telephone toughguys!!!!

So I have been here a member for a while now and I have just decided to delete my account but before I did just had to express something. As I have read a few boards there seems to be a handful of guys who like to get on here and bully the San Antonio providers. I have read 'whores' and other names to describe them as these guys get on here and demean and insult, or at least try to, the San Antonio woman. And as I read these drama queens post, a sad chuckle comes across as I read an attempted insult from a guy who say what you will, for the most part atleast, not to offend anyone who does do this as a hobby here because the dry streak for the real world. Even worse is the way y poo u do it. I have seen threads where guys have just started bashing someone out of the blue like high school girls. This is a hobby so to say or plainly just entertainment, but the cap that some people go to because it's like they are sitting at home and the phones not ringing so they say "oh yeal, we'll she stinks" attitude is childish and probably hints at why you are single. So with that as I leave I want to say thank you ladies who I have met. Some sewn others just ended up talking to. Beyond an exception or two, I have met some dolls. And to the others, there definitely some I would a like to but it goes that way. And to all the ladies, we' all know why they do it and why they are hear, so I wouldn't even waste the time with a response to them. I'm sure they will start on me and sorry fellas I only had five minutes to waste and this message took 7. Good luck everyone and thank you ladies, just repeat my favorite word if they do come at you...SUCKASS!!
Sorry to hear that you are leaving, we haven't had the pleasure...

Was just discussing this this morning with a new friend... it would be nice to see a lot more gentlemen on the boards but sadly, they seem to have been scared into UTR status.

I wish you luck in your endeavors!
I agree with easygoing.
  • CS25
  • 10-21-2014, 11:39 AM
EasyGoing...good luck to you. I agree with the unnecessary demeaning comments to the ladies. It is not gentleman-like and insulting. And the Political Forum is way worse.

As hobbyists we should provide a provider our honest opinions in a way that the feedback is accepted and maybe causes thought processes and change in behaviors. You call someone a "whore" and she would naturally put up defenses and the message is lost. And when a provider has become used to that kind of talk it is not good for her and the journey she is on AND makes her vulnerable to pimps preying on her.

Even when I refer to our current president with whom I disagree on many fronts I still call him President Obama out of respect for the job and the position it holds in society. I resist calling him deragatory names though I might call his policies dumb or stupid....just not him. But I digress....

Consider just keeping your account open to check in once in a while....couldn't hurt!
There is a saying.. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

CS25, you said it perfectly. If you want change, be a positive person rather than a nasty one. You will get better results that way
Peter Gozinya's Avatar
I've noticed this too. Lots of hate and bashing. Maybe theres stuff behind the walls I don't know about. It does seem very highschool. But if you pay attention, it's always the same people who do the bashing or threADing. After a while you see the same handle names and just move on because you no longer care for what they say anymore. I liked it better when I was a p411 member and no active board to whine about.....just fucking and sucking. But more ladies are here so that's the MAIN REASON I'm here........ to enjoy the women, not To have keyboard wars with fat old hairy overweight men (me included)
Bobave's Avatar
The trolls need to raise the level of their game. It's pretty transparent that the OP was a female posing as a male, using a throwaway handle. Get a couple of WKs to play along, maybe chime in under real handle at some point to try to reinforce OP message. Not pointing any fingers, but ii've got a pretty good idea who that might be.
newcumerz's Avatar
[QUOTE=Bobave;1055940072]The trolls need to raise the level of their game. It's pretty transparent that the OP was a female posing as a male, using a throwaway handle. Get a couple of WKs to play along, maybe chime in under real handle at some point to try to reinforce OP message. Not pointing any fingers, but ii've got a pretty good idea who that might be.[/QUOTE

This would be more effective if you had a name to it.
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-21-2014, 02:04 PM
Whoever the masked poster was, he shall be missed.
Just look at the giant contribution he made to the board with all his posts.
Dum nuts! Look at his join date - two fucking years ago! I have friends that have been members since 2010 but never post and see 50 or more girls a year. You don't have to be a post whore to enjoy the Information part of ECCIE!
Tetas's Avatar
  • Tetas
  • 10-21-2014, 02:19 PM
Don't worry Louigi, I'll say the same thing for you when you're gone.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Hopefully she'll get back to hittin' the books.
mayorcastro's Avatar
Can't use the word whore? So women here aren't selling their bodies and services for cash??

I hate being called a John. My name's not John. I'm just a guy paying for sex.
Don't worry Louigi, I'll say the same thing for you when you're gone.
Originally Posted by riday
Like I said num nuts!
The trolls need to raise the level of their game. It's pretty transparent that the OP was a female posing as a male, using a throwaway handle. Get a couple of WKs to play along, maybe chime in under real handle at some point to try to reinforce OP message. Not pointing any fingers, but ii've got a pretty good idea who that might be. Originally Posted by Bobave
I abhor drama and I don't want to come off as confrontational but I do have to state that the OP is male. It's sad that this community is at the point where a lurker posts anything denouncing the drama on the board and people are quick to assume there is a conspiracy.