star ratings

I see some provider ads have stars. I do not see a rate drop down. Who is putting stars on provider's ads?
Namssa's Avatar
There is a like button at the bottom left inside post. If you see the buttons used to reply, and follow that to the left, you will see a thumbs up with Like.

Anyone can like a post and hit the like button if they so wish and the likes add the stars.
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
are you sure about that namsaa? i think it is the 'Rate This Thread' button that results in the number of stars a particular thread has. the Like button just keeps a count of how many people clicked on the 'Like' button.

i could be wrong...again.
ManSlut's Avatar
Ask Horseface or Mya, they are experts on clicking the Like and Ratings buttons in their posts as soon as they post something.

But, I think JPdM is correct, I think.
  • Sami
  • 12-05-2013, 06:01 PM
Yes Jaun, I think it's just a option, like a comment on the thread. Anyone can rate a thread. It is at the top right side above your thread OP.

are you sure about that namsaa? i think it is the 'Rate This Thread' button that results in the number of stars a particular thread has. the Like button just keeps a count of how many people clicked on the 'Like' button.

i could be wrong...again. Originally Posted by Juan Pablo de Marco
Namssa's Avatar
Yes you are correct, Lack of coffee while multitasking with work and forgot where I was.

At the top of the first post to the right, if you click the triangle at the end of the stars you will get a drop down that allows you to give it a one to five star rating.

Likes show up at the bottom and will and may show how many likes a post has, where the stars are an average of the ratings given.
The rate this thread button is not there for provider ads. But I see stars! I saw a one star on what I thought was a good ad and figured I would rate it. No rate button.

After your response I hit the like button... no change in one star rating.