Eccie provider search

Oreo72's Avatar
Hello, I have a provider number and name I would like to see her profile. How do I do this or is this still not permitted?
Thank you
Searching is not my strength. But hope this helps. I just opened the SEARCH Function. Toward the top left is a place to enter key words / phrases. I typed in a providers phone number and hit ENTER. It pulled up all of her reviews that had her phone # in them.
jakob's Avatar
  • jakob
  • 03-27-2023, 07:35 PM
If you know her exact handle hit the search function and type it in the username box.
Oreo72's Avatar
Ty gents, by provider # I meant her eccie provider # sorry. I should have been more specific.
Oreo72's Avatar
Btw I did try that east tex as well but all it did was bring her reviews and such up. I was wanting so to see her eccie profile and any pics she may have on there. Ty again for the advice
If it brought up her reviews, the good reviews will have a link to her profile. That isn't the direct route you are looking for but it will get you where you are wanting to go.
Oreo72's Avatar
Ty I will try again