The left's screams of voter suppression...

I find it absolutely ridiculous what the left screams about for their ideas of "voter suppression". 20-30 years ago there was no such thing, at least not compared to what we have now.

It's called Election DAY, not "Election 2 months". Here is how it should be:

You all know when election day is, and where your local polling place is. You show up ON ELECTION DAY, and only on election day, and vote. Plain and simple.

NO mail in voting at all. None. That is a big scam to insert more democrat votes and we all know it.

Very few provisional ballots, restricted to overseas military use or people in hospitals.

Can't make it to the polls on Election DAY? Too bad for you then. Try harder next time.

And at the mere suggestion of any of these guidelines, the left loves to scream "voter suppression". Tell me how these plain and simple rules only affect democrats. They do not.

We need to get back to how it used to be. But we won't, because that's not good for democrats. They will get voted out in a fair system.
eyecu2's Avatar
Paging the year 1950..please pick up the white courtesy phone.

There are reasons that voting access has changed just like they put in ramps instead of stairs, for the disabled. We accommodate others because to not accommodate would be a violation of civil rights and things like the ADA, suffrage and the voting rights act of 1965, as well as the 15th and 19th amendments of the constitution.

Perhaps you'd prefer a time when there was no internet or hooker boards to bitch about, and you'd only find pussy on a street corner. White men would be the only ppl allowed to vote, and only people who owned property mattered.
berryberry's Avatar
I find it absolutely ridiculous what the left screams about for their ideas of "voter suppression". 20-30 years ago there was no such thing, at least not compared to what we have now.

It's called Election DAY, not "Election 2 months". Here is how it should be:

You all know when election day is, and where your local polling place is. You show up ON ELECTION DAY, and only on election day, and vote. Plain and simple.

NO mail in voting at all. None. That is a big scam to insert more democrat votes and we all know it.

Very few provisional ballots, restricted to overseas military use or people in hospitals.

Can't make it to the polls on Election DAY? Too bad for you then. Try harder next time.

And at the mere suggestion of any of these guidelines, the left loves to scream "voter suppression". Tell me how these plain and simple rules only affect democrats. They do not.

We need to get back to how it used to be. But we won't, because that's not good for democrats. They will get voted out in a fair system. Originally Posted by housekeydoor
Exactly !!!! The Democrats changed the voting system because they know they would lose in a fair system. So they manipulate the rules, cheat, ballot harvest, etc.

It is why in another thread I talked about since unfortunately Conservatives will be unlikely to change these rules, Conservatives have to learn to cheat better than the libs do. Ballot harvest everywhere - get people to fill out ballots for GOP candidates in churches, at gun shows, cemeteries, etc. This is the new reality - the GOP has too beat the libs at their cheating game
eyecu2's Avatar
Thank you Dr. Conspiracy Theory.,.

Perhaps you could post some links that validate all the Libs cheating, and cases of prosecuting them so we can all see the "cheating"?
rmg_35's Avatar

Just to educate the whiners and criers about no-excuse mail-in ballots:

States have been using them starting with Idaho in 1972. Currently, 35 states offer no-excuse balloting or run elections entirely by mail. Somehow this has never been an issue until the tangerine turd worked up his moronic, idiotic, misinformed base that there is massive voter fraud with mail-in ballots, so again, moronic, idiotic, misinformed people on the Republican side don't vote as often by mail as democrats do. Newt Gingrich has even started the Republicans need to embrace mail-in voting.

So to recap: it's not harvesting votes, mail-in ballots, or democrats cheating, it's nominating radical right-wing extremist candidates why Republicans are losing elections.

And Berry, breaking the law and cheating in elections will only get more radical right-wing extremists in jail next to the January 6th insurrectionists.