What the fucking fuck?

Seriously. Finally get something setup with a verified provider here and get fucking jacked? Not in a good way.

Hoping it was a misunderstanding and I can get my cash back. Not holding my breath though.
What provider was this?
Did you meet the provider? Did you give her money? If both are yes and she dashed, it's been established by administration that you can review in the review section. You might not get PA credit, but at least you can make the rest of us aware of the circumstances.
Anonymous361's Avatar
More info would be appreciated. That way others don't fall victim to the same thing. But being vague doesn't help anyone.
The no-PA "review" could work, but you've already posted here. Depending on the details, it might even be Alert-worthy.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
Write up an official review so it can be assigned to her account and documented there.
Then it will be recorded and not lost in the daily shuffle here.

I had a girl in NOLA pull the same kind of shit! At the time, I felt lucky to get out unharmed!

Good bye to this provider!