I'm surprised this has happened yet...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
...but the Obama supporters must be mighty confused about now.

This last week our feckless leader Barack Hussein Obama promised that we would seek out and destroy ISIL (ISIS). In essence, we were going to war against a Muslim militant army except that, according to Barry, they were not Muslim and it was not a war. Going to war almost guarantees that the Congress has to get involved like George Bush did but a military action does not (?). Barry made some talk about his coalition of the willing but so far he doesn't have many names on that list. The main ones are currently absent. Barry talked about this action (not a war) being like what we've been doing in Yeman and Somalia (but not talking about). We haven't been very successful in either of those places with pirates still active and terrorist being "broken" out of jail about every week. Barry was pretty short on details that should be public knowledge. It sounds like more talk and no action from Barry again. So lets find out where we stand. I expected (see the OP title) that the left would accuse the right of NOT supporting the war on terror (except they are not allowed to use that term in our state department according to UN Ambassador Rice) but the right HAS come out in favor of the war on terror. Now we are waiting for the left to follow their president.

The choices are fairly easy but not very simple;

Do you NOT support the war, any war, on terror. You think Obama is wrong to jump into this.

Do you NOT support the war on ISIS. Obama pulled out of Iraq and you know that it was a failure the first time.

You don't care about Iraq. Bush is to blame for starting the first war and we should let this go.

You think that we have an obligation to try to make things right in Iraq but no boots on the ground in either Iraq or Syria.

You think that we need to get involved but doubt Barry's capabilities and competence to lead the mission.

You think that ISIS is a potential threat to the west and we need to do whatever is necessary in both Syria or Iraq but Barry can't lead anyone.

You think that ISIS is a potential threat to the west and Barry is just the man to lead his coalition. With Barack, we prevail.
All Osodom wants to do is kick the can down the road and organize inner city communities...
If I had my way any one released from Guantanamo would be injected with the AIDS virus.
Afghanistan and Iraq have been such successes let's invade Syria.
Is this another "it's Obama's fault thread?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Afghanistan and Iraq have been such successes let's invade Syria. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Iraq was a success before 2009. Afterwards Obama claimed it as his success. What happened?
It has become normal to walk away from a fight and the government excepts it more readily each time. The idea of going in to win a war and damn the collateral damage has been lost. After serving nine years in the Army I could see we were headed for the feel nice and don't hurt those that have allowed the situation become what it is. Money and treating the people nice will never do as well as a bullet. There should never be a line that we won't cross to go after the enemy. The Armed forces are trained to kill and destroy not feed and nurture.
Iraq was a success before 2009. Afterwards Obama claimed it as his success. What happened? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you call it a success, then you are delusional.
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  • 09-14-2014, 10:47 PM
If you call it a success, then you are delusional. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
JD must think success in Iraq is blowing what might end up being 6 Trillion dollars.

Afghanistan and Iraq have been such successes let's invade Syria. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Iraq was a success before 2009. Afterwards Obama claimed it as his success. What happened? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If you call it a success, then you are delusional. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Now not only is i'va biggen the dumbest poster on the board, he's also the most delusional!

A war does not end with a news release. A war ends when there is no enemy left to shoot. A war does not end when a date is set in advance. A war ends when the enemy is dead.
The feel good group needs to be sent to the front line so they can convince the rag heads to be nice. I am all for land mines they are ready day or night.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you call it a success, then you are delusional. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Your master Obama called it a success. That is what I wrote but you failed to comprehend. Why am I not surprised?
JD I raise hell every time I get a hair cut. The gal that cuts my hair leaves some body's Grey hair in her comb.
Now not only is i'va biggen the dumbest poster on the board, he's also the most delusional!

Originally Posted by gnadfly
Turdfly I cannot be as long as you are here.
Your master Obama called it a success. That is what I wrote but you failed to comprehend. Why am I not surprised? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
you write a lot of crap Judy,but your hero GWB was the only success according to you, Obie was the one who lost the peace..remember?