
OK, so I have a kinda weird question and I dont really see anything about it anywhere else....


Ive just had 1 or 2 BDSM sessions, my ass and whatever other parts of me that happened to get in the way of the whip are marked up.... possibly even some ligature marks....

QUESTION: is it ok for me to see vanilla clients when im marked up? should I wait till im clear again? should I tell them if i have marks or explain? Is it ok for me to see other BDSM clients when im marked?

I want to know providers and hobbiests point of views on this one please...
runswithscissors's Avatar
Strictly in my opinion, I would suggest not seeing "vanilla" clients after you have been marked.....especially if they do not know you play in another realm.....I think many would be turned off or alarmed at the sight of whip marks or ligature marks and a "vanilla" client would probably immediately think you have a bad pimp.....wait until they clear up to see "vanilla" clients....

As to seeing other BSDM clients, I for one would examine you and "critique" your whip lines, tracing them with my pinwheel, telling you how I would have applied the whip in an altogether different manner or a different location on your body....but that is just my opinion.....

I often prefer to work on a clean slate, so to speak, but am intrigued to see someone elses work from time to time.......
Some of it would depend on the marks, and how bad or minor they were. Minor things happen, and you 'fell' or bumped into something is an ok excuse.

Some clients won't care about your marks, some are gonna be excited by them, and others will go 'ewww!'. Chances are if you shrug it off as something very minor, then they too will not give it much thought.

It might also encourage you to re-double your efforts to distract them from paying attention to your marks!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Often, men just don't notice these things. Also, this will also depend on how you present yourself. For me, having a pimp (like someone suggested above) is laughable. NO ONE would even think that this would happen with me.

So if they saw bruises on my butt, they might not appreciate it, but then again, I'm VERY fair skinned and I bruise easily. Also, well ... sadly or gladly, I'm Elisabeth and I'm painfully honest and fairly bold with my clients. If they've seen me before, probably very little would surprise them.

But what I first thought, is unless it's rather bad, men just aren't going to notice it. Just tell them. Chances are good that it's not going to be a big deal either way.


P.S. Just to add another thought as a result of seeing the above post. Krunkman is right. I've been bruised before and actually the few men that saw it were turned on or they asked me about it. Really, not a biggie unless they're the sensitive sort. And men are easily redirected. Just lead them astray. Isn't that the fun part anyway?
MLisa's Avatar
  • MLisa
  • 11-19-2010, 09:32 PM
I'll second what the Lovely Ms. Elizabeth stated. I have been a hard maso/sub to my Dominant, before I became so involved in this arena. As such I tend to not play hard if I know I am going to be working the following week...hmm perhaps that is why I tend to disappear at times hehe...No I don't play bottom/maso to anyone in this arena but put the whip/flogger/pinwheel in my hand and I'll be more than happy to leave a mark or two (/permission consent of course)
I have found rubbing those potentially bruised/ruffed up spots w/lotions especially aloe vera based ones to be helpful.

It is best to be upfront if your seeing someone for the first time and your concerned they may freak out about the marks. No major details just a subtle question or comment here or there in your conversation w/them prior to your meeting may help avoid too much problems during the meeting when the marks maybe seen.
You know I'd probably just see what happens. If you get flack - you know not to schedule with those clients when you have marks. Bet you'll have some clients who love it. Some won't care/won't notice. (Me, I'd watch to see if it really effects my biz too & come up with some new rules @ the bdsm sessions if it does.)

Look at it as an experiment, eh?