Whirly Might Be Right

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Ok, this is a "Hail Mary".

Liberty was on life support. The SCOTUS pulled the plug on Liberty this morning. We need to get a defibrillator on to Liberty before it dies completely. We don't have much time.

We don't have time for the Libertarian Party to become a national party.

We don't have time to wait for the establishment Republicans to pull their heads out of their ass.

That leaves the Tea Party. If we can get new, untainted Tea Party candidates, and bring these issues to a vote early, before they become Washingtonized, we may have a chance.


1. We must get Romney elected. (God, I hate to have to depend on him. But this is an emergency, and he's the only game in town.)

2. The Republicans must keep the House.

3. The Republicans need 60 Senators, and the increase must come from the untarnished Tea Party candidates. This is necessary to give Romney a veto proof Congress, and more importantly, will prevent the Democrats from filibustering judicial appointments.

4. Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer must resign, and be replaced by lawyers who understand the Constitution.

This is ambitious, and must occur without any variation, but it is our country's only hope. I hate to have to rely on Republicans, but that's all we have. It's important to overturn Obamacare, but more important to overturn the SCOTUS decision so the convoluted and twisted reasoning by CJ Roberts doesn't become preceding. That means we must work fast. The longer the ruling goes unchallenged, the stronger it becomes.

So Whirly, I'll stop overly promoting the LP at the expense of the Tea Party. We need the Tea Party to reach back to its roots, and vote accordingly.

Again, it will be the Republic against the Empire. The Republic must win. Failure is not an option.
Ok, this is a "Hail Mary"................... We must get Romney elected....................... ....Liberty was on life support. The SCOTUS pulled the plug on Liberty this morning. We need to get a defibrillator on to Liberty before it dies completely. We don't have much time Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
THE GOOD NEWS: After months of trying to play on both sides of the fence, StupidOldFart has finally grown some balls and picked a candidate!

THE BAD NEWS: It is now official, Marshy has morphed himself into SOF!

NEXT THING YOU KNOW, SOF will be ending all of his remarks the following way:

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 06-29-2012, 04:17 AM
Ok, this is a "Hail Mary". Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Every one of your posts is a Hail Mary.
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  • 06-29-2012, 04:51 AM
...now I think he has become Chicken Little!

One day Chicken Little was walking in the woods
when -- KERPLUNK -- an acorn fell on her head
"Oh my goodness!" said Chicken Little. "The sky is
falling! I must go and tell the king."
On her way to the king's palace, Chicken Little met
Henny Penny. Henny Penny said that she was going
into the woods to hunt for worms.
"Oh no, don't go!" said Chicken Little. "I was there
and the sky fell on my head! Come with me to tell the
So Henny Penny joined Chicken Little and they went

along and went along as fast as they could.
There are many positives for conservatives in the Robert's decision. Here is an analysis if you need a dose of optimism .....

Conservatives won a substantial victory on Thursday. The physics of American politics – actions provoking reactions – continues to move the crucial debate, about the nature of the American regime, toward conservatism. Chief Justice John Roberts has served this cause. . .

When Nancy Pelosi, asked where the Constitution authorized the mandate, exclaimed “Are you serious? Are you serious?” she was utterly ingenuous. People steeped in Congress’ culture of unbridled power find it incomprehensible that the Framers fashioned the Constitution as a bridle. Now, Thursday’s episode in the continuing debate about the mandate will reverberate to conservatism’s advantage. By sharpening many Americans’ constitutional consciousness, the debate has resuscitated the salutary practice of asking what was, until the mid-1960s, the threshold question regarding legislation. It concerned what James Q. Wilson called the “legitimacy barrier”: Is it proper for the federal government to do this? Conservatives can rekindle the public’s interest in this barrier by building upon the victory Roberts gave them in positioning the court for stricter scrutiny of congressional actions under the Commerce Clause.

The 5-4 language suggests that Roberts agreed with the liberals. But for the most part, he didn’t. If you read the opinions, he sided with the conservative bloc on every major legal question before the court. He voted with the conservatives to say the Commerce Clause did not justify the individual mandate. He voted with the conservatives to say the Necessary and Proper Clause did not justify the mandate. He voted with the conservatives to limit the federal government’s power to force states to carry out the planned expansion of Medicaid. ”He was on-board with the basic challenge,” said Orin Kerr, a law professor at George Washington University and a former clerk to Justice Kennedy. “He was on the conservative side of the controversial issues.”

