Featured Eccie Showcase

atxwrx's Avatar
I know that this may sound stupid or random, but I am going to share anyway. Every time I log on here, I always take a glance at the featured showcase. Right off the bat, I made the observation that there are always Texas providers in that showcase. Sometimes all four are from Texas. A couple of times, I have seen all four from Austin. Given that since Texas is such a large state with a large population, and with a large majority of the active members and providers being from here, it would make sense that you would see a lot of the ladies on the showcase from Texas

I wanted to see how long it would take for me to see a showcase that featured no ladies from Texas, and as I was logging on this morning, I finally saw zero providers from Texas in the featured showcase (one from Nevada, one from Ohio and two from Florida). It only took two years for that to happen, and yes, I look every time I log on. I know, random.....
Guest092815's Avatar
It seems you may be right about that. In all the days I have been a member here, I think, even being from Texas, I have only popped up two times, as featured. never POD though, oh well. I was thinking it was a pretty random occurrence, I don't know...
I don't know how the site operates, but it is very easy for it to be tailored to the individual viewing it by checking your IP address. If the site knows you are in Austin then it makes sense for the showcase to feature mostly Texas providers.