Time To (not) Move On

Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-01-2010, 10:17 AM
A solemn and dramatic message to the ECCIE community,

<clears throat>

I know recently there have been so many threads about members leaving the hobby and so it was clear to me that everyone was probably wondering and extremely interested in what I was going to do. Well it was a hard decision but after a lot of careful examination and thought I, like so many of you, have decided it's time to stay. I know we all reach that point where life just calls us another way and for me that time just isn't happening yet. I just came to the realization that I had no life...so there was really no where else to go. I hope you all can find some way to understand.

I'd like to thank all the people that have made this such a fun ride and to those who have still left me unfulfilled and with stones unturned, and you don't know who you are, a very special thanks. To the ladies I never got to see...well there's still time because I'm still here.

There may still be some days where I don't log in or post so don't despair there will still be plenty of times when we don't see each other around the 'ol board. If you do see me around say hi...or don't...because you can always say hi to me tomorrow...because I'm still here.

With a tear in my eye and my tongue in my cheek I send sincere best wishes and a fond hello.


PS I know what you're thinking...why is at ALWAYS the jackasses that stay

PSS Dannie, you're the best buy ya can't run EVERYONE off just because they have seen you.

Glad you have decided to stay! LOL! That was great..

I wish you a fond hello!
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I just spewed ...

... coffee, all over my keyboard!
  • T-Can
  • 08-01-2010, 11:41 AM
Most Moving Eccie Thread of the Year!!!

Can someone lend me their hands so I can cry in them?
Thanks for being brave and posting. After reading your moving post, I too have decided to suck it up and stay.

"My name's Slowmover and I'm staying."
HAHAHA! Too cute! Thanks for the laugh.
Reading stupid shit like this reminds me of one of many reasons I left the hobby...

Dude, you are so cool. I wish I was as cool as you.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
You little fecler, you beat me to the punch you glorious basturd! I was going to do the same schitk.

Well played, Fiero, very well played.