Wisconsin dem governor deploys national guard because of "PEACEFUL PROTESTS"!!

These "peaceful protests" don't seem so peaceful...when a democrap governor sends in the national guard to keep the city of Kenosha from being completly destroyed by "peaceful protestors" and the left becomes incensed...WTF!! That's the lefts answer to ANYTHING. Murder, destruction, assault others, violence and complete anarchy...where is napalm when you need it!!

Dem Gov Deploys National Guard to Kenosha, Liberals Meltdown, But Rioters Already Showing Why It’s Needed

Jake Loewen cleans up through a broken window at the Harborside Academy Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. The windows were broken after protests broke out late Sunday night following a police shooting. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
The Democratic governor of Wisconsin has called out the National Guard to help out in Kenosha on Monday night.

From WTMJ:

“This is a limited mobilization of the National Guard focused on supporting the needs of local first responders to protect critical infrastructure, such as utilities and fire stations, and to ensure Kenoshians are able to assemble safely,” Evers added in a statement Monday.

The idea is that they’re supposed to prevent further destruction. A perfectly logical response given the rioters destroyed and damaged multiple businesses, a church, a museum, a school, even the public library and the post office. Not to mention assaulted police officers, braining one cop with a brick and appearing to fire on other officers.

But even though it’s a logical response, folks on the left actually excoriated the governor for trying to protect the public.

How far gone some on the left have gone is demonstrated by the ACLU response.

“Deploying the National Guard in response to people exercising their right to protest is unnecessary. People in Kenosha have a constitutional right to express their indignation over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, as well as to demand an end to the epidemic of police violence that has systematically harmed and killed Black and brown people for generations,” an ACLU statement said.

And that’s why you have the National Guard. Kenosha’s cops aren’t enough.

If the Guard wasn’t there, the courthouse would be a flaming pile of ash tonight, as that was what was being threatened. Right now it isn’t, because the Guard is there. Let’s hope the Guard is able to hold the rioters off and stay safe.
HoeHummer's Avatar
What happened beebsy. Is Trump MAGAings again?

They’re all former Trump contractors, most likelay They’ve got rights to be pissed, the way that piece of shit stiffed them, right?

Another black guy shot by cops? With his kids in the back seat? That’s not going to sit well with people, even in the Great White South.

I gives you one star for that, beebsy.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
These "peaceful protests" don't seem so peaceful...when a democrap governor sends in the national guard to keep the city of Kenosha from being completly destroyed by "peaceful protestors" and the left becomes incensed...WTF!! That's the lefts answer to ANYTHING. Murder, destruction, assault others, violence and complete anarchy...where is napalm when you need it!!

Dem Gov Deploys National Guard to Kenosha, Liberals Meltdown, But Rioters Already Showing Why It’s Needed

Jake Loewen cleans up through a broken window at the Harborside Academy Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. The windows were broken after protests broke out late Sunday night following a police shooting. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
The Democratic governor of Wisconsin has called out the National Guard to help out in Kenosha on Monday night.

From WTMJ:

“This is a limited mobilization of the National Guard focused on supporting the needs of local first responders to protect critical infrastructure, such as utilities and fire stations, and to ensure Kenoshians are able to assemble safely,” Evers added in a statement Monday.

The idea is that they’re supposed to prevent further destruction. A perfectly logical response given the rioters destroyed and damaged multiple businesses, a church, a museum, a school, even the public library and the post office. Not to mention assaulted police officers, braining one cop with a brick and appearing to fire on other officers.

But even though it’s a logical response, folks on the left actually excoriated the governor for trying to protect the public.

How far gone some on the left have gone is demonstrated by the ACLU response.

“Deploying the National Guard in response to people exercising their right to protest is unnecessary. People in Kenosha have a constitutional right to express their indignation over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, as well as to demand an end to the epidemic of police violence that has systematically harmed and killed Black and brown people for generations,” an ACLU statement said.

And that’s why you have the National Guard. Kenosha’s cops aren’t enough.

If the Guard wasn’t there, the courthouse would be a flaming pile of ash tonight, as that was what was being threatened. Right now it isn’t, because the Guard is there. Let’s hope the Guard is able to hold the rioters off and stay safe. Originally Posted by bb1961

Breaking News .. DEMTARD Governor flips Wisconsin RED.

Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
What happened beebsy. Is Trump MAGAings again?

They’re all former Trump contractors, most likelay They’ve got rights to be pissed, the way that piece of shit stiffed them, right?

Another black guy shot by cops? With his kids in the back seat? That’s not going to sit well with people, even in the Great White South.

I gives you one star for that, beebsy. Originally Posted by HoeHummer
Why would you still buy into that? George Floyd was fake news. Why continue to try and believe this crap?
HoeHummer's Avatar
Where was the studio where they created that fake video of the fake cops shooting fake bullets into that fake man’s back, bub? Same complex where they shot the moon landing? Sandy Hook?

You’re 10-ply, bud.
rexdutchman's Avatar
Cleary Big t fault right comrade ,,,, Its all PEACEFUL PROTESTS
( look up ) REP John Deberry Tenn he tells the truth .
HoeHummer's Avatar
Coffee, bud.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 09:30 AM
The riots and looting are orchestrated by the DPST party - thinking the violence will increase their vote to the party of no respect for teh Rule of law and Order.

It is a horror for the peoples affected in the cities whee OBLM and AntiFa run riot at the behest and enabling of LSM and DPST party.

The only good thing - the DPST's and marxist minions may well underestimate the reaction of people to their enabled riots - and vote for Rule of law and Order, stable police forces, and reject marxist terrorism in America.

Best clean your weapons and stockpile some ammo - Civil War is coming.
The riots and looting are orchestrated by the DPST party - thinking the violence will increase their vote to the party of no respect for teh Rule of law and Order.

