Does it Matter if Hillary Clinton Is a Carpet-Muncher?

I'm just saying... I wish she was a LOT HOTTER.

Click on this link for some good pics...

September 01, 2014

Jenny McCarthy, easily the finest female specimen ever to appear on estrogen-addled daytime-TV squawkfest The View, recently upset the eternally offended Gay Lobby by insinuating what most of the Western world has insinuated for decades—that Hillary Clinton has a taste for female flesh.

Even though being gay is supposed to be cool, Clinton supporters balked and blanched and belched at the allegation not because being a Daughter of Sappho is a matter of shame, but because Clinton is on record denying it, which would make her a liar in the grand tradition of her husband.

Assuming that Clinton does not die from herpes nor succumb to a fatal blood clot between now and 2016 when it is presumed she would be a shoo-in for the Democratic nomination for president, would it really matter if she were, to put it in the vulgar argot of sailors and longshoremen, a clam-licker?

Not as much as one might think.

“The idea of a man-hating, pants-suit-wearing, oyster-gobbling woman sitting in the Ovary Office should make any right-thinking American male’s testicles retreat slightly up into his body.”
In the sake of fairness and accuracy and discretion, it is first prudent that I review whatever evidence may exist that Clinton has indulged in rank carnality with members of her own gender.

Exhibit A is this photo of Clinton staring down at singer Christina Aguilera’s ample golden bosom. According to Aguilera, the photo is authentic. To me, this is the most convincing firsthand evidence that Clinton likes girls. I can imagine her digging her snout deep within Aguilera’s cleavage and making “BRRRAPPP!” sounds with her mouth. There is also this photo of an intensely lecherous-looking Clinton coming uncomfortably close to giving a nipple pinch to a clearly uncomfortable young woman. Does this constitute sexual harassment? Yes. I feel sexually harassed just looking at it.

Also compelling is Clinton’s lifelong predilection for wearing pants suits. No heterosexual woman in her right mind would be caught dead wearing those things in public.

The rumor-mongers suggest that Clinton first developed a taste for vagina during her radical younger days at Wellesley College, where she roomed for four solid years with confirmed lesbian Eldie Acheson, a woman whose face is butch enough to saw lumber. And this photo of a young, pre-Clinton-era Hillary Rodham standing alongside college president Ruth Adams is more lesbian than a pile of Ellen Degeneres’s unwashed laundry.

There is also the infamous Socks Incident, a DC rumor involving a veterinarian who had been summoned to the White House to attend to the Clinton’s ailing cat, Socks. As the story goes, the vet “opened the wrong door” only to find Ms. Clinton locked in a steamy embrace with another woman.

Rumors have swirled for years that Clinton is involved in a sexual relationship that possibly even involves the occasional act of scissoring with her near-constant companion and road dog Huma Abedin, wife of disgraced archaeopteryx-faced penis-sexter Anthony Weiner. In 2007, the Village Voice’s resident homo gossipmonger Michael Musto addressed rumors that Clinton was “GAYLE KING-ing” Abedin, a reference to Oprah Winfrey’s alleged Sapphic Siamese twin.

When asked in 2013 about the rumors that Clinton and Abedin may be engaging in mutual pearl-diving, longtime Bill Clinton mistress Gennifer Flowers told MailOnline:

I don’t know Huma or the Weiners. I just know what Bill told me and that was that he was aware that Hillary was bisexual and he didn’t care. He should know. He said Hillary had eaten more p***y than he had.

I’m going to go way out on a limb and assume that “p***y” does not mean “putty” or “poopy.” And I’ll lowball this and assume that, say, Bill Clinton never ate a pussy in his life. According to Flowers, that would mean that Hillary Clinton has eaten at least one pussy, which would qualify her as at least bisexual if not a full-blown, fire-breathing, scorpion-tailed, claw-wielding lesbian.

But again—does it matter?

It should if you’re a male. By definition, lesbians dislike men. They take your everyday, run-of-the-mill, been-there-done-that misandry that forms the bedrock of all latter-day feminism a step further by rejecting not only the idea of maleness, but the very male body itself. The idea of a man-hating, pants-suit-wearing, oyster-gobbling woman sitting in the Ovary Office should make any right-thinking American male’s testicles retreat slightly up into his body.

