I don't blame women, it's their nature...

Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Tell me you've got a tiny dick without telling me you've got a tiny dick.
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
Tell me you've got a tiny dick without telling me you've got a tiny dick. Originally Posted by mikej9999
That's exactly how women react... They try to shame men when they're losing an argument based on truth, facts and reality or when you reject them. Good luck with that girlfriend.

Anymore captain save a hoes out there? Please chime in and out yourself like this girl just did.
That's some small dick energy bro
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
That's some small dick energy bro Originally Posted by mikej9999
Stunning and brave right here...Thanks for proving and validatig the subject matter of this thread.
Are you familiar with the psychological concept of rationalization?
Rufus X. Sarsparilla's Avatar
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=udxr7yyPO84&pp=ygUITm90IGdvb2Q %3D

Weak pathetic men destroyed the United States military.
ManSlut's Avatar
You do realize Spartan men were allowed to be Bisexual and to groom youths this way to become better soldiers? Also, their wives were allowed to bring their lovers into the homes with their spouses and breed children with their lovers, too?

ManSlut's Avatar
And isn’t the OP, Vanilla Gorilla, known for posting GIF’s with disparaging remarks like, “And You Voted For That” pertaining to the Biden Administration?

News Flash- Your worthless Leader was a known rich boy, draft dodger, and you know what else?…

Wait for it…

Wait for it…

“And you voted for that!!”
Bald Bryan's Avatar
unga unga
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 05-03-2023, 09:46 PM
We do have our share of feminine tricks on this site, add the few masculine hookers and no wonder why things are how they are these days
Vanilla Gorilla's Avatar
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTn_0QMFC8o&pp=ygUWSm9lIGJpZGV uIHBhcm9keSBzb25ncw%3D%3D

Weak pathetic men destroyed America, it's culture and society.

And you voted for that Manny.
ManSlut's Avatar
^^^No I didn’t, I fucking hate the Liberal Democratic Platform and everyone who stands on it! I am a centrist, moderate, Republican who refused to vote for POTUS in 2016 or 2020. I knew Trump would be HORRIBLE for this country in 2016 and him and his Sheep Nation proved me correct. China Joe Biden is a corrupt, career politician!

You voted for a CRANK, not me!!
^^^No I didn’t, I fucking hate the Liberal Democratic Platform and everyone who stands on it! I am a centrist, moderate, Republican who refused to vote for POTUS in 2016 or 2020. I knew Trump would be HORRIBLE for this country in 2016 and him and his Sheep Nation proved me correct. China Joe Biden is a corrupt, career politician!

You voted for a CRANK, not me!! Originally Posted by ManSlut
Not trying to stir any pot but am truly curious

Call me conspiracy theorist,, I thought Trump was a plant given his entire life he was a Democrat but I had hoped he would "drain the swamp". Aside from the covid debacle and his bump stock bs...what other errors did he make? Both parties are hella corrupt, personally I think Democrat party is worse but I am starting to buy into what some say that they are all in cahoots with each other so all the same. What else did I miss that he did that was an F up? The media painted a picture of him that made everyone hate him but when it is the lesser of evils, he was it. But those are my questions and 2 dumb ass cents