I don't think Obama understands

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I hate to bring this up but I was watching President Obama eulogize the victims of the Benghazi embassy attack and he kept repeating that "there is no greater love than when someone is willing to lay down their life for someone else." We don't know the circumstances of each of the four deaths but President Obama made is clear that he is talking about government service to whatever cause as "the laying down of life". I respectfully disagree. Serving your country is a privilege and an honor. There are times that you have to risk your life for a mission or to an end. I think there is a great difference between braving enemy fire, and knowing the immediate risk, to save lives as opposed to someone who is going to a hostile area with assurances that they are protected.

I do not criticize these four heros who did die for their mission but I find the words hollow that come from the President. Just as he promises "justice" for their deaths. I believe that that justice must include any failure to prepare for, what is becoming obvious, a known possibility of attack. This should include any and all directives issues by the State Department and executive branch that affected security.

It is a sad day for all of us and things seem to be getting worse in the Middle East. Now go ahead and release the jackals amongst us.
I hate to bring this up but I was watching President Obama eulogize the victims of the Benghazi embassy attack and he kept repeating that "there is no greater love than when someone is willing to lay down their life for someone else." We don't know the circumstances of each of the four deaths but President Obama made is clear that he is talking about government service to whatever cause as "the laying down of life". I respectfully disagree. Serving your country is a privilege and an honor. There are times that you have to risk your life for a mission or to an end. I think there is a great difference between braving enemy fire, and knowing the immediate risk, to save lives as opposed to someone who is going to a hostile area with assurances that they are protected.

I do not criticize these four heros who did die for their mission but I find the words hollow that come from the President. Just as he promises "justice" for their deaths. I believe that that justice must include any failure to prepare for, what is becoming obvious, a known possibility of attack. This should include any and all directives issues by the State Department and executive branch that affected security.

It is a sad day for all of us and things seem to be getting worse in the Middle East. Now go ahead and release the jackals amongst us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If any repuke was uttering the same words, you'd be genuflecting and nodding your head reverently.

The Jackals.
You're right on JD.
joe bloe's Avatar
I hate to bring this up but I was watching President Obama eulogize the victims of the Benghazi embassy attack and he kept repeating that "there is no greater love than when someone is willing to lay down their life for someone else." We don't know the circumstances of each of the four deaths but President Obama made is clear that he is talking about government service to whatever cause as "the laying down of life". I respectfully disagree. Serving your country is a privilege and an honor. There are times that you have to risk your life for a mission or to an end. I think there is a great difference between braving enemy fire, and knowing the immediate risk, to save lives as opposed to someone who is going to a hostile area with assurances that they are protected.

I do not criticize these four heros who did die for their mission but I find the words hollow that come from the President. Just as he promises "justice" for their deaths. I believe that that justice must include any failure to prepare for, what is becoming obvious, a known possibility of attack. This should include any and all directives issues by the State Department and executive branch that affected security.

It is a sad day for all of us and things seem to be getting worse in the Middle East. Now go ahead and release the jackals amongst us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
They didn't lay down their lives. Obama layed them down.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 09-14-2012, 01:45 PM
They didn't lay down their lives. Obama layed them down. Originally Posted by joe bloe

Ducbutter's Avatar
I liked Hillary's eulogy.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
JD, lay off of the fu*king barleycorn. Your uselsss suede-O intellectual blather is showing. You've got the hollow hollowed out. You're beginning to get up (down) there with COsFb. Remember, he's got an 8,000 post lead and averages 6-10 "new" ones per day.
I hate to bring this up but I was watching President Obama eulogize the victims of the Benghazi embassy attack and he kept repeating that "there is no greater love than when someone is willing to lay down their life for someone else." We don't know the circumstances of each of the four deaths but President Obama made is clear that he is talking about government service to whatever cause as "the laying down of life". I respectfully disagree. Serving your country is a privilege and an honor. There are times that you have to risk your life for a mission or to an end. I think there is a great difference between braving enemy fire, and knowing the immediate risk, to save lives as opposed to someone who is going to a hostile area with assurances that they are protected.

I do not criticize these four heros who did die for their mission but I find the words hollow that come from the President. Just as he promises "justice" for their deaths. I believe that that justice must include any failure to prepare for, what is becoming obvious, a known possibility of attack. This should include any and all directives issues by the State Department and executive branch that affected security.

It is a sad day for all of us and things seem to be getting worse in the Middle East. Now go ahead and release the jackals amongst us. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I bet most of your students have ended up in prison...
Guest123018-4's Avatar
He is an idiot. Ambassadors are not there to lay donw their life.
Killing one of our Ambassadors is an act of war and not just an act of terrorism.
These people have no sense of right and wrong or the ability to understand the meaning of diplomacy.
They are cock raches and should be exterminated before the infestation becomes anymore worse than it has become.
This is not a religion of peace and is baxed in the ramblings of a false prphetr pedophile.
They are only slightly worse than a liberal.
He is an idiot. Ambassadors are not there to lay donw their life.
Killing one of our Ambassadors is an act of war and not just an act of terrorism.
These people have no sense of right and wrong or the ability to understand the meaning of diplomacy.
They are cock raches and should be exterminated before the infestation becomes anymore worse than it has become.
This is not a religion of peace and is baxed in the ramblings of a false prphetr pedophile.
They are only slightly worse than a liberal. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Oh he yea. Tell it like it is brother.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 09-14-2012, 05:53 PM
He is an idiot. Ambassadors are not there to lay donw their life.
Killing one of our Ambassadors is an act of war and not just an act of terrorism.
These people have no sense of right and wrong or the ability to understand the meaning of diplomacy.
They are cock raches and should be exterminated before the infestation becomes anymore worse than it has become.
This is not a religion of peace and is baxed in the ramblings of a false prphetr pedophile.
They are only slightly worse than a liberal. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
Don't get me wrong as I don't care for what's going on either, but killing the ambassador is an act of war? If done by a sovereign government yes. So who do we go to war with?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We are already at war with Al Quaida... no wait, we won that war and it is over.according to this White House. We are at war with someone else but it is yet to be determined who it is since we know it is not Al Quaida. After all aren't we negoiating with them in Afghanistan?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 06:12 PM
I bet most of your students have ended up in prison... Originally Posted by ekim008
I bet they started out in prison!

Who in their right mind would voluntarily take a class from JD? JD probably teaches prisoners how to needle point or some other gay scout crap in learned as a Brownies Scout.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 09-14-2012, 06:15 PM
. So who do we go to war with? Originally Posted by Dawgs
They don't give a shit...just as long as they don't have to fight in it or pay for it!

Guest123018-4's Avatar
I did not say we should go to war.
You infer something from my post that is not true.
I have a son that is a United States Marine. I do not want him going to war anymore than I want anyone elses son to go to war.
What you should infer is that I do not believe that these animals understtand right from wrong and that what htey did in killing our ambassador is an act of war..
The point is that they do not care.
They would just as soon die as live and it makes no difference to them. They are animals. Insects, Cock roaches.
They have no respect for what we or an civilized nation would believ is normal.

If they are at all human, why do they not thorw off the inhuman control that their so called religion of a false prophet imposes on them. A religion of pedophilia, of treating women like animals, of killing for the sake of killing.

Why do we give them our hard borrowed moneyh? The hard earned money of our children? The hard earned money of their children?

We shold not sacrafice a single life for the4se people. They dont deserve a drop of American blood.

But this is all a part of Obama's vision for America and the Muslim world he so enjoys sucking dicks of.