
What are some of the words ladies use in their ads that get old to you men? What are some of the things in ads that bother you period?

Some that irk me are:

1. Exotic. How the hell can a blonde be exotic?
2. Exquisite. Do some of the ladies that use the word even know what it means?
3. Blonde barbie doll. OK, so its a term, but its over used. Every blonde is a barbie doll now.

Chicks who TyPe LiKe ThIs aNd ThEn tHrOw iN tHe %$#@!%^&*((%^$# in their ads to get your attention. UGH!!!!!!!
Listing a phone number like this 4 zero 2 75 six ?? eight *
1.I see the ones who use exotic are black girls they say they are mexican from the islands chinese or some for of mix and are just simply a black girl hate when they do that. Of course a few white girls do it also.

2.Another that gets old is when they say in a ad they are better than anyone else. How do they know?

3. 100% Satisfaction or 100% Guarantee. OR what will you give a refund?

4. Ah yes the ads written that make you dizzy CoMe PlAy iN mY pLaYgRouNd

5. Girls who put up multiple ads each day

6. Girls who change their name and numbers as much as they change underwear. If you have to do that your in the wrong line of work

Elena I think we can both count on one hand how many ladies we know in Omaha who have kept the same name and number in the last 4 yrs.

But this is for the guys would love to hear your ideas and input.
Listing a phone number like this 4 zero 2 75 six ?? eight * Originally Posted by farmstud60
That's an intentional method to avoid having a search engine index the number or from having the number easily identified by using the search function in a browser. In a lot of instances, there's a reason a lady is doing it that way, and it usually isn't good . . . of course, some do it because they see others do it that way and some do it because they believe it will keep their number from being "robo-called" (which is a myth). In too many instances, it is a number that has been burned off by a pimp or a lady as they are a scam or rip-off or "Agency" (I'm using the term in this instance in the derogatory) - and they want to avoid detection in the market in which the ad appears. That is why the practice started and that is primarily why it continues.


- Jackie
snowbeard's Avatar
Mystery words in ads do nothing for me but irritate. I appreciate the straight forward ads that let me know when visitors are visiting, and how I can contact them. I do get frustrated with ads that say, "Check my reviews," but offer no web site or other way to see where a review exists. Ads with no phone number or email are also mysterious - and make me wonder if they are legit. I tried one once in Indiana, and ended up with a series of emails from someone who supposedly was in Indianapolis, San Antonio, NYC and Omaha at the same time. Don't know what they are after, but sure confused me.
I also get confused when the message is "call for details" but the ad specifically not to ask about services or rates. I wonder what other details there might be.
jaja133's Avatar
i tHiNk yUo gys HaVe iT cOVErde.
That is what I thought the main reasons were Jackie, as if you actually search on the actual number, you usually don't any results, or bad reference type results.
Another one. Upscale new hottie, and they are only 21.
Would another one be when a girl says she is highly reviewed and has one or two reviews or none at all?
Lea Madisson's Avatar
I hate ads that advertise "mature" and they are only 35!!!! LOL


Rider68's Avatar
The Barbie Doll one bugs me. Also its just a pet peeve but anything over 100% anything. Its not just providers it was the same with coaches when they wanted to us give 110% or something like that. Well I realize that I have probably said too much and I am gonna shutup now and go away LOL!