24 Hard Facts About 9/11 That Cannot Be Debunked

SEE3772's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/...t-be-debunked/ Originally Posted by SEE3772
Interesting. I guess it WASNT Obama's fault after all.
Is claim #1 (presence of Nano Thermite) some kind of proof of a military-industrial complex conspiracy to bring down WTC?
SEE3772's Avatar
Interesting. I guess it WASNT Obama's fault after all. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Who's to blame?
There's many but without a real and true investigation we will never know.
But... More and more people do understand that the official story is a complete lie and anyone who is a gatekeeper... is aiding and abetting!
9/11 = Obamas foreign policy...
SEE3772's Avatar
Is claim #1 (presence of Nano Thermite) some kind of proof of a military-industrial complex conspiracy to bring down WTC? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Don't know... you tell me.
Without 9/11 there would be no war on terror.
They tried once before in 93.
And it came out the FBI was behind that one to...
Search FBI 1993 WTC bombing if this is foreign info.

I am not the one trying to connect your dots; I don't doubt that Nano Termite was found....why is finding Nano Termite traces at the WTC site so significant to you Truthers ?
lustylad's Avatar
Fucking idiot. Anyone who thinks the 9/11 attacks were not carried out by bin Laden/al queda is a colossally fucked-up and pathologically delusional conspiracy monger. We even have a taped admission and no, the tape is NOT fake. Go get a lobotomy and stop dissing the 9/11 victims on this solemn anniversary.

Our media overlords love to mainstream leftwing fanaticism. 9/11 Trutherism is no exception. Even though the mainstream media prides itself on being oh-so rational and pro-science, the most anti-science among us enjoy star status and 1%-sized wealth from some of our most prestigious media outlets.

ABC: Rosie O'Donnell - On this anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, let us take a moment to thank ABC, home of World News Tonight, for re-hiring the most ignorant (fire can't melt steel) and foul 9/11 Truther to ever enjoy the national spotlight. O'Donnell is not only returning to ABC's "The View," she's doing so as the star and savior of the network's aging current event series.

NBC News: Toure' - Race grifter Toure' stopped Tweeting some months ago. But the leftwing lunatic's public Trutherism has been captured forever. Despite this, Toure' has been made a wealthy One-Percenter thanks to a big fat paycheck from NBC News for his starring weekday role on MSNBC's "The Cycle."

CNN: Van Jones - You didn’t think the most disgraced name in news would fail to put a leftwing Truther on the payroll, did you? After Jones was ousted from the Obama administration for his Trutherism (among other things), CNN fell over itself to make him a wealthy part of the CNN family.

HuffPo: Donte Stallworth - After the leftwing Huffington Post announced its hiring of former NFL player Donte Stallworth (as a national security writer!), it took the Internet about 2 minutes to out him as a 9/11 Truther. In response, the HuffPo lied about Stallworth's Trutherism, and it took the Internet less than a minute to expose the lie. As things stand, this 9/11 Truther remains a national security writer for the Huffington Post.
Note that these Truthers are all lefwingers working at leftwing media outlets.
lustylad's Avatar
I knew about the first 3, but not Donte Stallworth as a "national security writer". Wow. Fucking unbelievable. So being a 9/11 "truther" doesn't disqualify you from being hired to give opinions on these networks. How about being a Holocaust denier? Is that ok too?
I B Hankering's Avatar
Fucking idiot. Anyone who thinks the 9/11 attacks were not carried out by bin Laden/al queda is a colossally fucked-up and pathologically delusional conspiracy monger. We even have a taped admission and no, the tape is NOT fake. Go get a lobotomy and stop dissing the 9/11 victims on this solemn anniversary.

Originally Posted by lustylad
http://www.veteransnewsnow.com/2013/...t-be-debunked/ Originally Posted by SEE3772
Yet more bullshit. You never get any smarter, do you?

Post a link to EVERY one of those 24 so-called "facts" or shut up.
talk to cjohnny54, his brother born on September 11(lastname vo) and youtube channel vevo translate into Vietnamese as go home vo?

do you know who in charge 9.11 compensation fund and who BP oil spill?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Of course. How silly of us. The government would never lie to us. What were we thinking? We know for certain bin Laden was behind it. How do we know? He said so! It's not like he was a publicity whore or anything. Honest as the day is long, he was.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't know... you tell me.
Without 9/11 there would be no war on terror.
They tried once before in 93.
And it came out the FBI was behind that one to...
Search FBI 1993 WTC bombing if this is foreign info.

https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p34XrI2Fm6I Originally Posted by SEE3772
Do you really believe this? If you do then I have to put you on ignore so you don't Billy Madison me.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
COG, think about it. How many people would have to be involved to carry it out and then, THEN, they have to keep their mouths shut for the rest of their lives to make it work. The South Park boys have it figured out, it was a bunch of pissed off Arabs.