Happily Married and Polyamorous

Curious to see if there are others on here who share a similar lifestyle, and how you handle the dynamics of such a complex relationship/s

Is your s.o aware of your taste and preferences, and if so, are they supportive or simply indifferent?

Did you plan on taking this route as you were getting married, or did it occur to you afterwards, when you became curious and adventurous ?

Do you feel it can be healthy or is probably immoral but you are who you are.

Do you communicate with your spouse about your fantasies, desires, adventures with others ....or it is a hush hush topic? 'I know it is happening, but let's not discuss it.'

If your spouse or soon to be, doesn't know, would you ever tell? And how would you try to explain it? 'I love you, but I also enjoy being with others.'

It obvious takes a high level of maturity and life experience for both people in the primary relationship

And what defines being polyamorous? Capable of loving multiple people and being in healthy relationships? Or loving your s.o but being in a variety of emotional relationships with others i.e close friendship

Excited to hear your thoughts
I'm curious too
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar

If your spouse or soon to be, doesn't know, would you ever tell? And how would you try to explain it? 'I love you, but I also enjoy being with others.'
Originally Posted by Zabrina Sarafina
Unless you're both upfront about your "orientation" in the early stages of the relationship, more often than not I can see that convo going down as the poly will be seen as a cheater or basically wanting to cheat and asking permission in a roundabout way. Of course some people get off thinking about their SO being with someone else but I think overall that's a small minority.