Davy Crockett Dies

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, it's hard to believe that Fes Parker, aka, Davy Crockett died.

He always seemed larger than life and I thought he would live forever.

Rest in peace, big guy!

Also Dan'l Boone. But I agree, best known for Crockett.
jdean208's Avatar
FastGun, I wore my Official Fess Parker Davy Crockett coonskin hat until it flat wore out. So long, big guy, indeed.

BTW, he was an amazing real estate developer after his acting career. He had resorts in Santa Barbara and the Santa Ynez wine country and left a huge estate, now run by his children. Here is one of the inns:

Not a bad life.

Sir Lancelot's Avatar
When I saw it in the paper yesterday, it shocked me a bit. He somehow made it seem like Davy Crockett = Fess Parker.

Truly a hero for the ages to many of us.

Rest in peace my friend.

Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
Here's a link from the Austin, Tx Sandbox on the same subject.

Fast Gunn's Avatar
jdean, I think we all had a coonskin cap when we were kids. I think even some of the girls were wearing them in pictures and parties, sometimes.

FastGun, I wore my Official Fess Parker Davy Crockett coonskin hat until it flat wore out. So long, big guy, indeed.

BTW, he was an amazing real estate developer after his acting career. He had resorts in Santa Barbara and the Santa Ynez wine country and left a huge estate, now run by his children. Here is one of the inns:

Not a bad life.

JD Originally Posted by jdean208
okcdude1971's Avatar
We are all showing our age lol....I recall trying to throw the hatchet in the tree like he did in Danial Boone. Never could get it to work like on TV :-)
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Hey, I had forgotten about the famous "hatchet throw" he would make in the preview of his show where he would throw his hatchet and split a tree stump in two.

Even as a kid, I knew that was an illusion created by the studio, but all the kids thought it was doable, if you threw the hatchet just right in the center and threw it hard enough, it would split in two!
pyramider's Avatar
Don't about you but my hatchet kept bouncing off the plum tree. Damn mutant plum tree.
MsKristine's Avatar
We are all showing our age lol.... Originally Posted by okcdude1971
Now I wasn't born when this show was on TV, however I grew up watching Westerns because of my Family. I know Fess was in many movies but the one he was in and I enjoyed was "The Jayhawkers!"

My mom sent me this YouTube Tribute Video she found, you guys may enjoy it...

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Now I wasn't born when this show was on TV, however I grew up watching Westerns because of my Family. I know Fess was in many movies but the one he was in and I enjoyed was "The Jayhawkers!"

My mom sent me this YouTube Tribute Video she found, you guys may enjoy it...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jxJLTs-iUM Originally Posted by Sensuous Pleaser
Thanks for posting that link, Sensuous Pleaser.

That is a catchy ballad for the frontier hero!
DallasRain's Avatar
I loved him!!Rest in Peace!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I loved him!!Rest in Peace!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
It's easy to forget we're talking about two people.

Fess Parker was Davy Crockett in the minds of many people.

I wonder if the Davy Crockett rep was truthfully conveyed on the TV show?
I wonder if the Davy Crockett rep was truthfully conveyed on the TV show?
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I doubt it...remember, it was a Disney creation. I strongly suspect that he was a rather unpleasant and cruel man in RL.
uparoundnoon's Avatar
I disagree CT. I researched him quite a bit for something I'm writing. I even got to hang out with his great granddaughter. He was positive, upbeat and caring. The reason he got elected to Congress is because he was a "people" guy and a great storyteller. The reason he lost the last reelection is his compassion for Native Americans. He wouldn't go along with Andrew Jackson's "squatter's rights" legislation which deprived Native Americans their right to be on any land.