Question for the experts

Room Service's Avatar
I know there are a lot of fakes and flakes on backpage. But there are some legit girls that post on there some post on there and here some just post there and some are members here but rarely post on here. I myself wont go see them if they are only on backpage. Why dont some ladies want to be part of this place... To me this would seem to be a great place to advertise for them? Just some thoughts i am having.
Hawks222's Avatar
I’m no expert but I could speculate that their service is terrible and people reviewing them on an open forum like this would stop people from seeing them. I think some of them also don’t know about this forum. I wish they would all come on here cause there is some I’d love to see but don’t know if they are real and I’m sure as heck not gonna chance it.
You bring up an interesting question. Now I'm not from Iowa, but from Arkansas where it really isn't a problem with providers not wanting to become a part of Eccie. The ones that don't want to become part of our community provide services that aren't that great and are poorly reviewed. In fact, some of the poorly review providers still become members but usually don't last long.

Up in Iowa, I've asked a couple of your well-known BP providers who are not members of Eccie, but are excellent providers why they don't become members. Their responses actually kind of shocked me. They were concerned that we members demanded too many pics of them, especially face pics. One of them told me that they were afraid when they were told that they had to send in a scan of their driver's license with a pic of them to prove their age. Now it's my understanding that only providers who advertise that they are younger than 25 are required to do that (both these providers are over 25) but they were told they had to do it.

With BPs now changing policy of just allowing phone numbers it's going to be more difficult for providers to get good advertising. But then again, there are plenty of guys out there who don't know about Eccie or any of the other review sites either. So the BP girls will always have clients I guess, whether they are good or not. And I've found that even the providers here, even if they have a few good reviews, it's still YMMV.

Just my thoughts on the matter.
Room Service's Avatar
there are a few that are well reviewed example mealine, think i spelled that wrong, cynthia she is on here but not very active. I would think a positive presence on here would nothing but help their business. Some that are active on here are also active on bp and i get that but don't understand the ones that are well reviewed here and dont participate.
It is kinda odd that us guys seem to warm up more to gals that interact on the board and so few do interact in open forums .

I suspect really a deep seated resentment towards guys in the hobby and possibly it is that were [are at least me] to be avoided .

At least ,unless 300$ a hour is being put out and i get that .

Lets face it i know some guys that are real assholes and arrogant twat waffels

The last thing i would like to do after working on customers cars all day is come home and work on mine .

Unless it was say a race car and the type of racing i liked and there was prize money at stake.

So after talking to and what evering with guys twice there age and and a generation gap away from whats hip to them i dont really see it at the top of a gals list with something better to do to take to open forums for kicks .


So in my arrogant perspective that i proved i know nothing simply writing what i think i know but really dont because iam not a women nor a provider and just a twat waffell deep down that pays for effection from women

Oh yah excuss my spelling .
Andrea Davis's Avatar
I personally don’t post much here is because the gentlemen here don’t see me. The only reason I continue to post an ad is for that random gentleman that is traveling from another area may see my ad and schedule.

What good does it do for ladies to participate when a majority of the ISO’s and reviews are about bp girls. If you want established ladies to get involved then you need to go see these ladies.

If I have a few free hours to post and chat I am doing it on Twitter. I am going to chat and communicate with the people I know are most likely to schedule with me.

livn2do's Avatar
What good does it do for ladies to participate when a majority of the ISO’s and reviews are about bp girls. If you want established ladies to get involved then you need to go see these ladies. Originally Posted by Andrea Davis
Ding ding ding!
Layla Hhawk's Avatar
I started on B.P. and I never had that many problems. Actually I met some pretty spectacular gentleman from all over the world and had some fantastic times nobody will ever know of. The downside of having 2 solid years of being a provider on BP? It doesn't mean anything, except to me, because I didn't have any reviews. I still post on there. I feel people on here and other sites look down on girls that post on it so it makes me wonder if I post there will I lose clients here?

The only reason I heard about the online version of the hobby is because I happen to get a call from another provider looking for a referral for a client. Hell I didn't know this was even called a hobby til I joined this site. I didn't know what a forum was let alone how to post in one!

