1984 ‘Palm Sunday Massacre’ and Lame Stream Media Bias

I B Hankering's Avatar
Man Who Killed 10 People in 1984 ‘Palm Sunday Massacre’ Is Released From Prison

Christopher Thomas has been released from prison after serving only 32 years of a 50 year sentence that should have been 83 to 250 years. Christopher Thomas killed 10 individuals: two women (one of whom was pregnant) and eight non-adults. He shot them in the head.

Note how Christopher Thomas is a mass murderer, and he isn't a "white male" as the lame-stream media would have everyone believe that only "white males" can be mass murderers.

Christopher Thomas' victims were Hispanic.

Note how Christopher Thomas was not "executed" by the police at the time of his apprehension as BLM would have everyone believe that only "white males" like Dylan Roof are apprehended alive after a mass murder spree.

Now for the real show-and-tell about lame-stream media bias:
1. Open a Google browser.
2. Do a search for "Christopher Thomas".
3. Note the picture associated with the New York Times article that appears on the Google search return is the same as the one posted in the NYT article cited above (see attached image at bottom).
4. Now, for those of you with a Facebook account, click on the Facebook icon to share the article on your Facebook timeline (you do not actually have to post it, just click on the icon as if you intend to post it).
5. Notice how NYT and Facebook refuse to show "Christopher Thomas'" picture and, instead, the picture associated with the NYT article on your Facebook timeline is converted to an image of women laughing as they walk in sunshine on a city street.
The NYT's picture of the "back male" mass murderer who wasn't killed during his arrest is Orwellian hidden from public view on a Facebook timeline.

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-02-2018, 04:55 PM
IB , that sounds like they are trying trick you into doing all that shit to collect your private info!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
IB , that sounds like they are trying trick you into doing all that shit to collect your private info! Originally Posted by WTF