“We won,” said Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett, who was perhaps the most influential legal opponent of the Affordable Care Act. “All the arguments that the law professors said were frivolous were affirmed by a majority of the court today. A majority of the court endorsed our constitutional argument about the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause. Yet we end up with the opposite outcome. It’s just weird.”
As in the darkest of times in American history it will be up to us Citizens to see us through. I am convinced this will energize conservatives to larger electorial victories this November.

Time for libertarians and Tea Party folk to unite.
Amen brother COG.......

Ok, this is a "Hail Mary".

Liberty was on life support. The SCOTUS pulled the plug on Liberty this morning. We need to get a defibrillator on to Liberty before it dies completely. We don't have much time.

We don't have time for the Libertarian Party to become a national party.

We don't have time to wait for the establishment Republicans to pull their heads out of their ass.

That leaves the Tea Party. If we can get new, untainted Tea Party candidates, and bring these issues to a vote early, before they become Washingtonized, we may have a chance.


1. We must get Romney elected. (God, I hate to have to depend on him. But this is an emergency, and he's the only game in town.)

2. The Republicans must keep the House.

3. The Republicans need 60 Senators, and the increase must come from the untarnished Tea Party candidates. This is necessary to give Romney a veto proof Congress, and more importantly, will prevent the Democrats from filibustering judicial appointments.

4. Justice Ginsburg, and Justice Breyer must resign, and be replaced by lawyers who understand the Constitution.

This is ambitious, and must occur without any variation, but it is our country's only hope. I hate to have to rely on Republicans, but that's all we have. It's important to overturn Obamacare, but more important to overturn the SCOTUS decision so the convoluted and twisted reasoning by CJ Roberts doesn't become preceding. That means we must work fast. The longer the ruling goes unchallenged, the stronger it becomes.

So Whirly, I'll stop overly promoting the LP at the expense of the Tea Party. We need the Tea Party to reach back to its roots, and vote accordingly.

Again, it will be the Republic against the Empire. The Republic must win. Failure is not an option. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Amen brother COG....... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Awwwww, isn't that sweet? That is what I call one of those tender, touchy-feely moments.

After all of these years, Big Brother Whirly has finally wrapped his arm around his Baby Brother!

Mommy must be so proud of both of you!
I think Roberts is worried about the court and the public opinion it is gathering.Lowest in years,and most decisions are along party lines.
The Obamacare tax is easily reversed, if November goes our way. And yesterday's decision (and majority opinion) is a big win for conservatives if we can kill Obama 's $1 trillion tax!!!!!
The Obamacare tax is easily reversed, if November goes our way. And yesterday's decision (and majority opinion) is a big win for conservatives if we can kill Obama 's $1 trillion tax!!!!! Originally Posted by Whirlaway
You guys sure didn't mind starting a $1 trillion unpaid for war over WMD's that no longer existed. If we had that money at our disposal, the health care initiative would be paid for and the good ol USA would be healthier both physically and economically.
Your unwanted/unjustified war finally wound down......but ObamaCareTax will go on and on and get bigger and bigger and cost more and more....unless defeated.

You guys sure didn't mind starting a $1 trillion unpaid for war over WMD's that no longer existed. If we had that money at our disposal, the health care initiative would be paid for. Originally Posted by bigtex
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  • 06-29-2012, 02:07 PM

“We won,” said Georgetown law professor Randy Barnett, who was perhaps the most influential legal opponent of the Affordable Care Act. “All the arguments that the law professors said were frivolous were affirmed by a majority of the court today. A majority of the court endorsed our constitutional argument about the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause. Yet we end up with the opposite outcome. It’s just weird.” Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Roberts called a tax a tax. WTF is weird about that?

What is weird is that the other four conservative Justices did not agree with that simple fact.

The other four 'liberal' Justices got it wrong on the commerce clause.

Roberts seems to be the only SOB up there that knows wtf he is doing!

It should of been 9-0 on both counts IMHO.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Spoken like a true Obama apologist who knows nothing about the law.
Spoken like a true Obama apologist who knows nothing about the law. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You say that as if you do know something about the law. I presume you are speaking of the same legal issues that you were 0 for 2 in predicting earlier this week? Some friggin' expert you are! ROTFLMAO

SOF knowing something about the law qualifies as the joke of the day, week, month, year, decade and century!

Once a StupidOldFart, always a StupidOldFart!