NO porn links allowed - please read!

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Hey folks,

I know that we're pretty easy breezy in this forum and that's the way that it should be, but it's against the policy guidelines of ECCIE to have porn links on this site. It just isn't allowed.

For the record, I like to watch the type of sites that you suggest. I REALLY do! But it's just not permissible on any level and let's respect that.

Please make my job easier (and Kohana's!) by just not posting links to the really juicy stuff. I sincerely appreciate it.

Warm hugs,
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
With all due respect and honest want to know whats the difference between a member posting a link and the banners showing full on everything from spread eagle shots to blowjobs?
Mojojo's Avatar
These are the policies set forth by the ownership which is our duty to enforce however that should not deter us from having fun. For the most part this forum in particular still has a unique way of posting links to topics of discussion without violating that guideline. Since we discuss topics of fetishes rather than just straight up intercourse it gives us a bit more room to play compared to the other forums.

Everyone here has an open and creative mind, there is no doubt our members will find a way to get their point across within the guidelines.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
With all due respect and honest want to know whats the difference between a member posting a link and the banners showing full on everything from spread eagle shots to blowjobs? Originally Posted by VictoriaLyn
What is featured on advertising borders follow different guidelines. When you see a side banner with a wide open pussy shot, that ad is not required to follow the same guidelines as we are.

I do understand why it's confusing or even, gasp , somewhat disconcerting. Never the less, it's just the rules as they are.

My explanation probably isn't the best one out there, but it's the only one that I have.

The Slut's Avatar
Elisabeth we hear you but clearly some of the fun are the visuals associated with Realm Play. Everyone appreciates your efforts in keeping this a fun place.

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Thanks! And your avatar is a wonderful example of what I'm trying to suggest.

Let's try to find visuals that conform to the ECCIE guidelines. If it were up to me, I'd be all for being as wild as we wish to be.

But within these guidelines, we CAN still be as free as we wish to be.

All that I know, is there are reasons for certain limitations. And we can always share photos that are suggestive and just not graphic! Right?
Attached Images File Type: jpg avatar!!!3love_small.jpg (32.1 KB, 648 views) File Type: jpg rylstone.good.bdsm.hands.tied.nice. SMALLER image.JPG (45.4 KB, 648 views) File Type: jpg dildo from etsy SMALLER image.jpg (31.6 KB, 648 views) File Type: jpg interesting ad smaller image.jpg (67.9 KB, 651 views) File Type: jpg not the same old shit.jpg (24.4 KB, 647 views)
Elisabeth--thanks for the reminder.

I just hope folks realize that being a board mod is often a thankless task, as you're often tasked with rules you may not agree with or wish to enforce. Regardless, it's the rules, so we must play by them, and Elisabeth must crack the proverbial whip in the friendly and respectful way we've all been accustomed to seeing from her.

And no, this isn't suck-up insomuch that I know from firsthand experience that modding for a board of passionate people can be a double-edged sword.

Keep up the good work, Ms. Elisabeth, and thanks.

On a side note, I hope to hell that KitKat ad win a Cleo. It sure doesn't look like something Don Draper would put out...
The Slut's Avatar
Elisabeth we hear you but clearly some of the fun are the visuals associated with Realm Play. Everyone appreciates your efforts in keeping this a fun place.

Thanks Originally Posted by The Slut
I was not easy finding the right picture that met the guidelines but conveyed a message. Am always looking for the right images.
le sigh.....
For the record, I like to watch the type of sites that you suggest. I REALLY do! But it's just not permissible on any level and let's respect that. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers
le sigh..... Originally Posted by X-rated
I like those sites, too. If, for some reason, you have the insatiable urge to share such sites, please PM them to me. That should give you the catharsis you need without getting you points from the powers that be. lol
This ban also applies to emails since I've had several of mine edited without my permission. That said, since I do not own this site I cannot protest too much.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
This ban also applies to emails since I've had several of mine edited without my permission. That said, since I do not own this site I cannot protest too much. Originally Posted by txcwby6
E-mails edited? How does a moderator have the ability to edit an e-mail? Or a PM?

Please explain. I don't care to edit anything. This is a request to please not post porn. As far the other, please explain yourself.


The Slut's Avatar
I would be very disturbed if my e-mails were read let alone altered. Is anyone aware of this occurring other than a technical problem?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I would be very disturbed if my e-mails were read let alone altered. Is anyone aware of this occurring other than a technical problem? Originally Posted by The Slut
There is NO way that anyone on staff here can read someone's e-mails. That notion is absurd and I don't mind sounding harsh while writing this.

Neither can moderators read PM's. txcowby6 has really spoken out of turn and I request that he share with us his reasoning or experiences or otherwise, retract his statement.

But he probably will not.
This ban also applies to emails since I've had several of mine edited without my permission. That said, since I do not own this site I cannot protest too much. Originally Posted by txcwby6

Say what?

News to me.
