An Idea for references.

Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
So I was driving home from seeing my ATF and her and I had been discussing how the ladies check references and it doesn't seem like it's very foolproof. So i got to thinking, what if you ladies gave every client that you had seen a "code word" and then somewhere in the woman's lounge or whatever it's called you posted your code word and you could change it every month and keep a running list of the old ones so each lady could know whether the client was recent or what have you. You could even have "code words" for bad clients... Just a basic idea I'm sure y'all could tweek it. But give the password after the meeting and tell the client to remember it as that is how you check references. Obviously it could be a phrase or anything y'all wanted. Just my 2 cents...
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Maybe a sticky in the women's lounge and obviously it would have to kept extremely private...
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I'm sure us ladies can handle ourselves. We have ways or screening that may be different than just references. Also, as I've told your ATF references are the end all be all of screening. Once a lady learns how to screen a man without the need to check other women, she will be at the top of her game. Checking references is just 1 tiny piece of the puzzle. Us ladies dig a lot deeper. We keep up with who we see unless it's been a fucking year.

Also, I wouldn't remember a damn password. I doubt my clients would
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Maybe a sticky in the women's lounge and obviously it would have to kept extremely private... Originally Posted by Imsecretlyaninja
It's been proven that things haven't been kept "extremely private" around here, Matt.
Here's a codeword for you, Matt. "Overstepping"

You really need to stick to being a client. If your ATF wants to sign up for your Hooking 101 courses, that's her business.

The rest of us don't have a need for a personal improvement management professional. We can handle this. Trust me.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Why are y'all discussing what happens in the Ladies Room anyway?
It's been proven that things haven't been kept "extremely private" around here, Matt. Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
+1 yes, shit gets out lol
dearhunter's Avatar
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Stay on topic please ladies, weren't discussing the woman's lounge simply talking about references which got me thinking. I'm aware there are other ways of screening. Years ago when I first started hobbying Ginger actually verified me through calling my office... I would just assume some guys would not feel comfortable giving out that info...

As for as hooker 101 classes I hardly think I'm qualified to offer that class... I think you ladies are taking a simple suggestion way to serious. Please stop "looking" for drama. Act your age ladies
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Here's a codeword for you, Matt. "Overstepping"

You really need to stick to being a client. If your ATF wants to sign up for your Hooking 101 courses, that's her business.

The rest of us don't have a need for a personal improvement management professional. We can handle this. Trust me. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
Here's a code word stay off my thread if your not interested. Quit adding to the drama ,string puller. Let's subtract from the drama
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Why are y'all discussing what happens in the Ladies Room anyway? Originally Posted by Danielle Reid
For those of us on the board who can read and comprehend a sentence we would remind you this is a totally unwarranted and unneeded statement. Please stay on topic. Didn't your grandmother teach you if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything? And didn't you point out in the unsolicited PM you sent me that we need not communicate with each other? I'll thank you to stay off my post. U less you are adding valuable content not drama.

Bye Felicia
...As for as hooker 101 classes I hardly think I'm qualified to offer that class... Originally Posted by Imsecretlyaninja
Well, I think that's definitely something that we can all agree on.

Personally, I think it's very unprofessional for a provider to discuss her screening tactics or share other client's info with anyone other than another provider. "Shit gets out" is an understatement, so I would never tell a client all that my screening involves. People talk, & things like that, known in advance, can be easily fabricated by the wrong people.

I certainly won't trust my safety to a codeword posted in an area of the board that's very recently been violated. Ironic that the idea would come from the same person who violated it.
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
I'm sure us ladies can handle ourselves. We have ways or screening that may be different than just references. Also, as I've told your ATF references are the end all be all of screening. Once a lady learns how to screen a man without the need to check other women, she will be at the top of her game. Checking references is just 1 tiny piece of the puzzle. Us ladies dig a lot deeper. We keep up with who we see unless it's been a fucking year.

Also, I wouldn't remember a damn password. I doubt my clients would Originally Posted by Danielle Reid

Good info btw helpful post thank you
Imsecretlyaninja's Avatar
Well, I think that's definitely something that we can all agree on.

Personally, I think it's very unprofessional for a provider to discuss her screening tactics with anyone other than another provider. "Shit gets out" is an understatement, so I would never tell a client all that my screening involves. People talk, & things like that, known in advance, can be easily fabricated by the wrong people.

I certainly won't trust my safety to a codeword posted in an area of the board that's very recently been violated. Ironic that the idea would come from the same person who violated it. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

My idea and as far as I know I never violated anything... And again maybe you need to have your bifocal's checked. The title of this topic isn't screening its references, isn't there a difference? Glad you have a better system Ginger with the YEARS AND YEARS of practice you have I'm not surprised lmao. Again stay on topic or just don't post.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
WOLVERINE Originally Posted by dearhunter
Why not Pink Panther? just guessing