What's up with Tryst?

vegasbaby7's Avatar
App pics are blurred now so you can't see anything...
vegasbaby7's Avatar
All pics.
Love my phone
Seems like they are blurry for just a few seconds then load and show up fine. That's what I'm experiencing anyway.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
I waited & waited the other day & pics wouldn't clear up. Was working normally again lsst night tho.
That's weird. At least it's working decent again I guess.
AWS was down the other day which was causing problems all over the web. That's probably what was going on.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Still random blurred pics again last night & today. See 1 profile the next blurred. Click a clear profile & it might be blurred. Waiting doesn't help, stays blurred. Refresh works occasionally but not very often.
vegasbaby7's Avatar
Getting to the point I HATE Tryst. Pics still blurred more than 1/2 the time I get on that site. Wish all ladies were on P411.
I understand supply and demand, demand setting prices, etc. BUT I don't believe there is high demand for overweight, elderly, or homely women at $500 or more. Just do not get it!
Still random blurred pics again last night & today. See 1 profile the next blurred. Click a clear profile & it might be blurred. Waiting doesn't help, stays blurred. Refresh works occasionally but not very often.
FRUSTRATING Originally Posted by vegasbaby7
If you're running a VPN, which i believe is a necessity (seriously $25 for 2 years on 5 devices) that's going to happen. Also, it someone has rootkitted the web site be thankful you cant click on them.
  • piggy
  • 12-28-2021, 09:58 AM
I understand supply and demand, demand setting prices, etc. BUT I don't believe there is high demand for overweight, elderly, or homely women at $500 or more. Just do not get it! Originally Posted by viper6111
Cant believe they are getting the asking prices.