Providers with Attitude

First off,

Hope everyone's having a good start to it at least.....

OK now.
Also referred to as sass, twist, point of view, standpoint, demeanor, opinion, and stance.

I have often read reviews and comments wherein a gentleman will mention that a particular provider has an "attitude" about her.
Sometimes, he says it in a positive way,
ie. she's got that "come fuck me attitude and that's hott!"
And sometimes, not so positive, or even in a completely negative way.......
" She's really hot, but with her attitude I'd rather date my hand"

A lot of the time though these "attitudes" are perceived by what is written on these boards.
People do judge by the written (posted) word and usually can and do interject their own feelings at the time into what they're reading.
If you had a pissy day, you're more likely to perceive posts as being negative even if they weren't meant to be.

So that being said.
Have you ever met with someone simply because you like their attitude? Their posting style or perhaps something they've written in a blog or on their website that really impressed you and made that part of your brain say "I have to meet this person!

Have you ever met with, read up on or corresponded with someone whom despite their outward appeal had an attitude that just rubs you the wrong way?

And finally,
Can a providers attitude truly be gleaned by her online posts? Or do you reserve any judgement until you're in RL with that person?
bambino's Avatar
I don't judge someone by their online "persona". As providers are concerned, I do my own homework. If I can confirm that she has a poor attitude or really has no interest in what she's doing, I'll pass.
Gladiator69's Avatar
I'm not sure if this is what you are asking for sure or not, but when I research a lady I am interested in seeing, I look at her postings on here on alot of topics. I LOVE honesty in a woman and passion, not only in a session but in her beliefs, interests on varies topics, life experieces ect. I may not even agree with some things she may have posted on and seen her anyway and have had some of the best sessions ever. I love getting otheres points of view on just about any subject. If we all thought the same way on everything it would be a pretty boring life. As for myself I will say that I am probably one of THE LEAST POLITICIALY CORRECT on the planet. I love a womans point of view on most subjects period.
johnso's Avatar
Attitude of the provider is the one trait causing me to see her every chance I get. There are many very attractive women with BCD skills that are amazing. There are few that have the attitude to match. The attitude seems to be there when we click together. It's that Cameron Diaz thing. ( Not talking about the don't shave thing). The smile the touch the kiss that says this spellingwoman wants me. The attitude can go from subtle in how they barely graze my chest or thigh to how they look into my eyes and their facial expressions. Don't know how they do it but they get my call every time they are in town. Some are on the boards regularly and quite different in person but most only past an ad and rarely anything else. So I get nothing from trying to interpretae their attitude that attracts me from what they may or may not write. I do pick up attitudes I do not like from some providers posts and never see them.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-15-2014, 01:10 PM
Have you ever met with someone simply because you like their attitude? Their posting style or perhaps something they've written in a blog or on their website that really impressed you and made that part of your brain say "I have to meet this person! Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
That is the first and most important thing I use to decide who I might want to see. I will then do more research, but almost every new (for me) lady I meet it was her attitude as expressed in her posts/blogs/etc. that first caught my attention. I have definitely scratched a lot of ladies off my list based upon what they say as well.

I'm not looking for someone who agrees with everything I believe--that would get dull very quickly--but I look for wit, intelligence, opinions, and how they present themselves when not attacked--since I rarely intend to attack any of the ladies I might see
fluffy kitten's Avatar
I choose solely on looks & service level. In 1hr of paid sex, I couldn't care less about attitude, provided they aren't a cold fish.
"I'm not looking for someone who agrees with everything I believe--that would get dull very quickly--but I look for wit, intelligence, opinions, and how they present themselves when not attacked--since I rarely intend to attack any of the ladies I might see."

Same here. Posts reveal a lot about personalities and I use them to give me some insight. I have never picked a lady based strictly on how I perceive her attitude - the physical attraction still has to be there - but I have crossed some off the list for that reason. And some of them appeared quite attractive in their showcases.
Excellent topic, Sexy Maid! Love the answers, guys!
Funny thread but yes attitude does matter. Met a lady that I loved her pictures for a while and read some reviews that told me she was probably not for me but took a chance since I had been talking with her. She was very beautiful, very nice body, did a good BBBJ, but was so into herself and how gorgeous she was it turned me off and I could not finish the deal. I know some guys are all about the sex and what they can do with her, but the best I have had came from lower priced providers that were real, natural, liked being with you, and just wanted to enjoy the moment and was into it.
So yes attitude does matter even if they are playing it but making you believe it.
I don't judge someone by their online "persona". As providers are concerned, I do my own homework. If I can confirm that she has a poor attitude or really has no interest in what she's doing, I'll pass. Originally Posted by bambino
Good Advice.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Have you ever met with someone simply because you like their attitude? Their posting style or perhaps something they've written in a blog or on their website that really impressed you and made that part of your brain say "I have to meet this person!

Can a providers attitude truly be gleaned by her online posts? Or do you reserve any judgement until you're in RL with that person? Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Like the attitude: Yes, but I'll admit pics help. And if they're fun, which includes conversation, a bit of sass (ok, a lot of sass), and of course playfulness, then the "see again" list gets an addition.

Attitude from on-line posts: Easily, although it may take a few posts. But this is for acceptable attitude. On this same topic, and expanding on bambino's and watchout's comments, sometimes it only takes a single post to put a "never-mind" tag on someone. And this involves more than just attitude. In the National Sandbox, just after the New Year, PunkRockPrincess started an excellent thread entitled "Out of Curiosity" on how folks presented themselves with basic english and grammar. My point being, some folks do themselves a disservice by failing to present themselves adequately (or by arguing, or whatever), as, frankly, there are quite a few other folks to be hobby friends with.
RedLeg505's Avatar
Have you ever met with someone simply because you like their attitude? Their posting style or perhaps something they've written in a blog or on their website that really impressed you and made that part of your brain say "I have to meet this person! Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Yes actually. I have specifically contacted providers to set an appointment after reading some of their posts, which demonstrated a sense of humor and personality that I found attractive. Tia Travels was one of them, and our time together was as much FUN and enjoyable as I thought it would be based on her demonstrated sense of humor.

Have you ever met with, read up on or corresponded with someone whom despite their outward appeal had an attitude that just rubs you the wrong way? Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
Short answer: Yes. I won't mention names but.. yes.

Can a providers attitude truly be gleaned by her online posts? Or do you reserve any judgement until you're in RL with that person? Originally Posted by sexymaid_69
I can simply report that the fun and sense of humor that I felt Tia Travels had from her posts here, turned out to be exactly what I expected when we met face to face. Will that ALWAYS be true? Probably not, but so far, I would say the ones that attracted me with their online persona via their posts, lived up to what I expected.
Great topic. Attitude can make or break a liaison.
Great topic. Attitude can make or break a liaison. Originally Posted by Eva Damita
Good advice for Appointments.No one should judge no one over opinions/posts on public boards.
I like Tinman's old sig line: I never met a mouthy dame who didn't know how to fcuk.