Encounter: Beautiful Cassie in BR

DJ2K24's Avatar
User ID: -
Date: 8/30/2024
Name: Cassie
Phone: 225-749-1079
Email Address: cassi.james69@protonmail.com
URL / Website: https://tryst.link/escort/cassiluvs69#contact
City: Baton Rouge
State: Louisiana
Address: Hotel near Siegen Lane
Activities: BBJ, HJ, BLS, CFS, FIV
Hair Length and Color: Brown Hair, medium length.
Age: Late 20s
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian
Physical Description: Beautiful Face, Tan Skin, Percy C Size Tits, Toned Legs, and absolutely perfect ass.
Recommendation: Yes
Is this her?
Are the pics accurate?

echoinsilence's Avatar
Is this her?
Are the pics accurate?

https://ondate.com/female-escorts/41...op-rated-cassi Originally Posted by Welladjusted
Yes that's her, and the pics are pretty much spot on from last time I saw her. She's absolutely the GOAT in Br at the moment.
trekker's Avatar
Does she prefer a lot of lead time for appointments or to book same day?
Be forwarned: apparently a while ago her information was hacked. A couple of months ago, I tried to set up an appointment with her. She was very responsive. I figured it was safe given that by then some time had passed since the hacking. I drove up to BR from NOLA, texting back and forth the whole way. The *second* I get to the location... she tells me she got in a freak "car crash." I actually believed her at first, and waited around for a couple of hours. Tbh, I was concerned for her. Then it finally hit me that I'd been scammed, probably by the aforementioned hackers. Hopefully she's back up and running. But probably my most frustrating experience in over a decade in the hobby.
trekker's Avatar
She's taken down her Tryst ad. May have something to do with the hacking
Same thing happened to me as Jack, except I'm local sonic wasn't a big deal.
She even sent me a video of her, so they must have gotten into her videos too.
Haven't been back to see her because for a while she was only doing HR or longer visits which I don't do much.
She was sweet the first time I saw here but wasn't as personable when I was trying to set up a vist. Probably gonna give a shout soon though, she has a great ass imho
Total scammer. Much older and heavier than pics. She took money early "to pay for room" then bailed on me. Whomever is writing good reviews must be on the payroll. Pissed
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