"Wash Your Vagina" -- the career advice...

atlcomedy's Avatar
....now mainstream advice for all working girls....even those in an office...thanks to this ad in Women's Wear Daily....


:yi kes:
I can see the ads now in professional magazines: "Don't be embarrassed at your next performance evaluation: visit our professional vagina washers first."
let your boss check your vagina for cleanliness
Happy Diver's Avatar
"Ladies, the vagina checking line starts here. Have a seat."
I advise doing just the opposite. I would insert my finger into my vagina to coat it in natural feminine scent and then dab that behind each ear so pheremones are released around me..
i check panties for free ladies.....and i pay to eat....
Atlcomedy-I saw this, too in Atlanta on TER board yesterday-thought it was unbelievable! LOL