Yet in the same interview where she claimed Bill Clinton told her that Hillary was a serial cunnilinguist, Gennifer Flowers blurted out something that might give all American men even more reason to be terrified at the prospect of a Hillary presidency. Flowers claimed that despite all the bad blood between them over the fact that they’ve shared the same penis, she would vote for Clinton should she run in 2016:

The support I would give Hillary is as a woman. I’m one of those women who in so many aspects of my professional and personal life I’ve been out there making strides for women and allowing them to go down roads in which they were not welcome….I would love to see a woman president.

Where have we heard that sort of sentiment before? Oh, right—“I would love to see a black president.” And instead of the post-racial utopia we were promised, we’ve now seen six years of ceaseless and escalating white-bashing. And unlike the puny 13% of the electorate that blacks comprise, women make up around half of all voters. And as many men realize but are perhaps too gelded to admit in public, many if not most women have an axe—or, more precisely, an axe wound—to grind with men.

Since 2008, Democratic shysters have deflected the merest criticism of Obama with the word “racism,” a dumb and meaningless term that still somehow has the capacity to cripple nearly anyone at whom it is flung. Should Hillary Clinton ascend to the presidency, you can bet your last testicle that no matter how extreme her policies, anyone who dares question them will be shouted down as a misogynist. She could call for the ritual televised castration of all male infants, yet anyone who made a peep about it will be smeared as a woman-hater.

It is also well-known that Hillary Clinton is an impenitent war hawk. For all that we hear about how men who love guns and missiles are compensating for penile deficiencies, how much more would this apply to someone that nature has saddled with a mere clitoris?

Let’s throw reason to the wind and assume that Clinton is a full-on heterosexual woman. If that’s the case, she publicly endured humiliation at the hands of her philandering hubby. Hell hath no fury, and all that. If she were to be placed in the world’s ultimate power position, this would not bode well for men. Considering all this, one could only hope that she’s a lesbian.

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If elected POTUS Hillary won't be ...
The first "gay" President or
The first "lesbian" Clinton.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-09-2014, 06:58 PM
Wow. What a waste of electrons that was IFFY. Does that have anything to do with politics? No, not really.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
She is not gay........but......

In the 21st century, I could care less if the Hidebeast is a bull dyke.

What I do care about is that she is a lying piece of shit whose biggest accomplishment in life is being Mrs. Bill Clinton.

We wasted the honor of electing the first black President on the demagoguing little twerp in the Oval Office now.

We can do so much better than "Mrs Bill Clinton".
MrThom's Avatar
No. What matters is that she doesn't have the best of the Nation at heart, but the best of the Party. I vote against her.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
does it matter that Slobbrin is really a retard?
"Even though being gay is supposed to be cool, Clinton supporters balked and blanched and belched at the allegation not because being a Daughter of Sappho is a matter of shame, but because Clinton is on record denying it, which would make her a liar in the grand tradition of her husband."

this makes her a grand liar in the eyes of the author?

does this author forget every slimy lie told by Hillary, from consequential ones to the things that just float out of her mouth about which there is really no reason to lie solely because she has a lying spirit?

to top if off Jenny McCarthy is hot?

"Also compelling is Clinton’s lifelong predilection for wearing pants suits. No heterosexual woman in her right mind would be caught dead wearing those things in public.

has this idiot ever caught glimpse of her ankles?
lustylad's Avatar
does this author forget every slimy lie told by Hillary, from consequential ones to the things that just float out of her mouth about which there is really no reason to lie solely because she has a lying spirit? Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

I mean, WHAT DIFFERENCE AT THIS POINT DOES IT MAKE if I lied yesterday, a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, and a decade ago? It doesn't make a pattern.
lustylad's Avatar
We wasted the honor of electing the first black President on the demagoguing little twerp in the Oval Office now.

We can do so much better than "Mrs Bill Clinton". Originally Posted by Jackie S

Yep, it's not hard to think of lots of superior female candidates... Nikki Haley? Kelly Ayotte? Maybe we can get Megyn Kelly to quit Fox and enter politics...
lustylad's Avatar
Bill told me not to wear a bra today so stand down bitch, it's not for you!

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Doesn't matter what Hillary does - if the liberals think it will piss off conservatives, they will vote for her for fun. But she is not unbeatable, and people are going to get tired of her, just like Bill gets weary of her presence..
LexusLover's Avatar
But she is not unbeatable, .... Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
She has shown that already. In fact she got bested by the worstest!
No carpet for Hillary, she hits those hardwood floors.