The Obvious factor of not posting: On most days I think what's the point? It is clear as day you guys have your favorites. You are the free advertising and online cheerleaders for a very select few. Do you think girls feel welcomed really? I didn't, and kind of honestly, still don't.
I belong to another site and I have yet to introduce myself on it for the sheer fact that I cannot get past my first impressions. Words hurt, even when you don't expect or intend them to. Why would I want to engage conversations with guys that didn't welcome me before I joined?
Another reason I don't have the time to sit behind the computer for hours a day. I do have a life outside of the hobby that still doesn't get enough attention as it needs. Currently I have major changes taking place so my advertising has been small to none.

Just because your a chevy boy, you still spring for a mustang convertible on vacation. Why not grow a pair and try the Mazaratti once? You may find it to be the best damn ride you have ever had!
Another interesting perspective I've heard from some of the providers down here who are members of Eccie and post on BP. The majority of the clients actually come from BP.
I feel like I'm almost hijacking this thread and I apologize if that's what I'm doing, especially since I'm not even from the area. A lot of the providers I've seen in the past have been from BP. I've talked a lot of them into becoming members of our little community over the course of time, and have even helped some of them become members by navigating the requirements. I do this because I feel that one thing being a member here does for both the provider and the client is it gives us both a little bit of security. As a client we know what we are getting into and as a provider you know at least a little bit about the client based on his reviews (and I also know providers talk). That's what this community provides in it's most basic form.

As a side benefit, I've become friends with a lot of the providers I've met over the years, and because of the board, even some providers I've never met. One provider in particular I've never met has asked for local contractor advice a few times and I've PM'd her with my "guys" and she has always expressed her appreciation with they've always been reasonably priced and done a good job. I'm not saying this happens with all providers, but with some it does.

A few of the providers I've seen text back and forth with me once in awhile. We check up on each other just to see how we're doing in our lives. It's nice. Some are still active in the hobby and some have retired. A recent Locker Room thread in my area talked about this phenomena about the retiring providers. For me, many times it's with mixed emotion that I see them leave. I hate to see them go, but at the same time I'm glad to see them get out. Hard to explain.

Being clients/providers does not always have to be adversarial. And Layla brings up an interesting point as well and something that I heard from a well reviewed BP provider that is not a member of the community here. Providers have feelings too. Just because they might not be our type, doesn't mean they aren't someone else's type.
Randilyn's Avatar
for me personally, im a verified and rev'd provider for many yrs now ...I have been a member of eccie and I find that this site for me is more informational than anything ...I tend to stay away from guys that are on here due to them being so nasty, nit pick and cheap!!! most of them don't do their research on girls they see and get robbed or put in scary situations.. that tells me that they don't know what they are doing on the other hand I will see an gentleman from this site if and only if he is a member of ter and p411 and has recent activity on those sites also if they are on those sites it tells me that they are upstanding and legit and there shouldn't be any issues .. and there have not been yet for me .. Eccie is just as good for advertising as it would be any other site .. just weed out the good ones and stear clear of the problem one's ...
... One of them told me that they were afraid when they were told that they had to send in a scan of their driver's license with a pic of them to prove their age. Now it's my understanding that only providers who advertise that they are younger than 25 are required to do that (both these providers are over 25) but they were told they had to do it... Originally Posted by arealone
All providers regardless of their age must go through the age verification process if they want to attain Verified Provider status. The process involves transmitting two photos of an ID. Their real name and address should be hidden, but their birth date and photo must be visible. They are also required to send a close up picture of their face holding up the license or ID. This process is for everyone's protection.
From what I've heard is basically the same as other have stated. Iowa Board is just really slow and doesn't really do much for anybody anymore when I first started here it was more active than it is today. And then most of what is in the Iso is always looking for info of somebody on Backpage. And then I've been running into a lot lately people calling me or texting me asking if I'm available and then Dead Silence after I tell them I am. On other boards and bigger cities Maybe I've noticed that there's not that much information being asked about girls on Backpage that are actually looking for girls that are looking for girls on eccie. I've also noticed and heard of a lot of guys who I've been long-time client starting to scam some of us girls on here which is crazy.