In the mean time, there will be a lot of soul searching.
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  • 01-28-2023, 07:03 AM
I don't care why he didn't comply. The kicks and punches to the head and face while he was being held are entirely uncalled for. I can't think of any remotely reasonable excuse for that from police officers.

When I first heard of the case, I was skeptical about the circumstances, but now I'm convinced the officers were totally in the wrong. The treatment of Tyre was tragic and inhumane by any standard.

All my own opinion, of course.
Police don’t assault people. And they surely don’t kill people that don’t deserve it. Well, at least that’s what we keep being told by the right. They blame the victims that die to police and I expect to start hearing that from the right within the next couple of weeks. Maybe itll be treated differently from the right this time (I have my suspicions as to why it might be).
Police don’t assault people. And they surely don’t kill people that don’t deserve it. Well, at least that’s what we keep being told by the right. They blame the victims that die to police and I expect to start hearing that from the right within the next couple of weeks. Maybe itll be treated differently from the right this time (I have my suspicions as to why it might be). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
From the videos all over, just about the entire hierarchy in the Memphis Police are Black.

The Police Chief, a Black Woman, has given several interviews letting everyone know how appalled she is at these Officer’s conduct.

It is her department. Should she bear some of the responsibility in allowing 5 men, (and others that looked on), to be on the street and being put in the position of beating someone to death.

The is great outcry when a white cop breaks the rules. It has evolved to where more and more big city police departments are supervised by Blacks.

And then this happens.

These 5 officers are charged with murder. Should those in charge be likewise held accountable for shirking their responsibility in allowing me like this to put on a badge, carry a gun, and beat a man to death?

Perhaps it is time to change policy. When a suspect simply refuses to cooperate with an officer on the street, let him go. Get all of the information possible and let a trained squad pick him up later.

That will avoid having a dead suspect, and 5 police officers who’s lives have basically ended.

Perhaps it is now too dangerous for all involved to have street cops handle these type of situations.

I’m sure everybody has now seen the videos of 5 Police Officers arresting Tyre Nichols. Nichols is dead.
From what we see on the videos, he was beat to death.

What would possess 5 trained police officers to use this kind of force in subduing a suspect. Is it lack of training? Lack of supervision? Is it a cultural thing? Certainly not a race issue, as all parties involved are Black.

It would be easy to say…..”why didn’t Nichols just comply”.? I don’t know the answer to that.

There will be a trial. All 5 officers are charged with 2d degree murder.There will be a defense case presented.

In the mean time, there will be a lot of soul searching. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Their training isn't an issue. It's simply five deeply flawed individuals that fell through the cracks. I'll go out on a limb and say this isn't their first rodeo in using excessive force against a citizen of Memphis, this time it resulted in death. All five are being charged appropriately.
winn dixie's Avatar
Police don’t assault people. And they surely don’t kill people that don’t deserve it. Well, at least that’s what we keep being told by the right. They blame the victims that die to police and I expect to start hearing that from the right within the next couple of weeks. Maybe itll be treated differently from the right this time (I have my suspicions as to why it might be). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Race card aint gonna be played here. Oh folk are tryin.
Memphis changed its rules recently to be able to fire officers immediately instead of waiting like most police departments around the country.
These officers be guilty. No excuse!
Facts are.. mr tyre would be alive if he complied! Or not putting OTHERS at risk for driving recklessly.
I wonder???? Could he have been under the influences of ?????????
I wonder???? Could he have been under the influences of ????????? Originally Posted by winn dixie
It took for ever for it to be revealed that George Floyd was under the influence of something we are not allowed to mention on this Forum.

Don’t hold your breath on how soon some toxicology report will be issued in this case.
  • Typo
  • 01-28-2023, 10:47 AM
Police don’t assault people. And they surely don’t kill people that don’t deserve it. Well, at least that’s what we keep being told by the right. They blame the victims that die to police and I expect to start hearing that from the right within the next couple of weeks. Maybe itll be treated differently from the right this time (I have my suspicions as to why it might be). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
This post is ridiculous. The issue at hand has nothing to do with right or left politics. It's about right and wrong, pure and simple. You lefties never miss an opportunity to look for a way to play victim or to disparage the right simply because they don't drink your woke Kool Aid. Sometimes you need to give the politics a rest.
Precious_b's Avatar
Race card aint gonna be played here. Oh folk are tryin.
Memphis changed its rules recently to be able to fire officers immediately instead of waiting like most police departments around the country.
These officers be guilty. No excuse!
Facts are.. mr tyre would be alive if he complied!

*I* have not seen the video(s), but from a NYT article : "Nichols appeared to cooperate, telling the officers, “I’m just trying to go home.” Although he showed no signs of resistance, they continued to yell at and threaten him. As he lay on the ground, officers pepper-sprayed him. Nichols then fled, and officers pursued him. “I hope they stomp his ass,” one officer who remained behind said."[/COLOR]

Or not putting OTHERS at risk for driving recklessly.
I wonder???? Could he have been under the influences of ?????????

"The videos do not show why Nichols was first stopped. Later, within minutes of the beating, officers said on video that Nichols had grabbed for their firearms, with one saying Nichols “had his hand on my gun.” If he did, it did not appear on the recordings.

The officers have also said that they had stopped Nichols on suspicion of reckless driving, but in an interview with NBC News, Police Chief Cerelyn Davis said her department has been unable to find evidence for why he was stopped."
Originally Posted by winn dixie
Unfortunately it is not a fact that he would be alive if he complied. *I* would like to think so though.

Again, I haven't seen the video. But it seems like people pick and choose what fits *their* narrative.

Ain't saying that's what your doing, Winnie.
BTW, welcome back. Didn't know you were gone. Kinda suspected it
texassapper's Avatar
Defund the police, lower the standards to allow low IQ and those with criminal backgrounds onto the force? You get the police you voted for.

In this case A predominantly black city elected a predominantly black government, hired a black police chief on a predominantly black police force who polices crimes committed by a predominantly black criminal element and they're upset because five black police officers beat a black motorist to death.

Sounds like he got what he voted for... good and hard.

* Memphis cops charged in Tyre Nichols murder hired after PD relaxed job requirements

For the Truly ignorant out here... this is all part of the goal to establish a national police force under the control of DC and to eliminate local police or to enforce control over local PD.

Defund the police, lower the standards, express outrage at resulting low standards and mis-conduct to build the case for a national police force or oversight force. Who will be the first Dem-communist to sponsor the bill?
Who would name their kid something so generic as Tyre? Why not Pirelli or Cooper?
Police don’t assault people. And they surely don’t kill people that don’t deserve it. Well, at least that’s what we keep being told by the right. They blame the victims that die to police and I expect to start hearing that from the right within the next couple of weeks. Maybe itll be treated differently from the right this time (I have my suspicions as to why it might be). Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Rumor has it he was banging two of the cops wives (ménage à trois)
texassapper's Avatar
Rumor has it he was banging two of the cops wives (ménage à trois) Originally Posted by BARE_IS_BEST
LOL! I can't wait for the Saint George Floyd equivalent statues to go up... maybe they could have one of the chicks riding his face...and they can have him saying I can't breathe!

George Floyd died of a drug overdose. There's no argument over that.
Precious_b's Avatar

George Floyd died of a drug overdose. There's no argument over that. Originally Posted by texassapper
Got a link to that tox report from the autopsy that shows the amount of the lethal dose?
texassapper's Avatar
Got a link to that tox report from the autopsy that shows the amount of the lethal dose? Originally Posted by Precious_b

Note: No life-threatening injuries identified