To everyone please read.

Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
As most of you know Ms Sara and I have had some differences in the past and I believe that this has effected the board and hobby for all of us, which is a shame.
The hobby is suppose to be fun for all of us and not stressful. For my part in it I apologize.
We have since reconciled our differences and are moving past them.
We are in a business that can be very competitive and stressful for all and sometimes that makes for not being so nice to each other, jumping to assumptions and hurting each other, when we should all be working together to keep each other safe.
Sara and I are at different stages in our profession and offer different services and personalities and learning to work with the differences can sometimes be hard to handle.
I have been in the business for over 30 yrs and being an elder in the the biz I tend to act like a mother to the younger new girls and tell them what to do and not to do, not because I want to be bossy, but because I want them to be safe and never go through some of the things I have had to go through.
I understand that they think I a trying to control them and boss them around, believe me that is not my intentions at all, and am sorry that I have came across that way to them.
I just want everyone safe and to hopefully never be busted, raped, or put in a situation that will change their lives forever.
I have always tried to help all the ladies and gentlemen alike on and off the boards and will continue.
I apologize to Sara also for anything bad I have sad about her or to her, she is a great provider and we are all lucky to have her.
Please except my apologies for any stress or problems I have caused with me actions.
Ms Lady Y.
MuffDiver1975's Avatar
I'm glad to hear that you two have worked things out. Have a good holiday everyone!
Without being to open on boards, thank you, lady y. In every conflict there are two sides. I wasn't always quiet about our differences. You did teach me a lot which I am extremely grateful for and you are correct that we (providers) need each other to ensure safety. We are human and are allowed to have differences, but even so, we need to be able to put those aside long enough to complete our goals. Alas, we are women and have VAGINAS which makes us confusing and, at times, difficult creatures.

Happy Memorial Weekend! What is that big yellow foreign object in the sky emitting waves of heat? I'm soooo confused.
12blue4u's Avatar
Confusing, women, never seen that. Glad things are better between you both. Now if I only was fully recovered and had some blue pills Oh to dream the impossible dream.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Confusing, women, never seen that. Glad things are better between you both. Now if I only was fully recovered and had some blue pills Oh to dream the impossible dream. Originally Posted by 12blue4u
Blue pills, Nah, a good cock ring and a good mouth and pair of tits should do the job.
I'm glad that everyone is getting along. The world and our inner beings do better without conflict. It's also nice when the "Suns out in Nebraska"

:smileys ex:

"I post this shit because I love looking at these little dudes".

DallasRain's Avatar
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh lets just all have a big kiss-in! Happy yall made peace!!
burkalini's Avatar
Two of my favorites. They made up. This is good. Big boobs times two pressing together. A four handed two tongue bj/hj. The possibilities are limitless. Fuck did I just say that out loud?