Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Liberals caused this fuck up.
If Texas breaks off like Scotland is trying to do, that wouldn't happen there.
" You can't come into the school cause your uniform may offend someone" What kind of fucking bullshit is that? Some little snot nosed kid or some liberal douchebag faculty member's feelings take president over a career military officer. How in the hell can a soldier in uniform offend someone in this country. I guess the same would hold true if that girls father was a Police Officer in uniform, and people wonder why America is falling apart.

Good lord, it took me all of 30 seconds to find out that the entire thing was a mistake on the part of the security guard at the school. It is not school policy, it has never been school policy and it never will be school policy. Settle the fuck down.....

BTW Mojo, you fucking braindead asshat.....it's "precedent"....not "president".....damn, man.

HOUSTON, Texas -- A twenty-four year Army officer was denied entrance to his daughter’s high school in Rochester, Michigan. His offense? He was wearing the uniform of the United States Army.

Army Lt. Colonel Sherwood Baker went to his daughter’s high school when he was greeted at the door by a Rochester Adams High School security guard. He went to the school with his daughter to help her learn her way around the school. The security guard informed Colonel Sherwood he would have to go home and change clothes before he could be granted entry into the building.

Baker’s wife, Rachel Ferhadson told Fox 2 in Detroit, “Before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said sorry you're not allowed in the school. Security told him men and women in uniform were not allowed because it may offend another student."

Fox 2 reported this was said to the father by four different people.
Breitbart Texas spoke with the school’s principal, Mr. Kevin Cumming. “We have no such policy in this facility,” Cumming said, “nor do we have that kind of policy anywhere in the district.”

Cumming went on to explain this was a very “unfortunate incident” and that he was investigating to find out what happened to make certain it would not happen again.
“We have a great school here,” Cumming said. “I just wish people would focus on what a great job our teachers and students are doing.”

Rochester school superintendent Robert Shaner, also a military veteran, quickly apologized to the family. He then sent a letter to Fox 2 which stated, “The district has apologized for any perception that individuals in uniform are not welcome in the school. The district does not have a policy excluding individuals in uniform and will be working with administration and the firm that handles our security to make sure district policies are understood and communicated accurately."
boardman's Avatar
Sounds to me like Barney Fife who works for a private security company has a hard on for the uniform, maybe because he couldn't get into the military...IDK.
The school district said and did the right thing after it was brought to their attention. Must've been a slow news day.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Where the fuck did anybody mention Burqa's whir-LIE-turd?

Could you spin this even more out if the realm of sensibility?

The guard fucked up. For all you know he was a fucking Limbaugh ditto head. if he was working that job, I'd say the chances are pretty fucking high.

Burqa's? Explain how Burqa's apply to this story?

Fucking idiot and a fabricator of lies.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Liberals caused this fuck up.
If Texas breaks off like Scotland is trying to do, that wouldn't happen there. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
King Solomon the cocksucker...
Not the guard but 4 security guards, you dumb lying weasel .......

For all you know they could gave been Muslim.

The guard fucked up. For all you know he was a fucking Limbaugh ditto head. if he was working that job, I'd say the chances are pretty fucking high.

. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
frenchybruno18's Avatar
Liberals caused this fuck up.
If Texas breaks off like Scotland is trying to do, that wouldn't happen there. Originally Posted by Jewish Lawyer
A little search on your part would have shown that it was a total misunderstanding between the security company and the school's policy because the district doesn't have such a policy. You should move to Scotland indeed, I think your blame Obama then asks question later attitude shows that you stayed too long in TX. The cold and foggy weather in the highlands is definitely what you need.
Good lord, it took me all of 30 seconds to find out that the entire thing was a mistake on the part of the security guard at the school. It is not school policy, it has never been school policy and it never will be school policy. Settle the fuck down.....

BTW Mojo, you fucking braindead asshat.....it's "precedent"....not "president".....damn, man.

HOUSTON, Texas -- A twenty-four year Army officer was denied entrance to his daughter’s high school in Rochester, Michigan. His offense? He was wearing the uniform of the United States Army.

