WHAT do I do???

Someone has posted a bullshit review for me on the site.. And when I say bullshit I mean COMPLETELY farcical.... Really jus wanting to know how I go about getting it removed or posting where it can be seen, as frequently as the post itself, that what the review consists of is bullshit and will NEVER happen when you come to see me... I don't want people to call me expecting a service that I DO NOT provide...
(+, on the alleged day of the "date" I didn't even recieve a call for an hr session, much less have 1....)
how do you "know" what is in the review?
chipotle's Avatar
how do you "know" what is in the review? Originally Posted by ZR1-Man
Assuming that she doesn't offer BBBJ, she can see what the activities that the reviewer put in. All of her other reviews mentioned CBJ.
The only one that can delete a review or have a review deleted is the OP, it can be locked from additional comments on the thread by a MOD. A MOD could delete it, I am sure, for whatever the just cause they seem fit to do so, but probably will not. If I were you, I would post a thread in Co-ed discussions and copy and paste the link to his review, then dispute it for what you feel is inaccurate.
rakuguy's Avatar
If I were you, I would post a thread in Co-ed discussions and copy and paste the link to his review, then dispute it for what you feel is inaccurate. Originally Posted by bigdog0311
this is correct.
Thanks to everyone courteous enough to find time to give me advice. I really don't know how I am going to approach it at thi moment. I might jus let it be, no oes believing this malarchy anyway....lol!
Thanks Again!
Sorry Mona Vae, but they will belive what they see. You are a great looking woman!!! However, many guys here are not trying to find the best looking girl available to have a session with. If you realy want to seperate yourself from bad reviews you should dispute it in the co-ed section as advised. WE do not like liars here, so just give the facts.
Just keep giving your same limited service and this stellar review will fade from guys memory.
Mona is a cool breezy, safe & sexy...Times wit her have been A1...And I can go hm & sleep without worries...U a fasho to me sweetie!
Thank You So Much BBOISTANCE... You know your 1 of my favorites!
Torito's Avatar
If you post in Coed please stick to the facts as suggested. Leave emotion out of it. Factual rebuttal will tend to improve your reputation and credibility more than an emotional outburst.

Sometimes posting a rebuttal will draw much more attention to a review that a lady would rather forget.

Okay I hear you Torito, yet, what sense does that make? Clients are way to eager to voice providers faults that may occur or any level of dissatisfaction that they may have with a provider as they should if something wrong was done or if she is not whom she says she is. The alerts section is full of it. So how is me doing the same wrong? I am simply alerting other girls, (and I asked many a people as to where I should place, this was what I kept hearing...), as well as venting my frustrations. This is supposed to be a community. Thas how I am utilizing it. When it comes to what happened, I stated nothing but facts....

It matters no way, I am done with this thread, is old as heck and I feel that it has served is purpose, which is why I felt the need to post it anyways.....

Once again, Thank You To All That Took The Time To "thread" with me...lol..!
stevesanderson's Avatar
As one who has been through some he said/she said recently, here is my advice:

Open a coed thread and state your rebuttal briefly and stay classy. Then RTM (little red triangle button) the thread and ask that it be closed immediately to avoid any drama or name calling. This should eliminate the posts from the White Knights/Black Knights who will pile on just because they can. You just want to have your say and be done with it, don't you?

If you are a good provider you will have more good reviews to outweigh one odd negative one. But don't go out and change your name all of a sudden, as seems to be the trend, just to disassociate yourself from some bad reviews.