How to add pics to a review?

TexAf64's Avatar
On my recent review posted earlier today.
phillyintexas's Avatar
I haven't tried it but I saw this in another forum.

"This is from memory but you first prepare and post your review. When it is posted, "edit" it. There will be the option to "go advanced." When you do that you will find the "manage attachments" function. Use that function to upload the pictures (I save them on my computer).

I did not figure out how to place them within the body of the review, but I was happy just to append them at the bottom of the review.

Wasn't that easy?"
.....there are much easier ways and while waiting for a member of the staff to stop by - you might want to check out the "technical area" where as a matter of fact === this happens to be a sticky:
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-16-2012, 10:34 PM
Yep, that was the thread I was going post a link to.

Thanks Dennis.