Obama has officially started

The final melt down of the orange clown in chief of ignorant. Gonna be a fun few months . Obama will go high and trump will go bat shit crazy(er)

If you don't believe me just watch
bambino's Avatar
He started with Hillary Clinton. Look how that worked out!!!!! Bring him on!
matchingmole's Avatar
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 09:48 AM
mm - regarding your post above - it is all about appearance - for those so "blind" as refuse to see.

Ever thought about discussing issues - mm
How about DNC marxism and support of violence in DPST cities

Disband police
Open Borders and free college and welfare for all who want to come here
Free college
Repeal of the First and Wecond amendments
Illegal alien rights over that of taxpayers
and On and on - these are all platform planks of eh DPST's .

Their 'Diversity" claims are disproven by their own Plantation Politics racism - Democrats and the DNC are the most Racist organization in America - and they / You do love your Race-Baiter Al Sharpton.

DNC is trying to make this election all about Trump's persona - and ignore the destructive policies they espouse which will destroy representative democracy in America.

mm response will be his tired old flsuh meme - like all marxist DPST's he has nothing for opinion other than what XiNN tells him/her/it.
BTW - applies to 9500, ts, and all the marxist DPST's on site - not one will debate issues.
obama didn't go high in his speech

nor was he truthful
mm - regarding your post above - it is all about appearance - for those so "blind" as refuse to see.

Ever thought about discussing issues - mm
How about DNC marxism and support of violence in DPST cities

Disband police
Open Borders and free college and welfare for all who want to come here
Free college
Repeal of the First and Wecond amendments
Illegal alien rights over that of taxpayers
and On and on - these are all platform planks of eh DPST's .

Their 'Diversity" claims are disproven by their own Plantation Politics racism - Democrats and the DNC are the most Racist organization in America - and they / You do love your Race-Baiter Al Sharpton.

DNC is trying to make this election all about Trump's persona - and ignore the destructive policies they espouse which will destroy representative democracy in America.

mm response will be his tired old flsuh meme - like all marxist DPST's he has nothing for opinion other than what XiNN tells him/her/it.
BTW - applies to 9500, ts, and all the marxist DPST's on site - not one will debate issues. Originally Posted by oeb11
the left of the left like linda sarsour don't exactly embrace obama nor biden

speaking during her appearance at the dnc convention, sarsour argued, “The Democratic Party is not perfect, but it is absolutely our party in this moment.”

and now biden's campaign has distanced itself from her


the raging anti American left will soon enough engulf the remnants of dim party - likely soon after biden and harris take office if elected

the old dims are floating on a rapidly melting ice floe at or near the equator and 'round them swarm all their supporters and just like little red riding hood, all they can mutter is," my what big teeth they have"
LexusLover's Avatar
obama didn't go high in his speech

nor was he truthful Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Remember when Obaminable stated his health care plan would be like the Post Office? You can keep your doctor ... errrr ... mail carrier .... and you can keep your coverage ... missing mail!!!!!

After fucking the country with their health care bullshit ... now they are going to try to fuck the country with the mailed ballots!

As long as they can bribe the postal workers with more taxpayers' dollars it will work for them .... they will get immunity from prosecution .... along with the arsonists, vandals, and murderers, who have been ravaging their DimWit run cities .... Obaminable is the MASTER OF RIOTS ....

They wore masks back then, too! (Trump's fault then, too????????)
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 09:59 AM
Sarsour - the former leader of he Women's March - is an avowed and open AntiSemite - who like Omar and Tlaib - wants israel wiped from the map , and all Jewish peoples destroyed.

She is with Omar and Tlaib in her violent anti-Semitic racism!
and the leftists /marxists of the DPST party. Lenin and Stalin were both anti-Semitic racists.
Sarsour - the former leader of he Women's March - is an avowed and open AntiSemite - who like Omar and Tlaib - wants israel wiped from the map , and all Jewish peoples destroyed.

She is with Omar and Tlaib in her violent anti-Semitic racism!
and the leftists /marxists of the DPST party. Lenin and Stalin were both anti-Semitic racists. Originally Posted by oeb11
be careful, loomer was banned from facebook for stating the same truth
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 10:12 AM
My sister set me a facebook page - I am taking it down - nothing to gain and all sorts of spying and privacy intrusion from zuckerberg and his goons.

Thanks - i got a chuckle from th Satire - but a painful truth as to freedom of Opinion and speech in our country these days.

Left to their devices - the DPST marxists will destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights -annd the first and second Amendments are at the top of their list.

Civil War is coming.
Oh hell yes. We know trump will be "civil" when the happy as fuck secret service+ evicts his fat ignorant orange ass from the real Americans White House
obama has a vested interest in defeating trump

if trump wins, the investigation into obama's treason goes on

obama is not going high, he's going anywhere he can in an effort to save his own neck

its very personal
rexdutchman's Avatar
Odumboo goes to jail , so yup
Obama has nothing to hide. That's why trump is trying to hide behind his attorneys' appeals
  • oeb11
  • 08-20-2020, 12:40 PM
One peson's opinion - but opinions not c/w the DPST narrative will be prohitied and prosecuted as hate speech under the Biden puppet administration.

Obama and his crimes will be carefully swept under the DPST carpet - already bulging withcrimes of the FBI and DOJ - subverted to political prosecutions by Obama and Biden!

Get a clue to reality - DPST's!

This is the reality in Portland, Seattle, chicago, and all the DPST mis-managed crime ridden cities under DPST management for decades - and not a damn thing done to help the people except foment and ocerce more riots, lootinig, burning, and destruction.

This is the future under Biden/harris!

Another example - from another thread - kalifornia marxist racism in full view - voting out the protections instituted for people :

now why do they want to do this? Proposition 16 is a California ballot proposition that will appear on the November 3, 2020 general election ballot, asking California voters to amend the Constitution of California to repeal 1996's Proposition 209.[2][3]

Proposition 209 prohibits the state from discriminating against, or granting preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin in the operation of public employment, public education, or public contracting.[4]

The proposed state constitutional amendment was originally introduced as California Assembly Constitutional Amendment No. 5 (ACA 5) by Assembly Members Weber, Gipson, and Santiago on January 18, 2019.[5]

ACA 5 passed the California State Assembly on June 10, 2020, and was approved by the California State Senate on June 24.[4]

Because it is a proposed constitutional amendment, 2020 Proposition 16 must appear as a ballot proposition and be approved by voters before repealing 1996 Proposition 209's provisions.[2]

pretty sick place America finds itself in