Don Jr was not fucked up

Donny Jr blamed the lights or something that made him look really really fucked up reading his speech. Maybe Obama made them change out the lighting to only make Donny Jr looked fucked up. Or maybe it was his screaming girlfriend. I wish I could watch the Putin reality clowns show. No intergrity or class as usual from the trump show
  • oeb11
  • 08-26-2020, 06:35 PM
They hired Nixon's make-up guy/girl/whatever it might be.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
ok.. guess I'll have to look for Don Jr.'s speech video to see why he looked fucked up.
bambino's Avatar
ok.. guess I'll have to look for Don Jr.'s speech video to see why he looked fucked up. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
He wasn’t fucked up. The OP is.
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^right just Gobbledygook
  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2020, 08:15 AM
The DPST's and LSM will post any lies - regardless - they have no shame at all.
next it is Trump responsible for creating teh hurricanes.

DPST's and their pet terrorists would love to have the ability to create that type of destruction.
HoeHummer's Avatar
LOLLING!!!! Little Trump looked like he was on the backside of a Lost Weekend. But you fellas keep on kissing that arse, eh!

Are those lies, oebsy? Nope. Yous are suffering side effectsagain. Seek professional help.

  • oeb11
  • 08-27-2020, 08:18 AM
Nothing better to do ?, eh hh/YR?
Evidently not - LOL
Jacuzzme's Avatar
President Trump’s kids run his business now, buying and selling real estate among other things. Maybe I’m crazy, but the fact that they actually bought and sold real estate isn't particularly surprising.
Strokey_McDingDong's Avatar
Don jr always looks fucked up. Dude needs to shave. What is he thinking sporting a massive beard like that? Looks like he came straight from the bar.

Everyone knows Barron Trump is the star of the family. Dude is like 8 feet tall and will become emperor of Earth.
Donny Jr knows that as soon as the trump cartel is evicted from the real Americans white house they will be served with mucho charges/indictments. Hopefully the hand cuffs will be applied and they will driven away in a police cruiser. They have always been involved in illegal activities. It's just more public now. Fun stuff
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Lol. Like they’d wait until Trump’s 2nd term is over. In case you missed it, they’ve been investigating everything that’s not nailed down and have came up with bupkis.
LexusLover's Avatar
These LoonaTicks are just jealous because Junior is fucking a hot lady.

You guys need to grow up.

No problem with the substance ... just his "make up"!

Nice approval!

Have anyone of them told us how many ballots they intend to mail for Bitten?
lustylad's Avatar
Are those lies, oebsy? Nope. Yous are suffering side effects again. Seek professional help.

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

President Trump’s kids run his business now, buying and selling real estate among other things. Maybe I’m crazy, but the fact that they actually bought and sold real estate isn't particularly surprising. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

Yes assup, they are lies!

Especially the one about Ivanka. I already debunked it a year ago when you were still posting as Assup Ride-me.

Ah yes, here it is!

Thanks for making me dig up all of the good times I've had over the years skewering your phony left-wing talking points and making you look like a complete fool!

Good times!

This board wouldn't be the same without you, assup!!

And Ivanka struck out in China, didn't you hear? The trumps aren't too popular over there since the trade war heated up. You do know we're having some nasty trade disputes with China, right? Ivanka started sourcing from there back in 2011, long before her daddy ran for office. Looks like Daddy's policies crippled her fashion business. Please try to keep up and not merely parrot your phony lib-retarded talking points. Originally Posted by lustylad
bambino's Avatar

Yes assup, they are lies!

Especially the one about Ivanka. I already debunked it a year ago when you were still posting as Assup Ride-me.

Ah yes, here it is!

Thanks for making me dig up all of the good times I've had over the years skewering your phony left-wing talking points and making you look like a complete fool!

Good times!

This board wouldn't be the same without you, assup!! Originally Posted by lustylad
Makes you wonder why he’s still here in his neutered state?