It is a horror for the peoples affected in the cities whee OBLM and AntiFa run riot at the behest and enabling of LSM and DPST party.

The only good thing - the DPST's and marxist minions may well underestimate the reaction of people to their enabled riots - and vote for Rule of law and Order, stable police forces, and reject marxist terrorism in America.

Best clean your weapons and stockpile some ammo - Civil War is coming. Originally Posted by oeb11
heard that some immigrants who owned a store in kenosha next to a car lot...the car lot and all the cars were destroyed, burned ..

the car lot even had on its sign "black lives matter"

but the immigrant's business next door , he and his family armed themselves with guns and bats and his business was saved
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 09:57 AM
Good reason to not let the DPST party and its Gun Czar - betabeto - confiscate weapons - we will need weapons to protect ourselves from teh DPST party marxist revolution harris and Bernie will inflict on America.
Good reason to not let the DPST party and its Gun Czar - betabeto - confiscate weapons - we will need weapons to protect ourselves from teh DPST party marxist revolution harris and Bernie will inflict on America. Originally Posted by oeb11
maximo alvarez: (speech excerpts):

"Those false promises -- spread the wealth, free education, free healthcare, defund the police, trust a socialist state more than your family and community -- they don’t sound radical to my ears. They sound familiar.

When Fidel Castro was asked if he was a communist, he said he was a Roman Catholic. He knew he had to hide the truth.

You and I will decide, and here’s what I’ve decided,” he added. “My decision is very easy. I choose President Trump because I choose America. I choose freedom. I still hear my dad. There is no other place to go.”

when America is gone, there will be no place to go...not one person, and certainly no one with their children, will brave 90 miles of open sea to get here
HedonistForever's Avatar
Why would you still buy into that? George Floyd was fake news. Why continue to try and believe this crap? Originally Posted by Strokey_McDingDong

I have HH on ignore but since you quoted him, I see he said that people aren't going to like another Black man being shot even in the South. He is correct. I am White, I live in the South and I was upset at what I saw BUT I am 100 times more upset at the response I see to the shooting. People have a right to be angry. They have a right to "peacefully" protest. What they do not have a right to, what the Gov., Democrats, ACLU and the media do not have the right to do, is describe what happened as a peaceful protest. Destruction of property is not a right, never has been and never will be.

Here's the rub. If those people being angry at another Black man with a knife, ignoring police commands to drop the knife, is shot, they have a right to voice their protest in a truly peaceful way and I could respect that and perhaps even join the chorus of police reforms.

What I can not do, what I never will do, is excuse arson and destruction of property FOR ANY REASON! And what I will not do, what I will never do, is vote for any individual of any party or no party at all, who makes excuses for this violent, criminal behavior.

So it looks like I will not be voting for any Democrat.

That's the bottom line. So while some people will be upset at seeing another Black man shot, I can assure you that what followed will upset the majority of the people that will be voting even more.

While I truly hate to see it, everyday this shit continues, brings more voters into the Trump re-election camp. Will it be enough to over come the "anybody but Trump crowd even if the whole fucking country burns to the ground"? We'll have to see.

Note to public. Don't think putting up a BLM sign at your business or your house will save it from being destroyed. That horse just left the barn.
  • oeb11
  • 08-25-2020, 10:31 AM
NGIT - Very True.

bambino's Avatar
Breaking News .. DEMTARD Governor flips Wisconsin RED.

Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Trump did four years ago!!!!!
Levianon17's Avatar
These "peaceful protests" don't seem so peaceful...when a democrap governor sends in the national guard to keep the city of Kenosha from being completly destroyed by "peaceful protestors" and the left becomes incensed...WTF!! That's the lefts answer to ANYTHING. Murder, destruction, assault others, violence and complete anarchy...where is napalm when you need it!!

Dem Gov Deploys National Guard to Kenosha, Liberals Meltdown, But Rioters Already Showing Why It’s Needed

Jake Loewen cleans up through a broken window at the Harborside Academy Monday, Aug. 24, 2020, in Kenosha, Wis. The windows were broken after protests broke out late Sunday night following a police shooting. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)
The Democratic governor of Wisconsin has called out the National Guard to help out in Kenosha on Monday night.

From WTMJ:

“This is a limited mobilization of the National Guard focused on supporting the needs of local first responders to protect critical infrastructure, such as utilities and fire stations, and to ensure Kenoshians are able to assemble safely,” Evers added in a statement Monday.

The idea is that they’re supposed to prevent further destruction. A perfectly logical response given the rioters destroyed and damaged multiple businesses, a church, a museum, a school, even the public library and the post office. Not to mention assaulted police officers, braining one cop with a brick and appearing to fire on other officers.

But even though it’s a logical response, folks on the left actually excoriated the governor for trying to protect the public.

How far gone some on the left have gone is demonstrated by the ACLU response.

“Deploying the National Guard in response to people exercising their right to protest is unnecessary. People in Kenosha have a constitutional right to express their indignation over the police shooting of Jacob Blake, as well as to demand an end to the epidemic of police violence that has systematically harmed and killed Black and brown people for generations,” an ACLU statement said.

And that’s why you have the National Guard. Kenosha’s cops aren’t enough.

If the Guard wasn’t there, the courthouse would be a flaming pile of ash tonight, as that was what was being threatened. Right now it isn’t, because the Guard is there. Let’s hope the Guard is able to hold the rioters off and stay safe. Originally Posted by bb1961
This could be the reason why. Kenosha Wisconsin has a population of just a little over 100,000 residents almost 80% are White out of that 60% are Italian American. Typically Italians are extremely racist towards Blacks this Governor deployed the National Guard to save Blacks from the Italians because they aren't going to put with that bullshit for very long.