Grand jury rocks

Two indictments and arrest warrant issued for steve bannon. The trumpy cartel is falling lol n omg n wtf

Faux news has it on ignore lol n omg n wtf. The main stream (real news) media is eating it up
NiceGuy53's Avatar
You are wrong about Fox News ignoring this story. I've been watching Fox News for about an hour now and this news has been on several times.
Two indictments and arrest warrant issued for steve bannon. The trumpy cartel is falling lol n omg n wtf

Faux news has it on ignore lol n omg n wtf. The main stream (real news) media is eating it up Originally Posted by Tsmokies

... Ye Christ! ... You couldn't even get THAT correct.

### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
Faux news lol n omg n wtf. The main stream media and the late news reporting comedians will love this shit long long time. Fun stuff

Just wish trumpy was on Twitter. You know he is saying some really stupid lies and the really stupid idiots would believe him lol n omg n wtf

Yes I say so dah
bambino's Avatar
Faux news lol n omg n wtf. The main stream media and the late news reporting comedians will love this shit long long time. Fun stuff

Just wish trumpy was on Twitter. You know he is saying some really stupid lies and the really stupid idiots would believe him lol n omg n wtf

Yes I say so dah Originally Posted by Tsmokies
He probably owns Twitter now.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
He'll get the arrest warrant squashed.
Just claiming executive privilege will do that. The committee will need to get a judge to rule on executive privilege and then the judge can issue a warrant, that will be stayed until appeals are all over. In a few yrs.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
One has to wonder what you libtards and your buddies in the LSM would do, if you didn't have Trump to jerk off to 24/7?
matchingmole's Avatar
One has to wonder what you libtards and your buddies in the LSM would do, if you didn't have Trump to jerk off to 24/7? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

Piss on his grave...........
Yssup Rider's Avatar
One has to wonder what you libtards and your buddies in the LSM would do, if you didn't have Trump to jerk off to 24/7? Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
One does?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He'll get the arrest warrant squashed.
Just claiming executive privilege will do that. The committee will need to get a judge to rule on executive privilege and then the judge can issue a warrant, that will be stayed until appeals are all over. In a few yrs. Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
What privilege does Bannon have?

Fuck that guy. Hope they throw the pamphlet at him.
HedonistForever's Avatar
You are wrong about Fox News ignoring this story. I've been watching Fox News for about an hour now and this news has been on several times. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53

Which tells you all you need to know about BSmokies, the guy who claims to hate liars can't do anything but lie. He's pathological.

Essential Meaning of pathological

1: extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problemHe is a pathological liar/gambler.

NiceGuy53's Avatar
Matchingmole, I would advise you to seek professional help but it sounds like it is way too late for you.
Which tells you all you need to know about BSmokies, the guy who claims to hate liars can't do anything but lie. He's pathological.

Essential Meaning of pathological

1: extreme in a way that is not normal or that shows an illness or mental problemHe is a pathological liar/gambler.

Originally Posted by HedonistForever
... Well, it IS rather telling that some o' these liberal lads
around here cannot debate ANY of the issues that WE bring up.

Have you ever heard one of them say that the FBI and
main-stream media ARE WRONG for all the lies they told
of Trump/Russia collusion. And that the Clinton people
were behind the phony dossier??

... No, because they lack both the backbone to say it
and the actual integrity to admit to us they were wrong.

Which is why those lads can do little else but
piss on Trump in every forum. They KNOW that Biden
is a DISASTER... And lack the honesty to admit that also.

### Salty
^^^^^^^^ Salty Again nailed it!! Well stated, sir .....