'Guideline' question

tracer's Avatar
Referring to guideline #9...

I want to make sure that I understand how this is interpreted. Would it be allowed to disclose the nature of a PM as long as it didn't include specifics?

Example: Fucktard A sent me a PM asking if I was interested in going to a strip club. I have never met Fucktard A so rather than reply to the PM I choose to respond in a thread about other things where we are both participating. So, in said response I say "by the way, what would make you send me a PM inviting me to go somewhere with you?"

Did I reveal private communication or is something like that that vague enough to be alright?
SpiceItUp's Avatar
Absolutely, that's fine. It's permitted to restate in your own words what was said in order to tell your side of the story. You are of course free to quote yourself exactly, they're your words. Just be sure not to reveal anything personal or restate something that violates any other guidelines.
