Right room #, wrong hotel...

PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 03-16-2010, 11:11 PM
Bunch of hotels clustered together and I took the wrong entrance...woman answers...hell, never mind...talk about embarrassing...am I the only one to ever have this happen?

atlcomedy's Avatar
go back to the "hell, nevermind" part -- was she hawt? what did she say? that conversation had to have been gold.

no - never happened to me - but I'm sure you aren't the only one....
I have had, this has occurred before.
I was going to see, a very prestigious client, at a H!lton in Dallas.
You would not believe, I knocked on the door....
and a man answered, he said "it wasn't me", like he know, who I was there for.
LMAO... funniest thing in the world.
I was laughing, all the way, down the hall, going to the correct room.

I will never, forget that day.
*shaking my head*
PSD's Avatar
  • PSD
  • 03-17-2010, 01:03 AM
Maybe I'm hijacking my own thread, but....

Am I the only one that continues to read the finest, comma-ridden haikus from Nina? Maybe a by-product of the *head shaking*? Dunno

It has happened to me... Called and she said, no it is the other XXXXXXX

Thankfully no harm, a good laugh and on to a great session.
I have. One of my regulars had a regular motel, but forgot to tell me she was at the one across the street this time, just gave me the room #.

At least the girl that answered look nothing like her, but it was 7 am so I got a WTF!
i have. new orleans folks will know what i'm talking about. we have a marriott and a 'j w marriott' right across the street from each other here on canal st. i've gone to the wrong one on more than 2 occasions.
Never happend to me yet! El Goobre, I'm anxiously waiting on the details! lol
artee4fun's Avatar
Happened to me once in Dallas. Two hotels by the same name one exit apart. Got to the room, knocked, no answer (fortunately) so I called my lady back. She says she is looking out at the parking lot and can't see anyone. I say try looking down the hall, she says what hall? Amost at the same time we both ask "What hotel are you at?" Five minutes later we are laughing and having fun.
I have had, this has occurred before.

I was going to see, a very prestigious client, at a H!lton in Dallas.
You would not believe, I knocked on the door....
and a man answered, he said "it wasn't me", like he know, who I was there for.
LMAO... funniest thing in the world.
I was laughing, all the way, down the hall, going to the correct room.

I will never, forget that day.
*shaking my head*

Originally Posted by Nina A. Ross

I forgot to say, my regular, I was going to see, was The Agent, in charge of the south.

He just laughed, because that was his security.
He was on a floor, that didn't require a key. So security was real protective.
now this is funny.....i guess moral of thread is when in doubt, shout it out. lol
DallasRain's Avatar
it has happened to my guys several times.....once i gave the guy the right hotel,but the wrong room{it was the room number from my earlier hotel}
GneissGuy's Avatar
I've always thought you should call the lady on the cell when you get to the building and then say, "OK, I'm standing outside room xxx." No chance of knocking on the wrong door.
Altus62's Avatar
Right hotel,wrong room.I didn't write the room # down.
Big Black Dude opened door.I just said"excuse me,I'm lost".
iggy's Avatar
  • iggy
  • 03-17-2010, 06:09 PM
A rather large chain Hotel ('s) One is the original name, Its sister hotels has Express added to the name, well there they were in the same block saw the 2nd one parked went to room, Knocked, a deep masculine voice (must have been looking through peep hole) "What so you want", I quickly left called and realized it was the sister hotel next door is where I belonged!! We had a good laugh, talking on what the guy must have thought!!