Army Lt. Colonel Sherwood Baker went to his daughter’s high school when he was greeted at the door by a Rochester Adams High School security guard. He went to the school with his daughter to help her learn her way around the school. The security guard informed Colonel Sherwood he would have to go home and change clothes before he could be granted entry into the building.

Baker’s wife, Rachel Ferhadson told Fox 2 in Detroit, “Before he was allowed in, the security guard stopped him and said sorry you're not allowed in the school. Security told him men and women in uniform were not allowed because it may offend another student."

Fox 2 reported this was said to the father by four different people.
Breitbart Texas spoke with the school’s principal, Mr. Kevin Cumming. “We have no such policy in this facility,” Cumming said, “nor do we have that kind of policy anywhere in the district.”

Cumming went on to explain this was a very “unfortunate incident” and that he was investigating to find out what happened to make certain it would not happen again.
“We have a great school here,” Cumming said. “I just wish people would focus on what a great job our teachers and students are doing.”

Rochester school superintendent Robert Shaner, also a military veteran, quickly apologized to the family. He then sent a letter to Fox 2 which stated, “The district has apologized for any perception that individuals in uniform are not welcome in the school. The district does not have a policy excluding individuals in uniform and will be working with administration and the firm that handles our security to make sure district policies are understood and communicated accurately." Originally Posted by timpage
Yeah it was a mistake, but it's the blatant stupidity of the Security Guard in the first place. Look at the unnecessary inconvenience he caused for being an idiot and concerning himself with something that doesn't even matter. Kind of sounds like something you would get your happy ass caught up in.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Not the guard but 4 security guards, you dumb lying weasel .......

For all you know they could gave been Muslim. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
OK, now it's time for you to make sense of your stupid fucking headline, shit for brains!

Where's the connection? Where is there a SINGLE mention of burqua's being A-OK in that school district? Are you just assuming they are, just like you assumed nobody would call you on your phony MLK reference, whir-LIE-turd?

Admit you just made up some shit.
It wasn't a "misunderstanding" the 4 security guards who refused the Sargent's entry were enforcing their own rules. They understood they were denying entry to a man in uniform - there was NO MISUNDERSTANDING about that!

WTF were those 4 security guards thinking? And who are they? I can tell you a "Limbaugh" conservative wouldn't do such a dumb thing......but a dumb liberal would....someone who loathes the military ! Someone who voted for Obama.

I doubt those same 4 security guards would deny entry to a woman wearing a burqa !

Why do I think they wouldn't deny a New Black Panther type either.
Fuck you, you lying faggot.....you didn't even watch the video....otherwise you would know it wasn't 1 security guard, but 4 security guards who denied the soldier entry.........

The story doesn't mention "midgets" either; but my headline would ring true had I substituted burqa for midgets....or are you telling me the 4 security guards would deny entry to midgets as well.....????

You are a fucking dumb shit !

Why is that ?

Only a left wing anti-military type (a liberal) would do something as stupid as deny someone entry because they were wearing a military uniform....you know the same kind of anti-military crap that goes on at liberal universities around the country. The same kind of anti-American liberal crap that occupies places like Austin, Berkley, Ann Arbor, and such.

OK, now it's time for you to make sense of your stupid fucking headline, shit for brains!

Where's the connection? Where is there a SINGLE mention of burqua's being A-OK in that school district? Are you just assuming they are, just like you assumed nobody would call you on your phony MLK reference, whir-LIE-turd?

Admit you just made up some shit. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
BTW you dumb shit = it is spelled burqa there is no such thing as burqua!!!!!!
Poor whirlaturd he is twisting in the wind, can't blame it on the school now it is a liberal security company...LMAO
There has officially been a TrendingIdiot sighting!

We were starting to get worried that PoppyIdiot (LL) had permanently assigned his wayward nephew (TrendingIdiot) to the Idiotville Detention Center for getting your ass handed to you in the MLK thread.

You know the thread I am speaking of, don't you? It is the one you "cut and run" from 3-4 weeks ago.

Just as an update, your Idiot cousins tried to come in and rescue you but they were a few days late and several $$$$'s short. By the time they received your distress call, things were so screwed up that there was no saving it.

That's what happens when it was a lost cause from the get-go!

In any event, if you're feeling ignored, stick your pin-head back into the MLK thread.

We'll leave the lights on for you!