Tell Me Why I should Vote a Straight Democrat Ticket . . .Without Referring to either Biden or Trump.

ICU 812's Avatar
Why should I, or any conservative, flip and vote a straight Democrat ticket come November?. Tell us without referring to either President Trump or President Biden. . . .and without calling us something derogatory ending in "-tard".

What will a Democrat sweep bring to the policy arena that will address inflation, Homelessness, street crime, or promote domestic and/or international tranquility?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Why should I, or any conservative, flip and vote a straight Democrat ticket come November?. Tell us without referring to either President Trump or President Biden. . . .and without calling us something derogatory ending in "-tard".

What will a Democrat sweep bring to the policy arena that will address inflation, Homelessness, street crime, or promote domestic and/or international tranquility? Originally Posted by ICU 812
With all due respect, the same question could be asked as to why any liberal-leaning person whould vote a straight Republican ticket.

I vote for candidates, not the ticket. Rarely have I voted a straight ticket. All the issues you mention have complicated solutions independent of whether the leader is Democrat or Republican. Inflation is caused by too much money in the hands of people and not enough supply to meet demand. It is occuring worldwide. Look at Great Britain if you think it is bad here. The solution to fighting inflation is to raise the interest rate and that is hurting me more than the inflation itself.
Good lord ICU. Why didn’t you just revive one of the 50 threads you have started asking the same asinine question time after time after time after time after time after time after . . .

Goodness. The mods should really put an end to this kinda thread spamming. Ya know, if they actually bothered to do their job rather than popping in over silly complaints of people being mean to the fragile posters.
oilfieldace's Avatar
There isn’t any reason for anyone to vote for any democrat. I would list all the reason why anyone shouldn’t, but that isn’t the subject of your post.
ICU 812's Avatar
Convince me.

Nationally: Why should we reinforce the Democratic control of the Senate?

What effect would a nation-wide Democrat sweep have on inflation?

To address the best candidate voting strategy: Who specifically should we vote for here in Texax? In the Houston area?

For instance: Here in the Houston area . . .why should we replace or keep the County Judge, Lena Hidalgo (sp?)? State-wide: Why would O'Rourke be the man to govern Texas, not Governor Abbott?

A mere endorcement is one thing, I am looking for specific, convincing reasons.
oilfieldace's Avatar
You want open borders
You want your country to take better care of illegals better real Americans
You want to abolish the 2 nd amendment
You want abortion at will
You believe the hoax that is climate change
You don’t like the po po and want to dismantle them
You are cool with crime and killing
You don’t want any personal freedom
You want everything to be given too you
You have no character
You don’t have a clue about common sense
You relish the idea of socialism
If that’s you vote Democrat
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-21-2022, 11:17 AM
You live in Houston, Texas ICU...there is no national election, nor do we have any Senators up for reelection.

Statewide, I'd like to see Democrats gain a split and maybe win the governorship. Harris County wide, I'd like to see more Republicans win. I like split government....thet structure seems to govern best....down the middle.

For instance down the middle concerning abortion would be something that Lindsey Graham proposed 15 weeks.

None of this all or nothing.

My point is, a straight ticket does not work for me.
At least in Texas, you can no longer just pull one lever and vote a straight Party Ticket.
ICU 812's Avatar
WTF: Got it; down the middle. That is pretty much what the national Senate is just now.

Oildfieldduce: Got that too. I'd like to hear from a Democrat on why any of those list items are good for America.
ICU 812's Avatar
Good lord ICU. Why didn’t you just revive one of the 50 threads you have started asking the same asinine question time after time after time after time after time after time after . . .

Goodness. The mods should really put an end to this kinda thread spamming. Ya know, if they actually bothered to do their job rather than popping in over silly complaints of people being mean to the fragile posters. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
How does any of your response present anyting to convince me to vote for any Democrat?

So I ask you a more specific question:

In what way(s) will the "Inflation Reduction Act" impact our economic system so as to reduce inflation?

I don't think it will, but convince me that I am wrong.
You live in Houston, Texas ICU...there is no national election, nor do we have any Senators up for reelection.

Statewide, I'd like to see Democrats gain a split and maybe win the governorship. Harris County wide, I'd like to see more Republicans win. I like split government....thet structure seems to govern best....down the middle.

For instance down the middle concerning abortion would be something that Lindsey Graham proposed 15 weeks.

None of this all or nothing.

My point is, a straight ticket does not work for me. Originally Posted by WTF
... Fair-minded views there, I reckon.
Might be a few Dems who may be worth a vote.

The Abortion compromise prolly gonna go the way
you and Lindsay Graham say, mate.
Surely seem to be the best solution.

### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
Vote how ever you fucken want.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
you need a nanny to tell you what ta do, think, and believe. And you get ta pay for it all
eccieuser9500's Avatar

Maybe because there are no other planets habitable. As supreme leader, I can only speak to this galaxy. Nobody from any other galaxy has made it clear to me that we would survive anywhere else.

Why do you think they send them back after the suppository probe?


Bernie Sanders
Mon 10 Oct 2022

As someone who has a lifetime 100% pro-choice voting record, and is outraged by the Supreme Court’s horrific decision to overturn Roe v Wade, there is no question that Democrats must continue to focus on the right of women to control their own bodies. This is a fight that most Americans want us to wage and, given the Republicans’ extremist position on the issue, makes them genuinely vulnerable.

But, as we enter the final weeks of the 2022 midterm elections, I am alarmed to hear the advice that many Democratic candidates are getting from establishment consultants and directors of well-funded super PACs that the closing argument of Democrats should focus only on abortion. Cut the 30-second abortion ads and coast to victory.

I disagree. In my view, while the abortion issue must remain on the front burner, it would be political malpractice for Democrats to ignore the state of the economy and allow Republican lies and distortions to go unanswered.

This country has, for decades, faced structural economic crises that have caused the decline of the American middle class. Now is the time for Democrats to take the fight to the reactionary Republican Party and expose their anti-worker views on the most important issues facing ordinary Americans. That is both the right thing to do from a policy perspective and good politics.

We have more income and wealth inequality than at any time in the modern history of this country, with three people owning more wealth than the bottom half of our nation. Is there one Republican prepared to raise taxes on billionaires, or do they want to make a bad situation worse by extending Trump’s tax breaks for the rich and repealing the estate tax?

Today, 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and millions work for starvation wages. Is there one Republican in Congress who is prepared to raise the federal minimum wage to at least $15 an hour?

The United States pays, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. Is there one Republican prepared to allow Medicare to immediately begin negotiating prescription drug prices with the pharmaceutical industry and cut the cost of medicine by half?

We have a dysfunctional healthcare system which, despite being the most expensive in the world, allows 85 million Americans to be uninsured or underinsured. Is there one Republican who believes that healthcare is a human right and supports universal coverage?

We remain the only major country on earth not to guarantee time off for moms who have babies or need to take care of sick children.

Is there one Republican who supports at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave?

The list goes on: childcare, housing, home health care, college affordability. On every one of these enormously important issues the Republican Party has virtually nothing to say to address the desperate needs of low and moderate income Americans. And what they do propose will most often make a bad situation worse.

Nevertheless, in poll after poll Republicans are more trusted than Democrats to handle the economy – the issue of most importance to people. I believe that if Democrats do not fight back on economic issues and present a strong pro-worker agenda, they could well be in the minority in both the House and the Senate next year.

And it’s not only the long-term structural crises that Democrats must address. It is the outrageous level of corporate greed that we now see every day that is fueling the inflation hurting so many people.

While the price of gas has soared over the last year, the five big oil companies made $59 billion in profits during the 2nd quarter of this year alone, and are spending $88 billion on stock buybacks and dividends to benefit their wealthy shareholders.

While global food prices soared by over 33% last year and are expected to go up another 23% this year, billionaires in the global food and agri-business industry became $382 billion richer during the pandemic.

While we continue to pay, by far, the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs, 3 of the largest pharmaceutical companies in America – Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and AbbVie – increased their profits by 90% last year to $54 billion.

While 46% of Americans either skipped or delayed the healthcare they need because they could not afford it, the six largest health insurance companies in America last year made over $60 billion in profits.

What do Republicans have to say about corporations that are charging Americans outrageously high prices, while enjoying record breaking profits? They talk a lot about inflation. But what are they going to do about it? Does one of them have the courage to consider a windfall, profits tax? Absolutely not.

You can’t win elections unless you have the support of the working class of this country. But you’re not going to have that support unless you make it clear that you’re prepared to take on powerful special interests – and fight for the millions of Americans who are struggling economically. Whether it is extending the $300 a month child tax credit that expired in December that slashed the child poverty rate by over 40%, or increasing Social Security benefits, or expanding Medicare to cover dental, hearing and vision or making childcare affordable, the Democrats must stand with the working class of this country and expose the Republicans for the phonies that they are.

None of what I am suggesting here is “radical”. It is, in fact, extremely popular. It is what the American people want. If we close this critical midterm campaign with a clear, unified vision to meet the needs of working families, to take on corporate greed, and protect a woman’s right to choose, we will begin to rebuild the trust between Democrats in Washington and the working families of this country.

And we’ll win the election.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Vote how ever you fucken want. Originally Posted by Ripmany

You see what I mean? A jewel among the muck.